Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1960 God of War’s Light LV5, an arrow of destruction as huge as a spear

Chapter 1960 God of War’s Light LV5, a huge spear-like arrow of destruction
  When the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon made that strange gesture, Tang Yi was alert.

So when the flames came, he reacted immediately, jumped up, and quickly dodged aside.

Moreover, while dodging, Tang Yi continued to pull the Ice Divine Bow and continuously fired arrows of destruction, hitting the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin one after another.


The flames ejected by the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon were like a giant flame dragon, sweeping across the location where Tang Yi was.

Suddenly, a sea of ​​fire was left where Tang Yi had been, burning the ground on the fifth floor of the Eternal Palace to a charred black spot.

Under the burning fire, the extremely solid ground continued to melt like ice and snow.

In just the blink of an eye, a huge hole was carved out of the ground burned by the flames.

And the terrifying flames are still burning and spreading.

In addition, in mid-air, the tongue of fire sprayed by the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon did not hit Tang Yi. It turned its head slightly and turned in the direction where Tang Yi was avoiding. The tongue of fire also followed the turn of its head, and He quickly adjusted his direction and swept away after Tang Yi.

In this way, Tang Yi kept running away, and the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin kept adjusting its direction and spraying tongues of fire, leaving a very terrifying flame path on the fifth floor of the Eternal Palace.

In just a moment, the fifth floor of the Eternal Palace was filled with burning flames.

No matter how good Tang Yi's resistance was, how strong his strength was, and how tough his body was, he still felt waves of burning heat, as if his whole body was being steamed in an oven.

This feeling is very bad!
  This made Tang Yi feel like he was a kind of food that would be roasted accidentally and then served to others.

"No, we have to get rid of the Eternal Eight-winged Griffon quickly. Otherwise, if the Eternal Eight-winged Griffon continues to breathe fire like this, even if it doesn't affect me, I will be heated up by the blazing flames. die."

Tang Yi looked at the sea of ​​​​fire on the fifth floor and thought in his heart.

While moving quickly, he was immersed in the system store, quickly searching for other items that could be used.

After a while, Tang Yi's eyes lit up and he found an item that could be used.

In the system store, Tang Yi can currently use, in addition to the second-level holy level violent pill, there is also a special item.

That is [Light of the God of War].

This is a one-time consumable item, and the improved attributes are very powerful.

Currently, the level of God of War's Light that Tang Yi can purchase has reached LV5 level.

[Light of the God of War LV5]: Consumable items.

After use, the attack power of the designated weapons and props can be increased by 50000 times for 60 seconds.

(This item cannot be stacked with other items of the same type, and special items cannot be prompted using this prop)
  (Limited to two purchases per day)
  Price: 1000000 holy points.


I have to say that this special item is very powerful. Unfortunately, it cannot be stacked with other similar items, otherwise it will be even more powerful.

Of course, Tang Yi can't expect too much. After all, God of War's Light LV5 can increase the attack power of weapons and props by 50000 times, which is already very good.

What pleased Tang Yi the most was.

After reaching LV5 level, God of War's Light can actually be purchased twice a day!
  In other words, even if Tang Yi uses the God of War's Light at this time, he can still buy and use it again later!
  This is what makes Tang Yi most gratifying.

You must know that before, no matter whether it was LV3 or LV1, the number of times you could purchase it per day was only once.

After thinking about the solution, Tang Yi quickly purchased God of War's Light LV5 in the system store.

Immediately afterwards, it was attached to the Ice Divine Bow.

In an instant, the Ice Divine Bow in Tang Yi's hand burst into dazzling light, shining extremely brightly. At the same time, a terrifying breath came from above.

At this time, Tang Yi held the divine bow and pulled it suddenly.


The black energy arrow took shape in Tang Yi's hands again, exuding a billowing aura of terror.

However, the black energy arrow Tang Yi condensed at this time was completely different from the black energy arrow condensed before.

Although the black energy arrows condensed by Tang Yi before were also very terrifying, their aura would not be as violent as this time.

Moreover, the black energy arrows that Tang Yi had condensed before were only about two centimeters wide.

But now!

But it reached at least four fingers, very thick!

And the length is also up to four or five meters!
  It looks like a spear!
  In this way, Tang Yi held the spear, put it on the Ice Divine Bow, and pulled the Ice Divine Bow out for a full moon.

Then, let go!
  "call out!"

The black spear turned into a black light, flew out, and hit the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon.

At this time, Tang Yi's arrow of destruction was extremely fast.

At least it's dozens of times faster than before using God of War's Light LV5!
  The arrow of destruction had just been shot from the Ice Divine Bow. The next second, it came in front of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, and then hit the body of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon.


The roar this time was more intense and huge than any other time before!

Moreover, the movement caused was more ferocious than any before.

After the arrow of destruction, which was like a spear, hit the body of the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin, the billowing energy surged like a huge wave on the body of the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin.

Wave after wave of attacks hit the Eternal Eight-Winged Griffin, constantly causing damage to the Eternal Eight-Winged Griffin!

And being bombarded by the arrows of destruction, the body of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon was also blown back.

Before Tang Yi used God of War's Light LV5, Tang Yi's Destruction Arrow could only stagger the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin at most.


After Tang Yi used the God of War's Light LV5, the arrow of destruction he cast directly blasted away the huge body of the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin.

The huge body of four to five hundred meters was like an uncontrollable ball, thrown into the distance.

next second!
  It fell heavily to the ground, creating a hole in the ground on the fifth floor of the Eternal Palace, shaking the entire fifth floor of the Eternal Palace.

However, the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin did not die immediately because of the heavy damage. After making a big hole on the ground, it kept struggling, trying to get up from the ground.

It looks like there's still a lot of room left.

However, how could Tang Yi give it this opportunity.

The bonus of the God of War's Light is only 60 seconds, so how could he just watch the opportunity slip away?

Tang Yi was seen flying up into the air, squatting down slightly and assuming a posture.

Then he held the bow with his left hand, pulled the string with his right hand, and pulled suddenly!
  (End of this chapter)

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