Chapter 187 Oasis
An oasis appeared before her eyes.

Large expanses of green plants and water sources appear particularly abrupt in the desert.

The houses that appeared with it became clearer and clearer as they got closer. When Yu Qian got closer, the outline of the town already appeared in front of him - an ancient, dilapidated town full of historical atmosphere.

It was exactly like what she saw in the documentary.

Brick houses, stone-paved streets, chimneys and red brick roofs.

How many years ago was this a building habit?

She walked towards the town, not quite sure if it was her imagination.

It was possible for an oasis to appear in the desert, but such a large, abrupt town seemed too weird.

After passing through a coconut grove, she saw several tanned men picking up coconuts under the tree.

Simple commoners and shoes, rough and ancient clothes that could be placed in a history museum, and they also wore shackle-like collars around their necks.

Yu Qian has never seen anyone dressed so weirdly.

At the same time, several people over there were also sizing up this strange woman who suddenly appeared. The radiation-proof military technology material jacket, combat boots, long black hair that was different from the townspeople, and fair skin all seemed out of place here, as if they had never been here before. Children of nobles who have never worked in the sun.

Someone finally spoke, a man who looked to be in his thirties: "Are you...are you a noble from outside?"

Yu Qian was extremely surprised. She could understand this man's words and could definitely feel the aura of a "living person" on his body.

This is really human.

This is not a fantasy.

Countless thoughts ran through her mind.

Then the man spoke again, and he and the person next to him murmured in a low voice: "She has the same milk-white skin as the noble who came last time."

"It's different. That noble is a believer in God. She has golden hair like the sun. Black hair is only found in witches."

"Is she a witch?"

"Even if you are not a witch, you are still a believer in witches." "Then what should we do?"

"We should report it to the Lord! Invite followers of God to defeat the evil witch."

"But what if it's not the case..."


They thought their whispers were very secret, but they seemed to fall completely into Yu Qian's ears without any cover.

Long blonde hair? White skin.

Two shadows appeared in front of her eyes.

"Has someone like me come here before?" she asked, "Is it a woman with long blond hair, white skin, and a face as delicate as petals?"

"Yes!" The man was surprised, "How do you know?"

Of course she heard it, after all, her hearing couldn't be any better now.

But the people here seemed to believe in gods and were afraid of witches, so she still said: "It was God's will that led me here. Can you take me to find her?"

Several people on the opposite side showed hesitant expressions on their faces: "This... please wait a moment, we need to go back and report to the master."


Is the ancient slavery still practiced here?

No wonder these people have shackles on their necks, wrists and ankles.

Yu Qian nodded: "Okay."

One of the men immediately put the coconut on the ground and ran towards the town.

After a while, the man ran back again: "Please come with us to the town. The master is waiting for you in the town."

He explained: "But we can't take you to see the believer of God immediately, because she is in the noble territory and not here."

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