Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1946 Harvesting Tens of Thousands of Eternal Power Energy Groups

Chapter 1946 Harvesting Tens of Thousands of Eternal Power Energy Groups

That's right, the skill on the magical power bar is exactly the Jumping Mountain and Earth Splitting Slash!
  Tang Yi hasn't used Mountain Jumping and Earth Splitting Slash for a long time.

Firstly, it is because the level of Collapse Mountain and Earth Splitting Slash is not enough and the damage is not enough to kill the powerful monster.

The second reason is because Tang Yi has more powerful and suitable martial arts in his hands.

Therefore, Tang Yi never used this skill again.

And at this time.

The skill of Jumping Mountain and Earth Splitting is just right to use at this time.

When the group of eternal six-armed apes were still more than ten meters away from Tang Yi, Tang Yi immediately jumped up, suddenly raised the magic sword Apophis to his head, and then slammed it to the ground.


A loud bang sounded in the Eternal Palace, and Tang Yi's magic sword Apophis hit the ground.

At this moment, the land tens of meters around where Tang Yi bombed was cracked, and countless magma and fire poured out of the cracks.

These swarmed out of fire and magma, covering hundreds of eternal six-armed apes in an instant.

In an instant, these hundreds of eternal six-armed apes were devoured by fire and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye!

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Holy Sect-level monster, the Eternal Six-Armed Ape, and gaining 26152589 Holy Points, with a Holy Value of 100000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Holy Sect-level monster, the Eternal Six-Armed Ape, and gaining 29521257 Holy Points, with a Holy Value of 100000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Holy Sect-level monster, the Eternal Six-Armed Ape, and gaining 26359585 Holy Points, with a Holy Value of 100000 points."


Although those eternal six-armed apes that were not covered by the fire escaped by chance, they were still affected. Some sporadic flames contaminated their bodies, causing them to moan continuously and burning them seriously.

Of course, there are at least three hundred eternal six-armed apes in the passage.

Tang Yi's blow just now only killed one-third.

There were at least two hundred others, howling and rushing towards Tang Yi. Six thick arms kept waving and suddenly blasted towards Tang Yi.

Tang Yi moved his body slightly, and immediately escaped the siege of the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape. Then, he once again used the Mountain Splitting Slash to attack the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape.

In this way, Tang Yi continued to use Mountain and Earth Splitting Slash, constantly killing the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape.

After a few blows, there was only a pile of thick black ash left in the passage, and all the eternal six-armed apes turned into Tang Yi's holy points and holy values.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Holy Sect-level monster, the Eternal Six-Armed Ape, and gaining 26152589 Holy Points, with a Holy Value of 100000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Holy Sect-level monster, the Eternal Six-Armed Ape, and gaining 29521257 Holy Points, with a Holy Value of 100000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Holy Sect-level monster, the Eternal Six-Armed Ape, and gaining 26359585 Holy Points, with a Holy Value of 100000 points."


After dealing with all the eternal six-armed apes blocking the way, Tang Yi came to where Hei Hui was and made a move with his right hand.


Countless crystal stones emitting light fluorescence flew up and converged towards Tang Yi's right hand.

After a moment, hundreds of eternal crystals gathered together and floated in the air.

Tang Yi made another move with his right hand.


All these eternal crystals entered Tang Yi's system backpack.

When the Eternal Crystal entered Tang Yi's system backpack, Tang Yi knew the number of Eternal Crystals obtained this time without counting.

Six hundred and sixty-seven.

This is Tang Yi's gain this time.

Logically speaking, Tang Yi cannot directly collect external items like the Eternal Crystal.

If you want to collect it, you have to spend a certain amount of holy value to collect and unlock it.

However, Tang Yi didn't want to collect these things, he just stored them temporarily. After all, the system backpack is also a storage space. It is still okay to store items temporarily.

There is no need to spend holy points to temporarily store items.

As long as these items are taken out of the system backpack within a certain period of time, that's it.

After collecting the Eternal Crystal into the system backpack, Tang Yi's mind rang again.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."


There are more than 600 prompts.

Each prompt showed that Tang Yi had obtained ten energy groups of eternal power.

In other words, this time, Tang Yi harvested five to six thousand Eternal Power energy groups!

This is a huge gain.

But it's a pity...

After killing so many monsters, Tang Yi did not level up.

This is a pity.

However, Tang Yi is not in a hurry. After all, he is already at the level of the Nine-Star Holy Emperor and is only one step away from being promoted to the Holy God.

And this step is not that easy to cross.

The Holy Spirit is not that easy to advance.

So, it stands to reason that there is no upgrade at this time.

After killing the Eternal Six-Armed Ape and collecting a large amount of Eternal Crystals, Tang Yi stepped into the passage again and walked towards the other end of the passage.

After about half an hour of walking, Tang Yi encountered the monster again.

Same as before.

This time, Tang Yi had also encountered the monster outside the Eternal Palace. It was the guard of the Eternal Demon King who had reached the level of the Holy Lord!

Moreover, it is a miniature version of the Eternal Demon King’s guard.

However, unlike the previous Eternal Six-Armed God King, the Eternal Demon King's guards in front of Tang Yi were not as many as hundreds, but only dozens.

Seeing these dozens of Eternal Demon King guards, Tang Yi rushed over without any hesitation, holding the demon sword Apophis.

A few minutes later……

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the holy-level monster Eternal Monster King Guard and gaining 835216958 holy points, with a holy value of 1000000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the holy-level monster Eternal Monster King Guard and gaining 825218547 holy points, with a holy value of 1000000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the holy-level monster Eternal Monster King Guard and gaining 835289658 holy points, with a holy value of 1000000 points."


The passage was in a mess, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of black ash.

Tang Yi made a move, and countless eternal crystals flew up from the black ashes, gathered in Tang Yi's hands, and then entered Tang Yi's Xitong backpack.

This round, Tang Yi harvested a large amount of eternal crystals!
  Although there are only a few dozen Eternal Demon King guards, they are not as numerous as the previous Eternal Six-Armed Apes.

But the Eternal Crystals Tang Yi harvested were much more than those obtained after killing the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape.

Previously, I only obtained more than 600 eternal crystals by killing the eternal six-armed ape.

But this time, Tang Yi obtained almost two thousand eternal crystals by killing the guards of the Eternal Demon King!
  After collecting two thousand eternal crystals, Tang Yi suddenly heard a reminder in his mind, and obtained more than 20,000 eternal power energy balls!

Each eternal crystal once again brought ten energy groups of eternal power to Tang Yi!
  Great harvest!

(End of this chapter)

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