Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 188 Kingdom

Chapter 188 Kingdom
Along the way, these men dressed as slaves were silent, holding the picked coconuts and walking down the street with their heads slightly lowered.

Only when Yu Qian asked a question would the leading man answer.

The streets are paved with stone bricks and the surrounding houses are relatively simple.

There seems to be a castle-like building in the distance. If I'm not mistaken, it is the territory of the so-called nobles.

The area of ​​this town is not very large.

Ten minutes later, the slaves stopped at the door.

"Please come in, the master will be waiting for you inside."

Yu Qian walked in and saw some weeds growing in the gaps between the stone paths under his feet.

Everything here is too old, even simple. This oasis is really too backward.

But this was the first time she saw a living person in the secret realm.

This has never happened before.

A living, real person with flesh and blood like her.

This secret realm was so special that it almost made her feel like it was another world rather than a secret realm.

Maybe she was wrong from the beginning. The so-called secret realm should be a dangerous world.

It’s just that my luck has always been bad, and I have always encountered high-risk areas full of monsters.

She walked past a small patch of fruit trees and finally saw the "slave owners" in the pavilion. A middle-aged man and woman were sitting under the pavilion. There were several plates of fruit on the stone table, and next to them were two maids with their heads lowered.

They received Yu Qian politely and attentively.

And told her that the other blonde woman who had come here before was now in the royal capital.

The royal capital?

Such a small place actually has a capital? There is even a king.

It seems that Seqiya or Semi was doing well here, so much so that she, an outsider who might have known one of them, was also treated well.

"Please rest in our castle tonight. We will send someone to take you to the royal capital tomorrow." The hostess was very polite. She personally took her around the castle and finally asked the maid to take her to the tidied room.

At night, moonlight shines into the room through the window.

Yu Qian lay on the window and watched the servants downstairs still cleaning and weeding the garden.

So true.

It was like a time-travel trip, she went back to the backward Federation thousands of years ago. No, there was no Federation at that time.

The woman who was pruning the branches below raised her head, as if she wanted to see the moon, but as soon as she raised her head, she met the gloomy gaze above her, and she was so scared that she quickly lowered her head.

It seems that slaves here were not allowed to look directly at their masters or guests.

Yu Qian withdrew her gaze and closed the window. She did not have the habit of depriving others of the right to look up at the moon.

The next day.

The owner of the castle arranged a carriage to take her to the capital.

Yu Qian sat in the bumpy carriage and once again felt that this was a large-scale amusement drama.

The Federation has horses, but they don't pull carts. They live in zoos with suitable temperatures and climates, where children can visit and charge admission.

Over the long years, the number of most animals and plants has declined to varying degrees, resulting in many older species of animals and plants being kept in zoos and botanical gardens.

Yu Qian is not the kind of person who would go for a visit.

So she was quite surprised when she sat in the carriage.

It turns out that people and animals in the past all worked by whipping.

Oh, no, isn’t it similar to the current federation?
The only difference is that now it's not being whipped, it's being shot.

The area of ​​this town is not very large, roughly the same size as a district of the Federation.

It took nearly an hour for the carriage to pass through the winding streets and arrive at the city gate of the royal capital.

There were vendors selling all kinds of fruits, cloth and spices on the roadside.

There were guards standing guard at the gate of the royal capital, and the coachman delivered the visiting card. The owner of the castle seemed to be of some status, not a wealthy businessman, but a nobleman.

Yu Qian could probably tell this from the guard's sudden respectful attitude.

Then they were allowed to pass smoothly. Even as the carriage entered the gate, the guards behind it still stood there and saluted.

The streets of the royal capital were much cleaner than those outside. There were no vendors setting up stalls with straw mats or rags spread on the roadside. Instead, there were clean shops.

Aristocratic women walked down the street in full-skirted dresses and holding umbrellas.

From time to time, a team of patrolling guards would march through the streets in orderly steps.

The carriage stopped in front of a majestic building.

This area has towering walls that surround several ancient castles with uneven interiors.

If I'm not mistaken, this should be the royal palace, right?
The groom got off the horse and said, "Sir, you can only go in by yourself from now on. Except for the royal carriages, other carriages are not allowed to enter the palace."

Yu Qian jumped out of the car and followed the guards' instructions.

The guard stopped in front of a castle: "The guest you are looking for is waiting for you inside."

The guards withdrew respectfully.

Push open the heavy door——

The light from the stained glass windows falls on the ground and forms colorful spots.

This somewhat familiar scene brought back Yu Qian's not-so-nice memories of a certain organization.

The silent golden figure in front turned around.

There is no teardrop mole on the familiar delicate and beautiful face.

There was a slightly awkward silence.

She hadn't contacted Secchia since the last time, and couldn't tell whether they were enemies now.

After all, it seems that as Yu Qian, she was a target of the Holy See before coming here.

"Sekiya." Yu Qian waved his hand as if nothing had happened. "What a coincidence."

Seqiya turned around silently without answering.

Does this mean it's over?

Neither maintaining superficial peace nor taking any action.

The construction here is similar to that of a church, but it is much smaller than that of the Vatican.

What Seqiya was facing was a statue.

It was spotlessly white, as if it had just been carved; Yu Qian could even smell the faint scent of plaster at the tip of his nose.

But the statue had no facial features, which made it look a bit weird despite its holiness.

"Why don't the statues have faces?" Yu Qian asked, "I remember that the statues of your church all have faces."

They are all carved based on oil paintings recorded in ancient books.

But not here.

"Because the people here believe that God has no form." A calm voice came, "This is a newly built and carved statue of God."

Yu Qian didn't expect her to answer.

Just when I wanted to take the opportunity to ask a few more questions——


The sound of liquid pouring.

The pure white before my eyes was instantly polluted by large patches of bright red.

The smell of the plaster statue at the tip of my nose was completely covered up, leaving only the pungent smell of blood.

Yu Qian raised his head and looked upwards.

There were buckets of blood pouring down from the skylight above using ropes.

"It's human blood." Yu Qian thought subconsciously.

Seqiya nodded with her back to her, and a few drops of blood splashed on her white skirt.

Yu Qian said, "A formless god needs tangible blood to nourish him, a vampire?"

Seqiya ignored her ridicule and calmly stated the facts: "The people here believe that only after the statue is soaked in blood can the gods communicate with people and bless their people. After that, they will paint it white again to keep the statue pure."

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