Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1953 He actually knows tactics!

Chapter 1953 He actually knows tactics!

While thinking about it, Tang Yi also threw out a Sky Eye Technique towards one of the black figures.

Name: Eternal Griffin Protector (Immortal BOSS)

Level: 189 (Nine-star Holy Emperor Beast)

Description: Guardian of the fifth level of the Eternal Palace.

Attributes:? ? ?

ability:? ? ?
  Skill:? ? ?

Evaluation: Extremely dangerous (the opponent is extremely powerful and poses a huge danger to the players.)


"Guardian of the Eternal Griffin?"

"Immortal BOSS?"

"Guardian of the fifth floor of the Eternal Palace?"

Seeing the feedback from the Sky Eye Technique, Tang Yi was extremely surprised and said: "These black shadows are actually monsters!"

Before that, Tang Yi thought that these black shadows were soul-like things.

After all, it was pitch black, and it emerged from the stone statue.

But Tang Yi didn't expect that these things were actually monsters!
  Moreover, it is still a holy emperor level monster.

one two Three……

There are a total of fifteen of these monsters in front of me.

In other words, in front of Tang Yi, there were fifteen Holy Emperor-level monsters!
  If it weren't for Tang Yi's powerful strength, and if Tang Yi hadn't already reached the Holy God level, seeing such a force, he might have retreated.

more importantly.

These monsters in front of you are all BOSS level, these monsters are all immortal level BOSS!

Tang Yi has never seen the BOSS level of Immortal Level.

In other words, this immortal level should be a higher level BOSS level.

At least it's higher than the destruction level!

The BOSS level is higher than the destruction level BOSS, which means that the fifteen eternal griffin guardians in front of you are very powerful.

At least better than the Spider King of Eternal Snow!

Fifteen monsters that are stronger than the Eternal Blood Mist Spider King. If they really fight against them, it will probably be a fierce battle!
  Thinking of this, Tang Yi frowned.

"Quack quack!"

After the fifteen eternal griffon guardians broke through the stone statue, they flew into the air and kept hovering in the air.

And, it made strange screams.

In addition, they seemed to have discovered Tang Yi, an outsider. A pair of scarlet eyes kept scanning Tang Yi.

After a while.


One of them let out a sharp cry, and then fifteen eternal griffin guardians swooped towards Tang Yi.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi's heart tightened, and he immediately spread out his body and quickly evaded to the side.

And at the moment Tang Yi was dodging, fifteen Eternal Griffin Guardians suddenly passed by where Tang Yi was originally standing.

Moreover, every Eternal Griffin Guardian opened its mouth wide and aimed at that location.


Bundles of blazing flames spurted out from the cross-section of the Eternal Griffin Guardians as they passed by.

The spray landed on the spot where Tang Yi originally stood.

The heat wave stirred up and the power of flames filled the air.

The place where Tang Yi originally stood was immediately burned by the terrifying flames ejected by the Eternal Griffin Protector, creating a huge crater.

Black smoke was rising from the pit, and waves of heat were swarming out.

Yes, a big pit was directly burned on the ground by the flames!
  The flames sprayed by the Eternal Griffin Guardian directly burned out the pit!
  This is a very scary thing.

This eternal palace is made of unknown materials, and the ground is very solid.

In the previous battles between Tang Yi and various monsters, even if he used powerful martial arts, he could not damage the ground at all, let alone leave a big hole in the ground.

  at this time! Fifteen Eternal Griffin Guardians sprayed alternately, leaving holes in the ground with just one volley!

This is simply terrifying!
  Just now, if Tang Yi had been slower or slower in reaction, he would have been hit by the flames sprayed by these griffins.

The consequences could be disastrous!

Tang Yi doesn't think that his body is harder than the ground!

Of course.

Faced with this kind of attack, it was impossible for Tang Yi to resist with his body.

He will definitely use the time and space barrier to resist these attacks.

And based on the characteristics and defense strength of the space-time barrier, Li Yan should be able to withstand one or two of the Eternal Griffin Guardians spraying out, and he will not be killed instantly.

Therefore, even if Tang Yi reacts late or is not fast enough, he may not be in danger.

Of course, Tang Yi didn't dare to gamble with his life, betting that he could defend himself.

After evading the Eternal Griffin Protector, he was slightly surprised when he saw the powerful attack of the Eternal Griffin Protector.

Tang Yi waved his right hand and took out the Ice Divine Bow.

In Tang Yi's opinion, the Ice Divine Bow's Destruction Arrow martial arts would do more damage to these monster beasts, and the real damage could directly harm the monster beast's body.

Therefore, it is more suitable to use the Ice Divine Bow to deal with these eternal griffin guardians in front of you.


When the Eternal Griffin had just launched a round of attacks and had not yet had time to launch a second round of attacks, Tang Yi immediately bent down and took up his bow, condensing black energy arrows.

Then he aimed at one of the Eternal Griffin Guardians and let go!

Black energy arrows roared out!

next moment.

This black energy arrow accurately hit the Eternal Griffin Protector it was aiming at.


The black energy arrow exploded with an explosion.

But this time, this black energy arrow did not smash the Eternal Snow Spider King into pieces in an instant like it did against the Eternal Snow Spider King before.

But just after hitting the Eternal Griffin Protector, the Eternal Griffin Protector flying in the air was knocked away.

The figure hit the ground heavily.

This blow indeed severely damaged an Eternal Griffin Protector.


But he didn't kill him!

The struck Eternal Griffin Guardian howled a few times on the ground, flapped its wings on the ground a few times and struggled for a few times before flying again!

Flying back into the large army of the Eternal Griffin Guardian, the seriously injured Eternal Griffin Guardian let out a sharp scream to express his dissatisfaction.

At the same time, the eyes looking at Tang Yi became even scarlet.

It seemed like there was a blazing flame burning in its eyes!
  "He's actually not dead!"

Tang Yi was surprised.

However, before Tang Yi had time to think about it, the fifteen eternal griffon protectors launched another attack.


Several Eternal Griffin Guardians roared loudly, and then continued to change their formations in mid-air.

From the original chaotic formation, it was changed to a one-line formation.

After lining up in a row, the fifteen eternal griffon guardians immediately swooped towards Tang Yi.

During the dive, they opened their mouths and aimed at Tang Yi as before!


Streams of flames spurted out, covering Tang Yi!

This time, it is no longer an alternating attack, but a covering attack!

They lined up in a row, spraying flames towards Tang Yi like a blanket!

With this kind of attack, even if Tang Yi wanted to escape, there would be nowhere to escape!
  Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was shocked. He didn't expect that the fifteen eternal griffon guardians in front of him could actually use tactics!
  (End of this chapter)

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