Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 176 Thank you

Chapter 176 Thank you
Dark alley.

Yu Qian finished killing another batch of killers.

She knelt down and asked the last survivor: "Who told you to come and kill me?"

The man lying next to the garbage dump shook his head: "The client did not leave any information. You are also from the Bounty Association. You know the procedures. We only accept tasks."

"Do you recognize me?" Yu Qian asked.

The man nodded: "I've heard of it, Yuzai. You came from ANBU, so you are indeed quite capable."

Yu Qian looked him over: "Few people know about my past."

He said: "What a coincidence, isn't it? I also climbed out of the ANBU. I have heard of you. Why don't you let me go? I also use money to do things."

"Are you afraid of death in this business?"

"Who wants to die even if he can live?"

He said this, but there was not much hope in his eyes. The woman's attack just now was clean and neat, and he vaguely felt that her power was no longer on the same level as that of normal humans. No wonder the price was so high, but it was a pity that he would lose his life to take the money.

But unexpectedly.

Yu Qian stood up and said, "You're lucky. Go back and bring news to those who want to kill me. Don't send little shrimps like you to deliver food."

After a pause, she added: "I just happen to want to meet the big boss. How about coming to me directly if you have the ability?"

This is why he was left alive.

Even little shrimps can't touch the core of this gray industry.

But what she needs is precisely the important information about this transportation chain. She wants to know where those children were sent.

And which "big boss" had the girl she was looking for sent to?

The thugs are not qualified to have access to all this, they have to be at a higher level.

The man was surprised when he heard this.

But then he got up from the ground: "No problem, I will definitely bring the words to you. I will never take this kind of 'fat deal' with a lot of superficial oil and water in my life. Damn it." Yu Qian didn't look at the person on the ground again. The corpse turned and left the alley.

All that's left is to wait for the fish to take the bait on its own.

She was sure that someone would come again.

As for the people who come again, there is a high probability that they will not be Xiao Xiami anymore.

She didn't dare to say that she understood it very well, but she could roughly guess what these "big people" were thinking.

Each of them was praised too highly, but if something unexpected happened, it would be like a slap in the face.

For example, this time, not long after she left the club, the pursuit of her was already obvious in various organizations.

The higher they stand, the more inexplicable pride they feel. Once someone does not give them what they want, they will feel that their dignity has been challenged.

So Yu Qian was sure that this so-called big boss would not let her go.

Fortunately, she didn't really want to let him go.

When she walked around the street and reached the corner, she suddenly saw an unexpected figure.

When Chen Qingyue saw her, she quickly smiled happily at her.

Yu Qian walked over: "You came to see me?"

Chen Qingyue nodded: "Yes, I have already registered with the Bounty Association for the necklace you gave me. The sister at the front desk said she would give me a chance to participate in organizational training."

"I know this is the best way for me. If I don't have the strength and organization, I won't survive long. I'm leaving tomorrow. I want to thank you, but as soon as I opened my eyes at the clinic, you were already gone... …”

She said a little hastily.

"You don't have to thank me." Yu Qian said, "I just brought you out casually. You also provided me with useful information, didn't you? As for what happens to you in the future, it's your own business."

Chen Qingyue nodded heavily: "I know, I just want to thank you! I...I won't waste your time anymore. I'll go back and prepare first. Thank you very much."

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