Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 175 Greetings

Chapter 175 Greetings
It didn't take a while.

The smell of blood spread in the private room. The man was half lying on the ground, leaning against the sofa. His face was bruised and swollen, and his original appearance could not be seen.

Yu Qian clapped his hands, sat back lazily on the coffee table, stepped on the man's shoulder and asked, "How many entertainers does your club have?"

The boss’ nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and several of his teeth were missing. He answered vaguely: “A few...hundreds.”

Yu Qian smiled and patted his face with the side of his shoe: "I haven't killed as many people as I have."

There was fear on his face: "What on earth do you want to do? I really don't know the person you are looking for. She was not sent to me directly. She was taken away by the big boss. I really don't know who the big boss is. , if you let me go, I can give you a lot of money!”

Yu Qian said regretfully: "I don't really need money now."

"Then what do you want? I can find a way to get it for you! You...let me go first," the man said.

Yu Qian nodded: "Okay."

There was a hint of joy on the man's face.

"I want to meet the person behind you." Yu Qian said, "Since you can get everything, then you can be my greeting card and remember to say hello for me."

Before the man could speak, the bullet passed between his eyebrows.

She put away the gun casually. With such garbage, one less person would die. This was his only value to her at the moment.

His eyes turned to the other man who was still alive.

The man was shrinking aside, but now he saw her gaze: "I...I'm just here to discuss cooperation with him. I don't even know the woman you are talking about! I don't know anything about them either!"

Yu Qian stood up, looked away, and walked towards Chen Qingyue: "Go and kill him."

Chen Qingyue looked up at her, her eyes dull for a moment.

Then a gun was thrown to the ground.

Only then did Chen Qingyue react, stretched out her bloody hand, and picked up the gun on the ground.

She stumbled up, but fell to her knees again, blood pouring out from under her body.

She simply climbed over there, knelt on the ground, and raised her gun.

The man shouted in horror: "If you dare to attack me, I won't let you go!"

Chen Qingyue's thin back trembled, and then she seemed to be stimulated and pulled the trigger.

The man's pupils dilated.

Several more shots were fired until all the bullets were discharged, turning the man's body into a sieve, and blood kept pouring out.

"Hahahahahahahaha..." Chen Qingyue suddenly laughed, tears overflowing from her swollen eyelids, and her throat made a hoarse sound like a broken bellows.

Yu Qian: "Let's go."

Hearing this, Chen Qingyue leaned on the floor and tried to get up. The coat on her body slipped off, revealing her scarred skin.

Yu Qian glanced at it and directly lifted her up with one hand.

"I...I'm very dirty, a lot...a lot of blood, it will stain your clothes..." She lay on Yu Qian's shoulder and said cautiously.

"It doesn't matter." Yu Qian walked to the window, "It's not worth a lot of money."

She stepped on the window frame and jumped down.

Chen Qingyue's desire to scream was suppressed in her throat, and the weightlessness of falling caused her to tightly grasp the clothes on the back of the person in front of her.

Yu Qian used his spiritual power to cushion it and landed firmly on the ground.

You can also take the elevator, but it will be troublesome.

She put Chen Qingyue down: "Can you walk?"

"Yes, yes." Chen Qingyue's body was still trembling with excitement.

Yu Qian glanced at her: "Very happy?"

"Happy! I killed him! They are all dead!" She clenched her hands into fists, her eyes still crying, and her voice was distorted and suppressed.

"Take you to see a doctor first." Yu Qian said.

Chen Qingyue followed her and turned left and right into a clinic.

"It seems like it's not open..." Chen Qingyue said, looking at the clinic with a closed sign. Yu Qian reached out and took off the sign and threw it aside. He fiddled with the door lock twice before pushing the door open, walked in and shouted, "Old Zhong, where is he?"

There was only a small light turned on inside, making it a little dim.

The counter raised his bleary-eyed head: "Rare guest, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Borrow the operating room." Yu Qian turned to call Chen Qingyue, "Come here, I'll be the surgeon for you, okay?"

Chen Qingyue hurriedly followed her, shaking her head repeatedly: "No problem, no problem."

Lao Zhong yawned and raised his hand to turn on the lights in the clinic: "You are becoming more and more rude."

"It's not like I won't give you money." Yu Qian said.

The bright lights instantly make everything in the space invisible.

Chen Qingyue was shocked by the sudden light.

"Where did this girl come from?" Lao Zhong asked casually, "The injuries were really terrible."

"Picked it up." Yu Qian said, pushing open the door of the operating room, "Come in."

Chen Qingyue followed her into the operating room.

"Lie down."

The operating room lights shone on the woman's bruised face.

Yu Qian injected her with anesthesia.

Chen Qingyue gradually closed her eyes under the influence of anesthesia.

After disinfection, Yu Qian put on surgical clothes, mask and gloves, and pulled the cart to the table.

She cleaned, disinfected and sewed Chen Qingyue's wounds, then took out all the foreign objects in her body, and then checked whether there were any fractures, internal injuries or hemocephalus.

After all the procedures were completed, she returned the scalpel and other instruments to their original places.

I washed my hands and left my coat in the operating room.

Yu Qian walked out.

Lao Zhong glanced at her: "Are you not in a good mood? Are you worried about a lot of things?"

Yu Qian stretched out: "No, it's just a small question. Why do you ask?"

"I've known you for so long, and you can't even tell this." Lao Zhong clicked his tongue twice and leaned back on his chair, "I know you are doing big things now."

"What's the big deal?" Yu Qian looked over with confusion. Why didn't she know what she was doing?

Lao Zhong used a holographic projection, and it turned out to be a replay of the cultivation test: "Here."

"Bullshit." Yu Qian smiled, "You're an old man who can still watch live broadcasts. I thought you only slept."

Lao Zhong snorted: "Don't look down on us old people."

Yu Qian shook his head helplessly: "I can't help it. Do you believe it when I say life forces me?"

"Xinxinxin, whatever you say will come true." Lao Zhong stared at the projection for a while, "Then come on, don't die so easily."

"That's for sure." Yu Qian transferred money to him, "borrowing fee."

She took out a metal pendant from her pocket. On the necklace was a metal plate with the number 19 engraved on it. She placed the necklace on the counter: "Give this to the woman when she wakes up later."

Lao Zhong glanced at it: "Isn't this the ID card of the Bounty Association? The newcomer you brought?"

"It doesn't count." Yu Qian said, "I don't have time to take her. Just ask her to go directly to the Miyin Bar on 47th Street to find Sister Tian. Then it will be up to her."

"Okay." Lao Zhong agreed and put the necklace away, "Leaving?"

Yu Qian nodded: "Yes."

She pushed open the door of the clinic and plunged into the night again.

Lao Zhong glanced at her tall and thin back. It seemed that she had always been this tall and straight in his memory. From a young girl to an adult, she was as stubborn as a tree.

He shook his head, yawned, and lay down on the counter again to doze off.

The new book "Everyone is in love, but I am soaring with all my heart", interested babies are welcome to read it, Mo Mo > 3

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