Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1952 The fifth floor of the Eternal Palace, the monster beast in the strange stone statue.

Chapter 1952 The fifth floor of the Eternal Palace, the monster beast in the strange stone statue.

After switching out the Ice Divine Bow, Tang Yi did not hesitate and immediately bent down to pick up the bow.

"Arrow of Destruction!"


The energy arrow that appeared this time was black.

And there are many energy stripes flashing in the middle.

After condensing the arrow, Tang Yi let go.


Arrows roared out.

Seeing the black energy arrows flying towards it, the Eternal Snow Spider felt that the intensity of the attack was the same as before. It instinctively opened its mouth to absorb the energy and then condense the shield.


In an instant, a blue shield formed.

However, what Eternal Snow Spider King did not expect was!
  The black energy arrows whizzed in and hit the blue energy shield. They shattered in an instant without even being able to resist it.

After shattering the blue energy shield, the black energy arrows flew towards the body of the Eternal Snowy Spider King.

Since the Eternal Snow Spider King did not expect this result, and the black energy arrow was indeed extremely fast, the Eternal Snow Spider King did not make any defense when faced with this arrow.

There was no time to react.

Therefore, this black energy arrow hit the Spider King of the Eternal Snow Land accurately.


Black light bloomed.

The Eternal Snow Spider King didn't even have time to wail, before his body suddenly shattered and turned into countless particles, which then dissipated in the air.

And shiny stones scattered out from its body.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the fourth-level guardian of the Eternal Shrine, the Eternal Snowy Spider King, and gaining 98952548541 holy points and 100000000 holy points."



This was the first time Tang Yi used the martial skill of Destruction Arrow.

Tang Yi didn't expect that the power of this martial arts was so powerful!
  It can actually penetrate the shield of the Eternal Snowy Spider King!

Even the powerful body of the Eternal Snow Spider King cannot resist it at all!
  You must know that before this, Tang Yi's attack could not even break the shield!
  In any case, Tang Yi was very satisfied with the power and results of this attack.

With a slight wave of his hand, Tang Yi put away the Ice Divine Bow, then came to the location of the Spider King of the Eternal Snow Land, and made a move with his hand.


Countless crystals of eternity gathered in Tang Yi's hands.

Not long after, hundreds of eternal crystals entered Tang Yi's body and entered the system backpack.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."


Reminds of obtaining the Eternal Power Energy Group kept coming to his mind. Tang Yi glanced at them, there were probably hundreds of them.

In other words, this time Tang Yi once again harvested hundreds of Eternal Power energy groups.

Continue towards the depths of the Eternal Palace.

In the passage on the fourth floor, apart from a sneak attack by the Eternal Snowy Spider King on the way, no monsters were encountered.

So Tang Yi arrived at the end of the fourth floor stairs unimpeded.

Climbing the stairs, Tang Yi arrived at the fifth floor of the Eternal Palace not long after. As for the fifth floor of the Eternal Palace, this time there was no fire, no ice, and no passage.

Some are a huge and huge palace.

Tang Yi couldn't see how vast this palace was, and he didn't know where the palace ended.

As far as the eye can see, it is endless.

If he hadn't seen the towering zenith above his head, Tang Yi wouldn't even have thought that the place in front of him was within the Eternal Palace, but instead seemed like a plain.

Of course, these are not the most important.

the most important is.

In front of Tang Yi's eyes, stood a huge stone statue, four to five hundred meters high, looking extremely majestic.

Because of its huge size, this stone statue was very conspicuous, and Tang Yi saw it at a glance.

And the appearance of the stone statue... I can't tell what it is.

The head is like a human, the body is like a lion, the limbs are like eagle claws, and there are eight wings on the back. It looks very weird.

And just when Tang Yi was observing the stone statue and wondering why the stone statue looked so weird.


A huge rumbling sound sounded from the fifth floor of the Eternal Palace.

And along with the rumbling sound, the entire fifth floor shook, as if there was an earthquake.

Tang Yi looked at this scene in surprise, not understanding what happened.

At this time, on the ground in front of the stone statue, dozens of things were slowly rising from the ground.

After a while, these dozens of things completely rose to the ground, about ten meters high.

Only then did Tang Yi see clearly what these dozens of things were!
  These dozens of things are also stone statues!
  However, it is only a small stone statue more than ten meters high.

Of course, even though it is small, it is actually not that small. It is also more than ten meters tall.

It's just that it seems smaller compared to the weird giant stone statue that's four or five hundred meters tall.

And these dozens of small stone statues look like some birds and beasts.

It looks similar to the large stone statue, but different.

The body is still that of a lion, but the face is not a human face.

But it's a normal bird or animal face.

The sharp mouth and protruding head look very vicious.

And although its wings are not as many as those of giant stone statues, they are still two more pairs than ordinary birds and beasts, with a total of four pairs of wings.

Of course, the appearance of the small stone statue is still weird, but it is much more normal than the giant stone statue that is four or five hundred meters high.

And just when Tang Yi was looking at these stone statues in surprise, something suddenly changed.

The dozens of stone statues in front of Tang Yi suddenly shook, and a "click" sound came from them, as if something was cracking.

At this time, before Tang Yi had time to think, he saw the stone statues in front of him exploded in vain, and black shadows flew out like eggs breaking out of their shells.

"Quack quack!"

Black shadows broke through the stone statue's skin and flew out, letting out strange screams.

Seeing these black shadows emerging from the stone statues, Tang Yi was slightly surprised at first, and then looked at these black shadows carefully.

Only then did I realize that these black shadows were not the original appearance of those small stone statues?
  A sharp mouth, a protruding head, four pairs of wings, and a strong body covered with fur like a lion!
  This is exactly the same as the stone statue that was broken open before.

It's just that those stone statues before were lifeless, ashes, just dead objects.

But these black shadows after breaking through the stone statues are full of aura, and they have a fierce aura when flying!
  "Could it be that these things are some monster beasts? It's just that they were wrapped in stone before, so they looked like stone statues. But now the stone statues were broken and they returned to their original appearance?"

Seeing the appearance of these black shadows, Tang Yi thought in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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