Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1959 Fierce battle with the eternal human-faced 8-winged griffon

Chapter 1959 Fierce battle with the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon

When the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon flew into the air, all Tang Yi's attacks failed.

However, Tang Yi was not surprised or discouraged. After all, this situation had long been expected by him.

Although the Arrow of Destruction is powerful, it is completely impossible to kill the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin with the Arrow of Destruction.


The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon has eight pairs of wings, so of course it can fly. It is natural for it to fly up at this time.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Tang Yi turned around and violently attacked the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin flying into the air.


Black energy arrows flew out one after another, hitting the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon in mid-air.

However, since the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin is flying in mid-air and moving extremely fast, the accuracy is not high.

After shooting ten arrows, only two or three could hit the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon.

The accuracy is about 20% to 30%.

Of course, although the accuracy was not high, Tang Yi's attack frequency could not be resisted. In just the blink of an eye, he shot dozens of arrows of destruction.

Dozens of arrows of destruction, even if the accuracy is only 20 or 30, are enough, and they can hit many attacks on the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon.

In an instant, dozens of wounds appeared on the body of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, and the scorched area expanded a bit.

Even though the body of the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin is hundreds of meters tall, the scorched black spots can still be clearly seen at this time.

Moreover, as time went by, Tang Yi's attacks became stronger and stronger, and the damage caused to the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin became more and more terrifying!
  Originally, the wound left by Tang Yi's arrow of destruction on the body of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon was only a few meters at most, with a depth of about ten centimeters.

At this depth, although it has caused damage to the flesh and blood, the damage is not deep.

But as Tang Yi's attacks intensified, the scope of the wounds left on the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin's body became wider and deeper, reaching more than ten centimeters, nearly twenty inches.

And as time goes by, the damage continues to expand.

Such damage made the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon flying into the air really unable to bear it.

After hovering in mid-air, it suddenly dived and flew towards Tang Yi.

When it flew over Tang Yi's head, its figure dropped, its two huge claws swung, and it grabbed Tang Yi!

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi's heart tightened, and he hurriedly jumped to the side to avoid it.

However, because the speed of the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin was too slow, Tang Yi's reaction was still a little slow.

When he was dodging, he just barely escaped the claws of the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin, but he did not escape the violent impact caused by the claws.

I saw the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon grabbing Tang Yi with one claw. Although it fell in vain, the claw grabbed the ground and caused a violent impact. Countless gravel and energy shocks exploded towards him. The surroundings rippled away.

Tang Yi did not escape, and was immediately affected, and his body was blown away by the terrifying gravel and energy.


After a moment, his body fell heavily to the ground.

"it hurts!"

Tang Yi suffered a lot of damage from this blow.

Although it was not fatal, the whole body felt as if it had been hit once and was in great pain.

Enduring the pain, Tang Yi quickly stood up. After quickly swallowing a recovery pill, all the previous pain disappeared. After recovering, Tang Yi raised the Ice Divine Bow in his hand again.

"It's very powerful. I'll see how long you can last! I'll see how durable you are!" Tang Yi said coldly.

As he spoke, his right hand was seen quickly pulling the bow.


Several black energy arrows roared out again, flying towards the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon.

"Boom boom boom!"

Half of the black energy arrows hit the body of the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin, which immediately staggered a few times and almost fell down while flying in the air.

The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon is a holy god-level monster. It is placed outside and raised high, and it has a god-like existence.

No one dares to have any blasphemy or disrespect towards such an existence.

But at this time!

The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon was beaten into a panic by Tang Yi.

The entire image of the monster no longer has any saintly demeanor, and it no longer has a high and mighty attitude.

On the contrary, it is like a small boat drifting on the sea, swaying.

However, Tang Yi did not appreciate the embarrassed posture of the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin at this time. He was still drawing his bow, condensing black energy arrows, and constantly attacking the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin.

Tang Yi wants to take advantage of the power of heaven's beauty to still cause enough damage to the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon!

In this way, we can kill the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin faster.

Otherwise, when the power of Tianmei expires, Tang Yi's strength will be greatly reduced, and it will not be so easy to cause harm to the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon.

Therefore, Tang Yi will not waste any time!

Tang Yi must make full use of these one hundred and eighty seconds.

Of course, ideals are good, but reality is often different from ideals.

Tang Yi wanted to make good use of the one hundred and eighty seconds to cause as much damage to the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin as possible.

But the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon did not give Tang Yi this chance.

After being attacked by Tang Yi again, the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon's anger level had reached its peak.

Its body stayed in mid-air, completely ignoring Tang Yi's attack. It did not dodge, resist, or speak. It was completely silent. It looked as if it was letting Tang Yi attack.

No matter how powerful Tang Yi's attack was or how violent the damage caused to it, it completely ignored it and just stayed in mid-air.

  Did the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon really let Tang Yi attack like this?

Of course not!
  After staying in mid-air for a while, the weird human face of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin suddenly revealed a ferocious expression.

His eyebrows were twisted together, his face was stiff, and his mouth was tightly closed, as if he was holding something back!
  The next moment!
  I saw the mouth of the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon suddenly opened!

A terrifying tongue of fire spurted out from its mouth, roaring towards Tang Yi, and a billowing heat wave swept towards the ground.

Because the mouth of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon is very huge, the tongue of fire it shoots out is simply terrifying. The width reaches several meters. When it bursts out, it looks like a giant flame dragon, which is very terrifying. horrible.

And because the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin spewed out flames, the temperature of the entire fifth floor became extremely high, like a steam furnace.

(End of this chapter)

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