Chapter 186 Desert
The dry hot wind blows in your face, and the air seems to burn your trachea.

The temperature here was so high that Yu Qian almost thought he had been thrown into magma.

The strong sunlight made her squint, and it took her a while to get used to it.

Yellow sand, scorching sun, and uneven slopes as far as the eye can see.

This is a desert.

The air is twisted into waves by the high temperature, making the sand dunes in the distance no longer appear flat.

Yu Qian has never been to the desert. Strictly speaking, there is no desert in the Federation now.

This kind of scene that only appears in documentaries turns into a long and boring journey after the initial novelty ends.

It had been a long time since she had faced physical problems such as "thirst" or "sore throat".

But this desert seemed to have a magical power that transformed her into an ordinary person again.

Although she can use her spiritual power to block strong ultraviolet radiation, the spiritual power blocking the outside of her body is more fragile than plastic wrap. She can only constantly re-build the barrier so that she will not start "molting" after half an hour.

The desert is so big.

All electronic equipment fails here.

No map, no destination, no idea which way is the normal direction.

Is this exam an ordinary mining task?

Does she have to keep digging under the desert until she finds the damn Wheel of Fortune?

When Yu Qian came here, he judged from the position of the sun that it was probably noon, which was when the sun was at its most fierce.

She walked until evening, when the sun was setting and the stars were twinkling.

The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is huge. During the day, the temperature that would have cooked a person would drop down, causing the person to shiver with cold.

The most unfortunate thing is that she is a person who has difficulty thinking when she is cold. Yu Qian feels that her brain damage value is constantly rising, which is reflected in the fact that she sees cactus dancing in the distance.

But she hadn't seen a cactus along the way before.

Although his physical fitness has become much stronger since then, this desert is an evil place. She felt that she had been debuffed, and the negative effects were endless, including not only the fact that she was already short of water, but also wanted to encounter a beast immediately and kill it so that she could drink blood.

The feet were shaky.

Yu Qian felt at first that he was hallucinating, just like the dancing cactus.

But the moment something wrapped around her ankle, she reacted immediately.

With a swish sound, she cut off the vines wrapped around her ankles, and green juice gushes out from the broken parts of the vines, like blood from a severed limb.

Can I drink this thing?
It smells like a plant, but forget it.

Large swaths of vines emerged from the ground, like giant earthworms bathed in moonlight.

But soon, Yu Qian knew that he was wrong.

Earthworms don't have such big mouths.

The vine split at its tip, opening a mouth as big as a head, with densely packed fangs inside.

Looking around, there are small bags bulging at the bottom of this desert. I wonder how many such things are there.

They weren't very fast or powerful, and they couldn't even knock her over by grabbing her ankles.

But there were too many of them. If she didn't leave quickly, she would be trapped in this "forest" when they all came out.

Yu Qian ducked under an outstretched vine.

I ran forward for who knows how long.

Until the vines around me became sparse.

She had left their area.

In the distance, a pool of water sparkled in the moonlight, and there were fruit trees in the haze.

Is this an illusion?

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