Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1707 Excited audience.

Chapter 1707 Excited audience.

After hearing Su Jingsheng's lottery results, everyone in Tianwu except Tang Yi secretly said that they were unlucky.

Yuwen Guanhong also looked ugly.

"Tang Yi, are you sure about Qianye County?" Yuwen Guanhong asked Tang Yi.

"Yes." Tang Yi nodded.

"That's good!" Yuwen Guanhong's expression changed in an instant, and he was high-spirited.

After all, he doesn't believe anyone now, he just believes in Tang Yi. If Tang Yi says he is sure, then he must be.

"Since Tang Yi said so, then we are safe this time. Who still looks down on our Tianwu Commandery?"

"It seems that it will be difficult for our Tianwu Commandery to not reach the top ten this time."

"Although our Tianwu Commandery is a ninth-grade commandery, with Tang Yi here, we can still break into the top ten."

Chai Shaohui and others said excitedly, changing their previous indifferent and disdainful attitude.

Of course, now, how dare Chai Shaohui and others dare to be indifferent and contemptuous towards Tang Yi?

Don’t dare anymore!
  They no longer have any objections to Tang Yi.

He even admired Tang Yi immensely.

After all, in Shengwu Continent, the strong are respected.

Tang Yi's strength has been recognized by them.

How could they still have the same attitude towards the strong?

"Tang Yi, tell us how we will fight later, we will listen to you."

Su Jingsheng said to Tang Yi at this time.


Chai Shaohui and three others agreed.

"Don't worry about it later, just stand behind me and leave everything to me." Tang Yi replied.


"You want to take action alone?"

Su Jingsheng understood what Tang Yi meant and said in surprise.

On the side, Chai Shaohui, the others and Yuwen Guanhong were also slightly stunned.

"That's right." Tang Yi nodded.


Su Jingsheng hesitated: "But this is not a one-on-one competition. This is a four-nation melee or a team battle. In addition to the five of us, there are a total of fifteen players in the ring. If they all target you, you One person has to face fifteen players. Although you are strong, fifteen people are coming at the same time. How can you resist it alone? You can't beat four hands with one punch!"

Su Jingsheng had a rare sense of team honor. This time, Yu Wenguanhong did not refute him, but agreed and said: "Su Jingsheng is right. This is a team battle. We have to study the strategy and formulate tactics." , otherwise no matter how strong they are, they may still be defeated in this melee."

Chai Shaohui and others also nodded in agreement.

"There is no need to study any strategies or formulate any tactics. Just leave it to me when the time comes."

Tang Yi still said confidently.

A mere dozen county players were not in Tang Yi's eyes at all.

"Well... okay then."

Hearing what Tang Yi said, what else could Yuwen Guanhong say?
  He could only nod, trust Tang Yi unconditionally, and let Tang Yi do what he did.

After all, Tang Yi has always been able to do what he said he could do. Yu Wenguanhong had no doubts about this.

Tang Yi must be fully confident at this moment, so he said there is no need for strategies and tactics.

"You really don't need to study the strategy? You don't need to formulate tactics? This is a team battle."

Su Jingsheng confirmed.

"No need, just stand behind me when the time comes." Tang Yi said.

"Okay." Su Jingsheng could only compromise in the end.



Ten minutes later, the preparations were completed and the third round officially began.

On the kamikaze school grounds, the staff of the kamikaze royal family has now removed all ninety-one stages for the one-on-one knockout competition.

It has been replaced with a larger size, which can accommodate twenty-five melee arenas with twenty players on stage at the same time.

Next, one hundred county teams in twenty-five arenas will fight at the same time.

It has to be said that the staff of the Kamikaze Imperial Family moved very quickly, and these preparations were very tedious. However, they only took a few dozen minutes to complete the preparations, and they moved very quickly.

At this moment, one hundred prefecture-level teams appeared again, and under the arrangements of the Kamikaze Imperial staff in each arena, they boarded the arenas where they were about to compete.

Seeing that everything was ready and the melee was about to begin, the audience was immediately excited.

"It's started, it's started, the third round is about to begin."

"The third round of the melee every year is the most exciting part. You can miss the others or not watch it, but you can't not watch the melee."

"That's right, twenty players and teams from four counties are fighting on the stage together. The scene and momentum are so exciting."

"This third round of competition is not only about personal strength, but also team collaboration and on-the-spot response, as well as the overall view of the team leader, the strategies formulated, etc. There are many things to look at. Compared with a pair One is much more exciting.”

"Oh, it would be nice if there were group-by-group comparisons, so I could watch every group, but now there are twenty-five groups competing at the same time, and I really don't know which group to watch is better. Each group They all have their favorite seed counties, I really can’t choose.”

"How many years and months will this competition take place between groups? The competition between counties and states is usually completed in one day. If there is a competition between groups, I'm afraid it will take several days. If every group wants to see it, , then you can just take a look at each group."

"I don't care which group you look at. Anyway, I'm looking at the group with Xueyun County, the top spot in the previous session. I want to see if their overall strength is as strong as their individual strength. In the first two rounds, , they only sent one player to penetrate the other two counties, and the others did not take action at all, and they have no idea what the strength of the others is."

"Me too, I also want to see the Xueyun County group."

"Same, Xueyun County's Arena No. 1, we will just watch Arena No. 1 later."

"Although there is no suspense about the outcome, I still want to see how the players from the top county will perform."

"I want to see them crush the other three counties with one against three."


The audience talked excitedly.

But there is a certain segment of the audience that is different from the mainstream audience.

They did not pay attention to the previous top county, Xueyun County, nor the counties that were the favorites to win the championship. Instead, they set their sights on Arena No. 25, a ninth-grade county.

"Tianwu Commandery is at Arena No. 25!"

"Wow, I'm so excited. I really want to see how far this ninth-grade commandery, Tianwu Commandery, can go."

"It's over. Among Tianwu Commandery's opponents this time, there is actually Qianye Commandery, one of the top ten commanderies in the previous term. It's hard for them to win now."

"Not necessarily. This time it is a team competition, and the four major counties are fighting together. Although Chiba County was in the top ten last time and was very powerful, the players from the other three major counties formed an alliance to besiege Seed County. If we are a country, it is not necessarily impossible to win."

"If it is other seed counties, Tianwu County unites with the other two counties, there is still a glimmer of hope of victory, but against Qianye County, even if they unite, there is not much hope of victory."

"Don't say too much. Didn't the player from Tianwu County create two miracles and bring us two surprises before? It's not impossible to create another miracle and bring us another surprise now. .”

"Yes, let's take a good look."

"looking forward to."

"It would be interesting if Tianwu County could win in the third round."

"Looking forward to the performance of Tianwu County."

"This ninth-grade county is an absolute dark horse this year. I don't know if the Kamikaze Imperial Family is paying attention to them."


(End of this chapter)

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