Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1706 The third round opponent, Seed County Ye County

Chapter 1706 The opponent in the third round, the seed county Chiba County
  If you want to know whether a county is strong, you can't just look at the individual strength of the county's players. You also have to look at their coordination ability, the overall strength of the five players, and the ability to adapt to the situation.

If your collaboration ability is not good, your comprehensive strength is not good, and your on-the-spot adaptability is not good, you may be eliminated in the team competition.

This is also a place that the Kamikaze Imperial Family wants to test.

So the third round became a team battle, which was different from the previous two rounds.

In addition to the change in the competition system, the battle mode also changed in the third round.

This time it is no longer a two-on-one battle, but a hundred county teams are divided into twenty-five groups, with four teams in each group engaging in melee at the same time!

After four groups of melee, the team that remains in the ring in the end will be the winner!
  In other words, the third round is not only a team battle, but also a team melee!
  The rules of the third round are even more cruel than the first two rounds.

It will also test the strength of players from major counties and countries!
  To advance in the third round is even more difficult than in the first and second rounds.

In the kamikaze school field, one hundred county teams began to draw lots.

This time the drawing was carried out very quickly. It was drawn directly on the kamikaze campus. Representatives from each county came back after drawing.

The representative of Tianwu County in this draw is Su Jingsheng.

The reason why it was Su Jingsheng was because Tang Yi was too lazy to go, so he let Su Jingsheng go.

To use Tang Yi's original words, it's just a drawing of lots, doesn't it matter who goes?
  Tang Yi didn't care at all about the false reputation of the county representative, nor did he care about who was drawn by lot.

If the first time was not about the honor and disgrace of Tianwu Commandery and Yuwen Guanhong insisted that he go, he would not go.

As Su Jingsheng's injury was not serious, after a certain amount of treatment, his injury has basically recovered and he is no longer a serious problem.

Not to mention a mere draw, there is no problem even if they compete on the field.

Of course, the physical injuries have healed, but the mental injuries are still painful.

Fortunately, Su Jingsheng was very thick-skinned. Although his heart was traumatized and even though he had been extremely embarrassed before, he was still able to come to the arena and look directly into the eyes of everyone.

It shows how thick-skinned he is.

However, in Su Jingsheng's opinion, this is not a matter of being thick-skinned, but of growth.

People must grow.

Isn't it just embarrassing? Wasn't it just a blow?
  What's the big deal?
  Just stand up again!

If you can't make it to the third round, forget it. Now that you can make it to the third round, so what if you're embarrassed?

With such a good opportunity to stand out, he must seize it even if the trauma in his heart has not healed.

In addition, Su Jingsheng really didn't expect that Tang Yi could actually defeat Lu Sheng County!

Tang Yi is actually so strong!
  When the four of them were defeated by Lu Shengjunguo, Su Jingsheng thought they were going to lose.

However, he didn't expect Tang Yi to turn the tide and penetrate Lu Sheng County alone!
  They actually single-handedly defeated a powerful county that they thought they could not defeat!

Before, the four of them could not defeat the players from Lu Sheng County, but unexpectedly Tang Yi defeated them as soon as he took action.

This surprised Su Jingsheng!
  After learning the news, Su Jingsheng's look at Tang Yi changed completely.

When Tang Yi defeated Jiuyuan Commandery before, Su Jingsheng and others thought that Tang Yi was lucky and that Jiuyuan Commandery's players were weak.

However, this time Tang Yi defeated Lu Sheng County, what else could they say?
  Is it luck?
  If it was luck, how could it be possible to win two counties in a row?

And it’s still one versus five?

Is the opponent weak?

Is the strength of Lu Sheng County weak?
  Of course not weak.

Su Jingsheng had personal experience and naturally knew how powerful Lu Sheng County was.

Since it's not luck or the other party is weak, then why?
  There is only one explanation. That’s strength!
  Tang Yi has extremely strong strength!
  It is because of his extremely strong strength that he was able to continuously defeat two major counties on his own!
  We managed to turn the tide, and we managed to defeat one against five!

Now he finally figured out why the players from the four major counties were flying when they intercepted Tang Yi at the gate of the martial arts mansion.

This is not a performance by players from the four major counties, nor is there any expert behind Tang Yi.

Instead, Tang Yi relied on his powerful strength to blast away all the warriors from the four major counties.

This caused such a strange effect.

After knowing that Tang Yi was strong, everything before was explained.

The more he thought about it, the more shocked Su Jingsheng became.

Now, whenever Tang Yi says something arrogant, Su Jingsheng doesn't dare to question Tang Yi anymore, because Tang Yi might be able to do it.

He even dared not speak to ridicule Tang Yi again.

Nonsense, if you start mocking Tang Yi again now, isn't this looking for death?
  "I don't know if Tang Yi will hold grudges about what happened before. If he does, it will be tragic. It seems that I have to find a chance to apologize to Tang Yi properly. Maybe he has a lot of money and will not take care of my past mistakes. "

Su Jingsheng thought to himself as he went to participate in the lottery.

Soon, Su Jingsheng finished drawing lots, and the number was twenty-five.

The opponents are respectively the third-grade commandery and the Weihuo commandery, which ranked seventy-eighth last time.

The second-grade commandery, Mengcheng Commandery, ranked fifty-third last time.

And...Chiba County, a seed county, ranked tenth last time!

"Isn't this too unlucky?"

Seeing that the Seed County Qianba County was drawn, Su Jingsheng's face turned dark and he almost cried.

However, what Su Jingsheng didn't know was... no matter how he drew, he would always draw Seed County.

Because in order to prevent some powerful counties from facing off in advance, the Kamikaze Imperial Family secretly arranged lottery numbers for them.

In other words, the preparations have been made in advance.

Which seed county will be in which arena has been decided before the competition and cannot be changed at all.

Before the competition, Chiba County was already destined to compete in the 25th arena.

So when Su Jingsheng drew the 25th lottery, he was destined to be in the same group as Qianye County.

Of course, even if he draws another lottery, he will be in a group with other seed counties or some strong potential counties.

No matter which lottery number you draw, there will be strong opponents.

However, the one Su Jingsheng drew was slightly more powerful.

Of course, this cannot be said as an inside story.

After all, the Seed County is extremely powerful. If they lose early and get a poor ranking, it would be unfair to the Seed County.

Therefore, some counties that were considered powerful by the Kamikaze royal family were divided into different arenas and did not meet together.

Of course, Su Jingsheng didn't know this.

Because Tianwu Commandery usually loses in the first round and never experiences the subsequent rounds.

How was the competition arranged and how the lot was drawn? How could he know?
  After drawing the lots, Su Jingsheng returned to the rest room of Tianwu Commandery with a gloomy face and informed everyone about the news that he had been drawn to Seed Commandery.

(End of this chapter)

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