Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1951: High-grade holy-level archery skill, arrow of destruction.

Chapter 1951: High-grade holy-level archery skill, arrow of destruction.

However, the reaction of the Eternal Snowy Spider King was also quick.

Just when Tang Yi's sword light was about to hit the Eternal Snow Spider King, the Eternal Snow Spider King opened his big mouth in vain and sucked in suddenly.

In an instant.


A huge suction force came out, absorbing countless ice and snow around it.

Not only that.

This huge suction force can not only absorb foreign objects, but also absorb power.

I saw countless icy powers being sucked in by it, and then attached to the body surface, forming a blue light shield.


The sword light suddenly hit the azure light shield, causing the light shield to tremble suddenly.

Then, with a 'clang', it shattered.

As for the Eternal Snow Spider King, he staggered and almost fell to the ground due to the huge force he received.

Fortunately, it has eight legs, otherwise it would be in a panic after this blow.

Of course.

Although it was staggered by the blast, it resisted Tang Yi's blow and did not suffer any damage!
  It has to be said that the Eternal Snow Spider King is indeed very strong. If Tang Yi's attack just now had replaced the previous monsters, I am afraid he would have died countless times.


However, the Eternal Snowy Spider King completely resisted, and he did not suffer any damage at all.

"You have some strength!"

Tang Yi said to himself, and then said with interest: "It doesn't matter how many times you can resist!"

With that said, Tang Yi began to attack the Eternal Snow Spider King continuously, constantly using his martial arts skills to attack the Eternal Snow Spider King!
  "Sky Slash!"

"Sky Slash!"

"Sky Slash!"

Tang Yi performed dozens of Sky Slashes in succession.

After being promoted to the Holy God level, Tang Yi's strength has increased dozens of times, and his strength has also increased dozens of times.

Before he was promoted to the Holy God, if he performed Sky Slash a few times, his power would probably be exhausted, and he would have to take the Holy Demonic Pill.

However, now, after performing Sky Slash dozens of times, Tang Yi is still full of energy and strength.

I feel that even if I perform Sky Slash hundreds of times, there will be no problem at all.


Just like that, dozens of sword lights flew towards the Eternal Snow Spider.

At this time, the Eternal Snow Spider kept its mouth open, constantly absorbing the nearby ice and snow, and constantly absorbing the power of ice to condense the shield.

Under the continuous condensation of the Eternal Snow Spider, blue shields formed on its surface, forming a protection.

Tang Yi's sword light hit the azure shield, shattering it, and the Eternal Snow Spider King immediately formed another azure shield.

In this way, Tang Yi continued to use Sky Slash, and the sword light continued to fly towards the Spider King of the Eternal Snow Land.

The Eternal Snow Spider King also kept opening his mouth, absorbing the power of ice, and constantly condensing a shield to resist Tang Yi's sword light.

Both sides were attacking and defending, but neither could do anything to the other.

Regardless of whether it was Tang Yi who was attacking or the Eternal Snow Spider King who was defending, the power consumed by both sides' methods was extremely huge.

According to this attack mode, one of the parties will soon show signs of fatigue.

Then it lacked strength and finally failed miserably.

But the magic is.

This kind of attack and defense lasted for several minutes. No one on either side showed signs of exhaustion, and both sides continued to persevere.

As the attacker, Tang Yi's power is still strong. As a defender, the Eternal Snowy Spider King’s power seems endless.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was very surprised and did not expect this result at all.

Originally, Tang Yi thought that the Eternal Snowy Spider King would never be his opponent if he fought hard.

After all, he is now at the Holy God level.

The most important thing is that he also has god-level elixirs such as the Holy Demon Pill to restore his strength.

And the Spider King of the Eternal Snow Land has nothing, so how can you fight with him?

But things did not progress as expected.

The Eternal Snowy Spider King actually fought with him until now.

And he didn't seem to show any signs of fatigue.

It doesn’t look like there’s any intention of not being able to hold on!
  It looks like it will last forever!
  That's right, the Eternal Snowy Spider King gave Tang Yi the feeling that he could persevere forever and ever!

Although Tang Yi didn't know why he felt this way, he believed in it.

After all, the Eternal Snow Spider King did not show signs of fatigue at this time.

After all, the Eternal Snow Spider King has indeed been persisting at this time.

This is definitely not a bluff, but the Eternal Snow Spider King can indeed persist for such a long time.

"No, we can't continue to use this tactic. The Eternal Snow Spider King in front of us may be able to continuously replenish energy from the ice and snow, which is why we are in a stalemate with me now. If I continue to use this consuming tactic to consume Eternity Snowy Spider King simply won’t work.”

While Tang Yi was attacking, he was distracted and began to think about a solution.

Sky Slash is definitely not possible now.

The attack was not powerful enough to kill the Eternal Snow Spider King.

By condensing the shield, the Eternal Snow Spider King can completely withstand it.

At most, it will stagger the Spider King of the Eternal Snow Land.

Therefore, Sky Slash will not work.

There are four martial arts in total that are stronger than Sky Slash.

Earth Fission Wave Sword, Holy Dragon Destruction Fist, Destruction Arrow, and Divine Storm.

The Earth Splitting Wave Sword is not suitable for use in this place.

The Holy Dragon Destruction Fist uses fists, and you have to get close to the Eternal Snow Spider King.

We still don’t know what methods the Eternal Snow Spider King has, and there are unknown risks in approaching him rashly.

Moreover, its power is actually about the same as Sky Slash, so it is not suitable for use now.

The divine storm is a mental attack. You can try it, but monsters are often very mentally powerful and may not be effective.

The only useful and suitable martial skill at present is the Arrow of Destruction!

[Arrow of Destruction]: A high-grade Holy Heaven-level archery skill (you must use a bow weapon to perform this martial skill). Shoot an arrow towards the enemy, which can directly cause 10000 times the real damage to the enemy, and has a special destructive effect.

Destruction special effect: All damage caused to enemy units is real damage, regardless of defense.

Duration: 10 seconds.

  The Arrow of Destruction is not only a long-range attack, but the damage it causes to the enemy is also real damage!

This is what Tang Yi likes.

Although the basic damage of the Destruction Arrow is only average, this real damage increases its power several times!
  Real damage might be able to break through the Eternal Snowy Spider King's defense.

After thinking about how to fight, Tang Yi used several Sky Slashes in succession.

The sword light shot towards the Spider Queen of the Eternal Snow Land. Tang Yi quickly flicked his hand, and the magic sword Apophis in his hand was replaced by the Ice Divine Bow.

Arrow of Destruction is an archery skill, so Tang Yi must need a bow weapon to use it.

Therefore, Tang Yi replaced the Ice Divine Bow.

(End of this chapter)

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