Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1947 Fierce battle with the 9-star Saint Emperor Beast and the eternal violent dragon warrio

Chapter 1947 Fierce battle with the Nine-Star Holy Emperor Beast, the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior

Tang Yi killed a large number of Eternal Demon King's guards. After cleaning the battlefield, he continued to move towards the other side of the passage.

During this period, he encountered many Eternal Demon King guards, but they were all easily dealt with.

In addition to encountering monsters, Tang Yi also passed through several halls.

These halls are extremely spacious, and they are not empty halls. There are also various items placed inside.

In some halls, various weapons and equipment are displayed.

In some halls, various utensils and elixirs are placed.

There are also some main halls with bookshelves, and on the bookshelves are books of secrets on martial arts and martial arts.

Tang Yi also opened it and took a look at it. They were all low-level martial arts secrets.

After passing these halls, Tang Yi didn't pick up any items.

Because these items are not suitable for Tang Yi.

Picking it up also wastes holy points, which is not worth it.

So after passing several halls, Tang Yi didn't take anything and just kept going.

Not long after, Tang Yi finally reached the end of the passage.

At the end of the passage, there is a long staircase.

At a glance, you can't see the end of the stairs at all, and you have no idea where this stairs leads.

Tang Yi glanced slightly, and then stepped onto the stairs.

The stairs kept going up, and they were spiral. There was no telling where they were leading. Tang Yi walked for about ten minutes before he walked out of the stairs and came to another floor.

What surprised Tang Yi was that as soon as he passed the stairs and climbed to a higher level, he came to a main hall.

In the main hall...

Standing there was a very large and terrifying monster.

This monster is a hundred meters tall, with scarlet eyes, sharp claws, and thick thighs.

The body is covered with bumps and bumps, looking like...

A bit like the dinosaurs from ancient times on earth?

That’s right, it’s a dinosaur!
  A huge dinosaur.

The only difference is that the monster in front of me is probably more terrifying than the dinosaurs described in the books on Earth.

The aura emanating from it was extremely powerful.

When Tang Yi saw the monster, he used his Heavenly Eye Technique to throw it away.

Name: Eternal Raging Dragon Warrior (Destruction Level BOSS)

Level: 189 (Nine-star Holy Emperor Beast)

Description: One of the guardians of the Eternal Palace.

Attributes:? ? ?

ability:? ? ?
  Skill:? ? ?

Evaluation: Extremely dangerous (the opponent is extremely powerful and poses a huge danger to the players.)

"Eternal Raging Dragon Warrior?"

"Destruction level BOSS?"

"Saint Emperor Beast?"

Tang Yi was slightly startled when he saw the information about the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior in front of him.

The monster in front of him was obviously not the final BOSS of the Eternal Palace.

However, not the final BOSS has reached the Nine-Star Saint Emperor Beast level, so the final BOSS...

Tang Yi's expression became solemn.

Originally he thought this trip was foolproof, but after seeing the Eternal Furious Dragon Warrior, he was suddenly unsure.


Seeing Tang Yi, the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior made a low voice.

Although the sound was not loud, it continued to echo due to the empty environment.

Tang Yi didn't say anything, and rushed towards the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior with the magic sword Apophis.

There is no need to talk nonsense at this time, just start killing.

Seeing Tang Yi's actions, the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior roared: "Looking for death." Then he also faced Tang Yi.

In just a few steps, it arrived in front of Tang Yi, waving its paws with a cold light.

The blow was fast, sharp, and extremely violent.

If it had been anyone else, he would have reacted less hastily and would have been torn in half by this claw.

But unfortunately, the person the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior has to face is Tang Yi.

Tang Yi's figure swayed slightly, and then he hid.

But the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior missed with one blow, and immediately raised his fat foot and stepped fiercely towards Tang Yi.

Faced with the fierce stamp of the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior, Tang Yi snorted coldly, and suddenly fell to the ground. Then with the help of the reaction force after landing, he grabbed the magic sword Apophis and rushed towards the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior.

This counterattack immediately hit the Eternal Raging Dragon Warrior out of reach.

Not only did the attack fail, Tang Yi also bullied him into leaning forward.

At this time, Tang Yi was seen holding the magic sword Apophis and shouted: "Sky Slash!"


The white sword light roared towards the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior, and struck heavily on the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior.


The Eternal Raging Dragon Warrior was staggered, and a bloodstain instantly appeared on his body.

The bloodstain was three meters long and bone was visible deep.


The Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior wailed in pain, and then furiously swatted at Tang Yi.

How could Tang Yi's speed be matched by the Eternal Raging Dragon Warrior?
  Tang Yi dodged slightly and then dodged with ease.

The Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior's attempt to attack Tang Yi was tantamount to wishful thinking.

After dodging the attack of the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior, Tang Yi raised the magic sword Apophis again.

"Sky Slash!"


A sword light fell on the eternal violent dragon warrior again.


Blood spurted out, and a huge wound appeared again on the body of the Eternal Raging Dragon Warrior, and blood continued to flow down like a fountain.

This blow severely damaged the Eternal Raging Dragon Warrior.


For the huge eternal violent dragon warrior, this little damage is not fatal, at most it is just a bit of pain.

If Tang Yi wanted to kill the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior, he would have to resort to ruthless moves.

Seeing that one blow only hurt the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior, but was not enough to kill it, Tang Yi's mind quickly turned, and then he quickly purchased a Level 2 Saint-level Violent Pill in the system store. Then swallowed it.

[Level 5000 Holy Level Violent Pill]: After use, the player's strength will be increased by 5000 times, all attributes will be increased by 5000 times, and physical strength will be increased by times.

Duration: 30 seconds.

Tip: After the duration ends, the player will return to their original state.

Price: 1000000 holy points


Although the price of the second-level holy level violent pill is as high as one million holy points.

But for the current Tang Yi, it is just a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning at all. What he gains from killing a monster is at least tens of millions of holy points.

Spending one million Holy Points to kill a monster that has reached the Holy Emperor level couldn't be more affordable.

Therefore, Tang Yi didn't have any hesitation in purchasing the second level holy level violent pill.

After taking the second-level holy level violent pill, Tang Yi instantly transformed into the invincible God of War, with overwhelming momentum.

The momentum on his body was like a raging wave, extremely violent.

At this time, Tang Yi held the magic sword Apophis and launched another attack: "Sky Slash!"


The white sword light roared away.

(End of this chapter)

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