Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1705 Round 3, Team Battle

Chapter 1705 The third round, team battle

The resources obtained by the top 100 in the county-state competition are at least several times more than those of the 100-strong county and state.

There is a watershed between the top 100 and the outside 100. The former will receive several times the resources, while the latter will receive less and less resources according to their ranking.

This is why county councils ranked at the bottom are looked down upon.

Because as long as it ranks at the bottom a few times, it will be difficult for the county to rise again.

Resources are getting less and less, and the aura within the county is getting thinner and thinner. How can we catch up with the top-ranked counties?

The top counties have more and more resources, and the warriors are getting stronger and stronger.

The resources of the counties at the bottom of the ranking are getting smaller and smaller, and the strength of the warriors is getting weaker and weaker.

The strong will always be strong, and the weak will become weaker. This is the truth.

Therefore, by entering the top 100 and receiving these rewards and resources, the national power of the county will be greatly improved, and at least many talented warriors will emerge.

And the overall strength of the warriors in the county will be further improved!

Therefore, among the counties that entered the top one hundred, except for those seed counties and some powerful first- and second-grade counties, the other counties were very happy.

Some seventh- and eighth-level counties that had entered the top 100 were also very excited at this moment.

If the leader of their country knew about this, he would probably wake up laughing in his dreams.

Top 100, this is a good result for them.

Even if it stops here, being able to achieve such results is already very satisfying for these counties.

Of course, there are very few seventh- and eighth-grade counties that can enter the top one hundred, almost none.

Just one or two.

However, what surprised everyone was that among the top 100 in this session, a ninth-grade commandery actually broke into the list.

There is actually a ninth-grade county that entered the third round and entered the top 100!

This surprised everyone extremely.

This is the first time in years!
  Generally, if the teams from the ninth-level counties are not eliminated in the first round, they will all be eliminated in the second round.

Few things slip through the cracks.

After all, their strength is low, and the team from the high-grade commandery can easily defeat them.

Even against teams at level 7 or 8, they had no chance of winning.

Therefore, teams from ninth-grade counties rarely make it to the third round.

Not even the second round.

Generally speaking, the ninth-grade counties are cannon fodder.

Of course, this is not absolute.

Unless a good lot is drawn during the lottery, and the opponent in the second round happens to meet a team from the same ninth-grade county, they will be able to advance.

Or a bye in the second round.

Only in this way can you have a chance to enter the top one hundred.

However, the probability of this is very small.

Because the draws are based on competition regions, the probability of drawing a ninth-grade county in two rounds is almost zero.

Therefore, at this moment, seeing a ninth-grade county enter the third round, some people who do not know the truth are questioning and making various speculations. "What's going on? How did that ninth-grade county enter the third round? Did they get a bye in the second round? Impossible, I remember they weren't the ones who got a bye in the second round."

"It would be fine if other ninth-grade commanderies entered the third round. The key point is that this ninth-grade commandery that entered the third round is still the Tianwu Commandery that has been ranked at the bottom for several years in a row. The bottom commandery has now entered the top. A hundred strong people, do you think it’s funny or not?”

"It's really ridiculous. If I remember correctly, the strength of Tianwu County is at the bottom among the 366 counties. Let alone defeating other high-level counties, even the ninth-level counties of the same level will be difficult to defeat. Otherwise, How could they be at the bottom for several years in a row?”

"Who knows, I heard that their county representative used some tricks during the draw to get a top-ranked seat. Maybe this county representative is capable."

"Even if the county representative has the ability, he won't be able to go that far. If he encounters a high-grade county, he will definitely be doomed."

"Could it be that they were lucky enough to draw a ninth-grade commandery in the first round, and another ninth-grade commandery in the second round, so they won, right?"

"What a damn luck!!"

"Haha. What a piece of shit luck. You can get into the top 100 just by luck."

"Good luck? As far as I know, this draw is based on divisions. The number of ninth-grade counties in each division is limited. Almost all of them were eliminated in the first round. In the second round, the number of ninth-grade counties can be drawn. The probability is almost zero. So, how could this ninth-grade commandery be so lucky that he also draws the ninth-grade commandery in the second round? I doubt it."

"Could they have reached the third round through some despicable means?"

"You mean they cheated?"

"Don't talk nonsense! In front of the Kamikaze Imperial Family, who can cheat? Who dares to cheat! The king and a group of powerful people are watching from the stage, how can he cheat!"

"I mean, they used some dirty tricks, not cheating. They probably used some dirty tricks to beat other counties to get to the third round."

"That's possible."

"No matter how they enter the third round, our county will eliminate them in the third round. It's okay for the ninth-grade county to enter the top 100 by luck. It is impossible for them to enter the top 50."


People who didn't know the truth were talking about it.

Regardless of whether it is the county team, the audience, or the senior officials of the Kamikaze Imperial Family, they all have a disdainful attitude towards the fact that the ninth-grade commandery Tianwu Commandery has entered the third round.

In their opinion, the reason Tianwu Commandery was able to advance to the third round was either due to good luck or despicable means.

rather than real strength.

The ninth-grade commandery does not have this strength.

However this.

Tang Yi didn't care, it didn't matter what others said. In the face of absolute strength, any rumors would eventually be shattered.

As long as he shows off next time, all rumors and doubts will naturally be dispelled.

Then no one will talk nonsense and no one will question it.

In this way, the third round started amidst everyone's doubts and discussions, and a hundred teams from counties and countries came to the Kamikaze School Ground again.

The rules of the third round are somewhat different from the previous two rounds.

The previous two rounds were knockout rounds in a one-on-one format.

The third round was a team battle.

This time, all five players from the county will take the field and compete with other counties in a five-on-five competition.

The first two rounds are a test of the individual strength of the county players, while the third round is a test of the teamwork of the county team and the comprehensive strength of the five players in the county.

If teamwork is not good enough, or the overall strength of the five players is not strong enough, they are likely to be eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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