Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1950 The guardian of the fourth layer of snow, the eternal snow spider king

Chapter 1950 The guardian of the fourth layer of snow, the Eternal Snow Spider King


Tang Yi stretched out his hand fiercely, and a black space barrier appeared in front of him.

And the next second.


The white shadow hit the black barrier, and a terrifying energy burst out, shaking the entire space.

Miraculously, Tang Yi's space barrier was a space crack.

Bai Ying hit the space barrier and was not sucked into the space crack.

On the contrary, it also collided with the space crack.

This is simply amazing.

Moreover, after the collision, Bai Ying fell to the ground, then flew up again, changed the angle, and attacked Tang Yi at an extremely fast speed.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid Bai Ying's attack would have succeeded.

But unfortunately, it was facing Tang Yi.

Through the resistance of the space-time barrier just now, Tang Yi gained a little time to react.

When Bai Ying flew up again, Tang Yi waved his right hand, took out the magic sword Apophis, and blocked it in front of him.


The white shadow hit the magic sword Apophis hard, making a metallic sound.

Tang Yi held the magic sword Apophis and suffered huge force, and his figure kept sliding out, leaving a long trace on the ground. He didn't stop until he retreated dozens of meters.

However, Bai Ying still refused to let go and followed Tang Yi.

Seeing Bai Ying coming, Tang Yi snorted coldly and said coldly: "It's endless, right? It's an indecent act without reciprocating, so you can try to take a blow from me."

With that said, Tang Yi quickly raised the magic sword Apophis and slashed forward.

"Sky Slash!"


The white sword light flew out and struck towards Bai Ying.

At this time, Bai Ying also flashed blue light, and a blue ball of light rushed towards the sword light.

next moment.


The sword light and the azure light ball collided together, making a roar, and countless energy exploded in the center of the collision, setting off a sheet of ice and snow.

The entire passage was instantly covered with snow, making it impossible to see the field of vision.

At the same time, the power of ice and cold raged violently in the passage.

If Tang Yi hadn't worn the Ice Protection Orb, he might not have been able to resist the burst of ice power at this time.

After a while, when all the ice and snow fell, the passage became clear again, and Tang Yi finally saw the white shadow clearly.

At this time, the white shadow was crawling not far from Tang Yi, completely integrated with the surrounding ice and snow.

If Tang Yi hadn't opened the Gate of Six Spirits and his five senses had been greatly improved, he might not have discovered Bai Ying's existence at all.

The white shadow in front of me turned out to be a large spider that was one meter high and about three or four meters long!

Yes, it's a spider.

Moreover, it is also a terrifying spider with a snow-white body, eight legs and eight eyes, and it looks extremely ferocious.

Seeing this spider, Tang Yi flicked it away with a Sky Eye Technique.

Name: Eternal Snowy Spider King (Destructive BOSS)

Level: 189 (Nine-Star Holy Emperor)
  Description: The guardian of the snowy area on the fourth floor of the Eternal Shrine.

Attributes:? ? ?

ability:? ? ?
  Skill:? ? ?

Evaluation: Extremely dangerous (the opponent is extremely powerful and poses a huge danger to the players.)

"Spider King of Eternal Snow Land? Another destruction-level BOSS?"

"Or the guardian of the fourth floor?"

Tang Yi was very surprised when he saw the information about the big spider in front of him. And just when Tang Yi looked at the Eternal Snow Spider King, the eight eyes of the Eternal Snow Spider King shook slightly, and then, all eight legs of the Eternal Snow Spider King were seen moving in unison, rushing towards Tang Yi quickly. .

Seeing the movements of the Eternal Snowy Spider King, Tang Yi quickly came to his senses and responded.

Offense is the best defense.

Therefore, seeing the Eternal Snow Spider King rushing towards him, Tang Yi also rushed towards the Eternal Snow Spider King with the magic sword Apophis.

The two sides soon fought together and became entangled.


What Tang Yi didn't expect was.

The power of the Eternal Snowy Spider King is simply terrifying.

Moreover, each of its eight legs is extremely sharp, each leg is extremely tough, and each leg is comparable to the best weapon.

Fighting with Tang Yi, the Eternal Snowy Spider King's legs could actually fight with the magic sword Apophis, and not even a cent!

Tang Yi was extremely surprised that he used his body to fight against the weapon, and it was an artifact of the level of the Demon Sword Apophis, but it was not injured at all.

Although the Eternal Snowy Spider King in front of me is of the same level as the Eternal Violent Dragon Warrior that I encountered before, they have the same evaluation.

But the strength is completely different.

The Eternal Snow Spider King in front of him is at least several times more powerful than the Eternal Raging Dragon Warrior.

At least it put a lot of pressure on Tang Yi!

Moreover, Tang Yi felt a sense of danger from this Eternal Snow Spider King.

This is something I haven't felt in the Eternal Raging Dragon!

Judging from these various feelings, the Eternal Snow Spider King in front of him is much more powerful than the Eternal Raging Dragon Warrior.

"Sky Slash!"

Tang Yi blasted away the Eternal Snow Spider King with one blow, then raised the magic sword Apophis and slashed at the Eternal Snow Spider King.


The white sword light roared out and struck at the Spider King of the Eternal Snow Domain.

The Eternal Snow Spider King moved his eyes, opened his mouth, and immediately spit out a blue ball of light.


The ball of light collided with the sword light, and with a bang, the passage was once again in a mess, with ice and snow filling the sky.

This was exactly the same as when Tang Yi first counterattacked the Eternal Snow Spider King.

At that time, the Eternal Snow Spider King also used a blue ball of light to resist Tang Yi's sword light.

Thinking about it, the light ball before and the light ball now are the same thing.

And while the sky was filled with ice and snow, it was all white, and his vision was not very clear, Tang Yi quickly entered the system store and spent one million holy points to buy a second-level holy level violent pill.

Then he quickly took the second level holy level violent pill.

The next moment, Tang Yi's momentum soared to the sky, like a god of war.

As soon as the ice and snow fell and his vision recovered, Tang Yi passed through the ice and snow and rushed towards the Spider King of the Eternal Snow Domain.

"Sky Slash!"


With a sudden slash, the sword light roared away again.

The Eternal Snow Spider King also opened his mouth again at this time and spit out a blue ball.

This is the third collision between Tang Yi and the Eternal Snowy Spider King.

The first two times, both sides ended in a draw, and the sword light could not do anything to the blue ball.

And the blue ball couldn't help the sword light.

But this third time, the result was completely different.

Seeing the collision of power between the two sides, Tang Yi's sword light shattered the ball in an instant, roaring and flying towards the body of the Spider King of the Eternal Snow Land.

The Eternal Snow Spider King did not seem to expect this situation, and did not react at all at this time.

When it reacted, Tang Yi's sword light had already struck it.

(End of this chapter)

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