Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1961 Laughing?

Chapter 1961 Laughing?

Tang Yi held the bow in his left hand and pulled and released it with his right hand!
  "call out!"

Spear-like black energy arrows roared out again.

At this time, Tang Yi did not stop moving, and continued to move his right hand, pulling the string again, and then condensed the black energy arrows as thick as a spear, and shot the black energy arrows as thick as a spear at the Eternal Man one after another. Eight-winged griffon.

that's it.


Several black energy arrows hit the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon.

The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin was trying to struggle to fly up from the ground, but before it could get up, a black energy arrow suddenly blasted over, knocking it into the ground again.

And left a huge wound on its body.

Originally, the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon had already been severely injured, and its body had already been seriously injured.

At this time, he was bombarded again, and his injuries suddenly became more serious.

However, black energy arrows as thick as spears continued to fly towards it, constantly hitting its body.

How could the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin, which was already seriously injured, withstand such an intense attack?

In addition to the continuous expansion and deepening of the injury, it can't resist even half a point.

Moreover, the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin was suppressed by Tang Yi ever since it was blasted into the ground on the fifth floor.

At this point, it couldn't escape even if it wanted to.

As soon as it struggled, it was bombarded by Tang Yi. Just as it was about to fly up, it was bombarded by Tang Yi again.

Not to mention escaping, it couldn't even dodge or fly up from the ground.

He could only let Tang Yi bombard it, and let countless arrows of destruction hit it, constantly causing damage to it.

The wisdom of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon is extremely high, and its wisdom is not inferior to that of humans at all.

How could it not know the situation at this time.

But what if you know?

It can't resist at all.

It was so hopeless.

"Human, you actually dare to do this... to treat the superior... god. Aren't you afraid... aren't you afraid of being punished by God? Killing a god is a capital crime!"

The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon said with hatred.

Because it was constantly attacked by Tang Yi, it spoke intermittently and with gasping sounds.

"God's punishment? Ha!"

Hearing the words of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, Tang Yi sneered, and while continuing to attack, he said: "Of course I am afraid of divine punishment, but... what kind of god are you? You are just It's just a weird-looking freak. You are neither human nor beast. If you can become a god, then the god's mansion is too worthless. Killing an ugly beast like you is not killing a god at all, so I'm afraid What?"

"You are looking for death! You actually... dare to say that the great monster king Axinqi... is an ugly beast. You actually dare to humiliate me... I want... ahhhh!"

"Human, you must... never let me get up, otherwise, I will definitely kill you... and cut you into pieces!"

The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon said angrily.

It struggled to fly up and attack Tang Yi, but to no avail.

Tang Yi would never let it have this opportunity.

As soon as the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin appeared, he shot several arrows of destruction in succession, knocking the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin back.

"You still want to cut me into pieces? Oh, do you have this chance? Also, do you think you have the ability?" Tang Yi smiled coldly, while speeding up the attack rhythm, he said murderously: "I think you have the ability? , you’d better be prepared to die, ugly Assinqi.”

The Eternal Eight-Winged Griffon doesn't seem to like others calling it ugly.

Call it ugly and it will get very angry.

As for anger, it will temporarily lose control.

After losing control, the damage Tang Yi can cause to it will be higher.

In the brief moment when the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin was angry, Tang Yi caused huge damage to it.

The wound caused by the arrow of destruction was larger than any before.

It was because of this that Tang Yi said that deliberately, hoping to anger the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin, in order to cause greater harm to it.

Don't tell me, this method really works.

As soon as Tang Yi said that the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin was ugly, the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin lost control.

"Ah ah ah, human, you deserve to die, you deserve to die, you don't have to die well."

The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin struggled violently.

Because the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon entered a state of control and acted extremely angry, its struggle and resistance were also extremely fierce.

Fortunately, Tang Yi remained vigilant at all times. Fortunately, he kept buying holy magic pills to restore his strength and maintained more than 80% of his strength at all times. Only then did the Eternal Human-faced Eight-Winged Griffin not succeed in resisting and suppressed all its resistance and struggles. Go down.

"Ahhh...human being...I am the number one divine beast under the Lord of Eternity. If you treat me like this, my master will not let you go."

The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon howled.

At this time, it moved out of its owner again, hoping to threaten Tang Yi and make Tang Yi stop.

However, how could Tang Yi do this?

How could he be threatened by the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon?
  "Your master?"

Tang Yi sneered again and said: "Don't worry, I don't need your master to let you go. After I kill you, I will go meet your master again and see what kind of person your master is. Take a look. What does this Eternal Lord look like?"

"You actually want master?"

The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon was stunned for a moment, as if it didn't expect Tang Yi to dare to challenge its master.

next second.


The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin suddenly laughed, as if he had heard something ridiculous, and said: "Human... I have to say... you are indeed... very courageous. You actually want to challenge my master, Actually want to...challenge the great Lord of Eternity.

You are... the most courageous human being I have ever seen. I don't know whether I should are ignorant and fearless, or should I say that you don't know how to live or die. It's really ridiculous that a mere mortal wants to challenge the God's mansion. "


Tang Yi couldn't deny it and said: "You don't have to tell whether it's ridiculous or not. Wait until I kill you and then kill your master. Then you will know whether it is ridiculous or not."

"kill me?"

"Kill my master."


The Eternal Eight-winged Griffin laughed again.

Even though Tang Yi's powerful attacks kept falling on it, causing it great pain, its laughter was still bright. It was as if I heard a very funny joke.

(End of this chapter)

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