Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 185 Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 185 Wheel of Fortune
The beginning of the third year.

The new exam is coming as scheduled.

Yu Qian felt that instead of using the name "Examination", it would be more appropriate to call it "Death Notice".

Along with the death notice, there is actually a "prediction"——

"Congratulations on your perfect golden elixir. You are getting closer and closer to the truth of this world. With another breakthrough, you will be able to enter a new door. I am looking forward to it."

It was a single line, handwritten, but sent together via email.

Very unfamiliar handwriting.

But Yu Qian seemed to have guessed who it was - the elder who seemed to have no face of his own.

She also began to look forward to the new door, the door to the new world.

Click on the email——

[This exam time: one week later, exam content: Find the Wheel of Fortune in the secret realm. The person who finds the Wheel of Fortune will be ranked first in this exam and will be rewarded with the eye to see the truth. The other candidates will gain points and rankings by hunting exotic beasts. The last one hundred people will participate in the secret realm of punishment. I wish you all good luck in the exam]

The very simple examination notice can be said to be countless times simpler than the previous ones.

Either find something or kill monsters.

There is no intrigue between people.

But instead it made Yu Qian feel uneasy, not as purposeful as the previous times.

This exam notice, combined with the previous letter, felt as if it was written for her.

"Eye that peeps into reality" and "the truth of the world" and "new door" are too strong a metaphor together.

She was almost certain that the person who posted this notice was hinting that she must get the so-called Wheel of Fortune.

Hey, including the name Wheel of Fortune, it also has a strong hint of meaning.

I was pushed all the way here.

She had a hunch that if she won the first place this time, the door she would open would not be a new world, but might be the door to hell.

She sat quietly on the sofa.

My mind began to recall every exam. Almost every time, people were "encouraged" to kill each other, a kind of elimination system of survival of the fittest. The camp-based model has been like this from the beginning.

What did Qi You say before he died, the black and white camp? He died without making it clear.

What a shame, otherwise there should have been more clues.

But what he can always remember is that the grouping from the beginning has not ended yet.

The week passed quickly.

Yu Qian just felt like he was sitting for a while, dazed for a while, and the time passed.

Generally speaking, it’s all because there is no day and night in Penglai.

She came to the lookout in advance.

She didn't need teammates this time, so she didn't contact anyone or reply to anyone's messages.

The benefits of being completely exposed seem to outweigh the disadvantages.

At least you don't have to hide behind a mask all the time, and you don't have to think about how to deal with Secchia and Semi.

She now looks like an average student taking an exam.

It's just that compared to the federal school exams, the exams here are more exciting.

After a while, Sami's figure came from a distance.

The two of them looked at each other and turned their heads away in tacit agreement, without any unnecessary communication.

Next came Secchia, who also came very early.

When he saw Yu Qian, he was stunned for a while, and the expression on his face changed so quickly, and finally returned to calm, so that Yu Qian couldn't see what her emotions were for a while.

Only Hai Jianchuan and Mu Buwan greeted her as usual.

After rejecting Mu Buwan's invitation, the door to the secret realm finally opened.

The pure white light is like a giant beast swallowing all living beings.

Yu Qian walked into its mouth.

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