Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1948 The third floor of the Eternal Palace, the flame passage

Chapter 1948 The third floor of the Eternal Palace, the flame passage

A soft sound.

I saw the sword light flashing past, directly passing through the body of the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior, directly cutting the body of the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior in half.


The huge broken body fell to the ground, making a loud noise and kicking up a cloud of dust.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Nine-Star Holy Emperor Beast Eternal Raging Dragon Warrior and gaining 92521815471 Holy Points and 100000000 Holy Points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Holy God."


At the same time that the prompt came from Tang Yi's mind, a yellow circle of light lit up under his feet.

At the same time, an even more terrifying aura came from Tang Yi's body.

Holy God level!
  Tang Yi was extremely pleasantly surprised.

After fighting for so long, he was finally promoted from the Nine-Star Holy Emperor level to the Holy God level!

After being promoted to the Holy God level, Tang Yi felt that his power had increased by more than a hundred times compared to before!

Becoming more powerful!

Everywhere in the body, even every cell, felt a comfortable and powerful feeling.

The fight with the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior just happened. Although it didn't last long, Tang Yi still incurred a lot of consumption.

However, after being promoted at this time, Tang Yi completely returned to his prime.

All consumption has been restored.

All the fatigue has disappeared!

By killing the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior, in addition to being promoted to the Holy God, Tang Yi also gained 100 million holy points!
  Got a huge fortune!

With these 100 million points of holy value, Tang Yi can do more things. With the protection of these 100 million points of holy value, he is safer.

At the same time, obtaining these 100 million holy points also made Tang Yi feel that it was very worthwhile to spend 1 million holy points to kill the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior.

After killing the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior, Tang Yi came to the body of the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior, stretched out his hand and made a slight move.


A large number of eternal crystals floated up, gathered towards Tang Yi's location, and were put into the system backpack by Tang Yi.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."


Finished cleaning the battlefield.

Tang Yi continued to move forward.

But this time, after walking for several hours, Tang Yi didn't encounter any more monsters in the passage on the second floor.

In this way, a few hours later, he reached the end of the second floor passage.

At the end of the second floor passage, a towering spiral staircase appeared again.

Seeing the stairs, Tang Yi couldn't help but thought: "It seems that the structures in the Eternal Palace are all the same. There are stairs at the end of the passage, and climbing up the stairs is the next level. I don't know how many floors there are in the Eternal Palace."

After murmuring, Tang Yi climbed up the stairs.

After a while, Tang Yi walked through the stairs and arrived at the third floor of the Eternal Palace.

Before ascending to the third floor of the Eternal Palace, Tang Yi was well prepared. As soon as he encountered a monster on the third floor, he would immediately attack with the magic sword Apophis, killing the monster immediately. beast.

Kill it by surprise.


What Tang Yi didn't expect was. Tang Yi climbed to the third floor, but did not see any monsters. On the contrary, he saw a blazing light and waves of scorching air.

That's right, there are no monsters in the passage on the third floor, but there is a blazing fire all over the entire passage.


Seeing the sea of ​​fire in front of him, Tang Yi was stunned.

He didn't expect such a scene on the third floor.

Except for the entrance here, the entire passage in front is actually filled with fire, and it is still burning, looking extremely fierce.

At this time, Tang Yi had not walked into the passage, but just stood at the entrance.

However, just standing at the entrance of the third floor passage, he felt waves of blazing heat coming towards his face.

Even the entrance to the passage is like this, so one can imagine how hot and high the temperature must be in the passage...

"How can you get in such a big flame..."

Tang Yi frowned and looked ugly.

At the same time, I began to constantly think about solutions.

"Have it!"

However, after thinking for a moment, his eyes suddenly brightened and he thought of a solution.

Tang Yi raised his right hand and spread his fingers slightly.


In his hand, a purple flame lit up
  However, the moment the purple flame appeared in Tang Yi's hand.

When they saw the sky filled with flames in the passage on the third floor, they all shrank in fear and shrank to both sides of the passage, as if they had seen something terrifying.

Moreover, the originally blazing temperature suddenly softened, and the fierce and swaying posture also became cautious, not daring to make any exaggerated movements.

The flames filling the sky in front of him seemed like a frightened little rabbit, so pitiful.

“It really works!”

Tang Yi said in surprise: "It seems that the hierarchy of flames is even more distinct than that of humans. Low-level flames dare not provoke high-level flames at all. In front of high-level flames, this low-level flame is just a frightened one." The little rabbit is frightened and pitiful."

Seeing that after taking out the Xu Yan Yan Huo, the flames in the passage shrank for an instant. Tang Yi smiled slightly, and then slowly walked into the passage holding the Xu Yan Yan Huo.

When he was at the entrance of the passage, Tang Yi could still feel the hot air waves and see the billowing flames that were spitting out tongues of fire.

However, after entering the passage with the false flames, the temperature of the entire passage dropped instantly.

The fire that was constantly spitting out tongues of fire also shrank by the wall, not daring to make any mistakes.

Wherever Tang Yi went, the flames shrank to the corners and the temperature dropped instantly.

In short, wherever Tang Yi passed by, the flames surrendered.

At this time, Tang Yi was like a flame lord, worshiped by thousands of fires.

In this way, relying on the false flames, Tang Yi entered the passage and kept moving forward. Although the sky was filled with flames along the way, it was unobstructed.

Countless flames did not have any impact on him.

A few more hours passed, and Tang Yi reached the end of the passage on the third floor and saw the familiar spiral staircase.

After arriving at the spiral staircase and no longer threatened by the flames, Tang Yi waved his right hand slightly and withdrew the False Flame.

And the moment Tang Yi withdrew the False Flame, the flames in the entire passage suddenly surged, like the rising tide of sea water, rising sharply again.

Waves of blazing hot air rushed towards Tang Yi's face again.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi thought to himself, the flames in this passage seemed to only recognize the same kind, but not the owner of the same kind.

After complaining slightly, Tang Yi quickly climbed up the stairs without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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