Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1972 The eight-winged griffon with an eternal human face?

Chapter 1972 Ten eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons?

Seeing the shaking in the main hall, Tang Yi thought that Yue Hen, the Lord of Eternal God, was about to come out of the bronze statue.

However, I didn't expect it wasn't the case.

In front of Tang Yi, the ten-meter-high bronze statue showed no movement.

But around the bronze statue... there were many strange changes.


Stone statues rose slowly from the ground.

There are ten stone statues in total, five or six meters high.

And the appearance of these stone statues...

The weird human face and eight wings. Isn't this the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon that Tang Yi encountered before?

However, the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin that Tang Yi encountered on the sixth floor of the Eternal Palace was relatively huge, reaching a height of three to four hundred meters.

The ten eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons in front of them are only five or six meters tall.

The size is almost a hundred times smaller.

Of course, its body is small, but the aura it exudes is not weak at all!

It was almost exactly the same as the aura brought by the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon that I had encountered on the sixth floor.

While these stone statues had not yet completely emerged from the ground, Tang Yi threw a Heavenly Eye Technique towards these stone statues.

Name: Eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon (eternal BOSS)

Level: 191 (Holy Beast)

Description: The fifth level divine beast of the Eternal Palace.

Properties: Mix, Mutation.

Abilities: Speed, Destruction

Skills: Sky Flame, Gravity Crush, Wind and Lightning
  Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)



A touch of the same attributes.

The only difference is that it is smaller.

There are also attributes, energy, skills, etc. that were originally invisible, and they have all fully appeared at this time.

The evaluation also changed from super dangerous to not threatening at all.

The changes in attributes, etc. and evaluations are actually because Tang Yi's level has been upgraded to the two-star Holy God level, and his strength has been greatly improved.

Therefore, attributes, abilities and skills became visible.

The evaluation has just become non-threatening.

So that is to say.

The ten eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons in front of us are actually exactly the same as the sixth-level eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons.

It's just that the size is smaller, the status is visible, and the evaluation is no longer threatening.

In fact, there is no change in strength!

The ten eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons in front of us are the sixth-level eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons.

Tang Yi was very surprised when he saw the information obtained from the Sky Eye Technique.

I never expected that there would be nearly ten such powerful monsters like the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin!
  Such a power, let alone the Zijin Kingdom, even some empires, may not be able to match it.

If the monsters in the Eternal Palace escape or expand outwards, the impact will be devastating!

Countless kingdoms and even empires around it were all unable to resist.

Ten stone statues of eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons slowly rose around the bronze statue of Yue Hen in the Eternal God Palace. Seeing this scene, Tang Yi couldn't help but said: "Use ten eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons as your own." Protector? The Eternal God Lord is really a great artist!"

And just then.

"Boom boom boom!"

All ten stone statues had surfaced from the ground. The stone statues shook suddenly and then shattered.

At this time, an eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon broke out from the stone statue. Seeing this scene, Tang Yi did not hesitate and immediately bought the second level holy level violent pill and then took it!
  After his condition and strength improved, Tang Yi grasped the magic sword Apophis and took the initiative to rush towards the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon at an extremely fast speed.

"Sky Slash!"

When the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon had just burst out of the stone statue and had not yet recovered, Tang Yi held the magic sword Apophis and blasted it directly towards one of the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon. One chop.


The dazzling sword light roared out, and the sharp edge swept across like a violent whirlwind.

An eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon had just broken out of the stone statue. Before it could realize what was going on, it was immediately hit by this radiant sword light.

next second!

The sword light passed directly through the body of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon. A clear sound was heard, and blood spurted out. The body of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon was immediately divided into pieces. The two halves fell from the air, blood staining the ground red.

Instant kill!

The once extremely powerful Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin, after Tang Yi was promoted to the Two-Star Saint King, he only took one second-level Saint-level Violent Pill and was easily killed in seconds!

It's as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

Although there is a little credit for the sneak attack, Tang Yi's strength has indeed become stronger.

If it had been before, his sword might not have been able to break through the defense of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Eternal Level BOSS Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffon and gaining 9999 billion holy points, with a holy value of 10 billion."


Tang Yi's mind came with a reminder to obtain the holy point.

But after doing all this, Tang Yi did not stop, holding the magic sword Apophis, and quickly rushed to the other guardian of the eternal human-faced griffon.


"Sky Slash!"


The sword light came out again, blasting towards the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, and directly cut off its entire weird human face!
  "Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Eternal Level BOSS Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffon and gaining 9999 billion holy points, with a holy value of 10 billion."



"Human, you are seeking death!"

"You actually dare to take action against the great God's residence. You are simply impatient."

"This is the great eternal palace. Human beings are not qualified to enter this place."


After Tang Yi killed two eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons, the remaining eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons finally reacted, inciting their eight pairs of wings and flying towards Tang Yi with their teeth and claws spread.

Tang Yi hurriedly dodged and hid.

After escaping the pursuit of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, Tang Yi did not raise the magic sword Apophis to fight them again.

Instead, with a flick of his hand, he took back the magic sword Apophis and replaced it with the Ice Divine Bow.

Although Tang Yi's strength has been greatly improved, there is no problem in killing the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon.


The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon is still very powerful.

Facing them head-on, Tang Yi is still in great danger. If he is not careful, the boat may capsize.

So in order to reduce the risk and kill the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin more efficiently, Tang Yi switched to the Ice Divine Bow.

Taking out the Ice Divine Bow, Tang Yi changed several positions in succession. After completely getting rid of the remaining eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, he turned around and suddenly drew the bow!


When the black energy arrow appeared on the Ice Divine Bow, Tang Yi narrowed his eyes, aimed at one of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons, loosened his hand, and shot out!


The black energy arrows blasted towards the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon!

(End of this chapter)

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