Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1973 The eight-winged griffins with eternal human faces are destroyed

Chapter 1973 The ten eternal human-faced eight-winged griffins were destroyed

Tang Yi's arrow hit the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon accurately. The terrifying energy burst out and immediately blasted the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon into powder.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Eternal Level BOSS Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffon and gaining 9999 billion holy points, with a holy value of 10 billion."

Kill with one hit, easily!
  The third eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin died in Tang Yi's hands!

Facing Tang Yi's attack, he couldn't even block it.

He couldn't even cry out and turned into ashes.

At this time, the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon that Tang Yi killed did not seem to be a holy god-level monster, but a weak ant.

After killing the third eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, Tang Yi drew the bow again with his right hand, and in the next moment, black energy arrows roared out.

"Arrow of Destruction!"

"Arrow of Destruction!"

"Arrow of Destruction!"


It has to be said that the arrow martial skill of Destruction Arrow is not only easy to use, but its attack power is also extremely powerful. With an attack that ignores defense power, it is invincible.

Under the bombardment of Tang Yi's arrow skills, no eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon can resist, and no eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon can escape!

Wherever the black energy arrows passed, the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons were blasted to pieces.

Just like this, just a few minutes passed, and three eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons died in Tang Yi's hands.

Including the previous three, the number of eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons that died in Tang Yi's hands reached six! !

There are still four eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons left in front of us!

"Impossible, how can humans have such strength! Impossible!"

"How can a mere human being be stronger than a god?"

"The gods are immortal. It's impossible for humans to kill us. It's impossible. I don't believe it."

"Human, challenge God's mansion rashly, you will be punished!"

The four eternal human-faced eight-winged griffins in mid-air were obviously a little scared. At this time, they were no longer chasing Tang Yi, but were constantly circling in mid-air.

"Haha. What an arrogant fool."

Tang Yi sneered, and instead of talking nonsense to these eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons, he directly raised the Ice Divine Bow and yanked it with his right hand.

"Arrow of Destruction!"


Using his right hand, three black energy arrows flew into the air!
  After all, in Tang Yi's opinion, the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin is about to perish, and there is no need to say anything more about some dying things.

In mid-air, when they felt arrows of black energy flying towards them, the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons were immediately frightened and spread their wings to flee.

They spread their eight wings and fled towards the distance, trying to stay away from the black energy arrows.

Because they have learned from the past, so many of their companions died before, but now they dare to resist the terrifying black energy arrows.


Tang Yi's arrow of destruction was so swift that the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin could hide away if it wanted to.

Three black energy arrows struck four eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons.

However, only two eternal human-faced eight-winged griffins escaped the range of the black energy arrows.

The other two were covered by three black energy arrows!

Two of the black energy arrows hit the two eternal human-faced eight-winged griffins, instantly turning them into powder.

The remaining one failed and flew directly into the sky.

The next moment!
  "Boom!" The entire hall shook suddenly, and the black energy that failed hit the ceiling, leaving a big crater on the ceiling of the hall.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Eternal Level BOSS Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffon and gaining 9999 billion holy points, with a holy value of 10 billion."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Eternal Level BOSS Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffon and gaining 9999 billion holy points, with a holy value of 10 billion."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Three-Star Holy God."


Tang Yi's feet flashed with light and upgraded again.

He has been promoted from the two-star holy god level to the three-star holy god level, which is one step closer to a new level stage.

So far, there are only two eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphons still hovering in the air!
  Eight eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons died in Tang Yi's hands.

After being promoted, Tang Yi became stronger, both in strength and speed.

The aura on his body also became more terrifying.

At this time, he was a little more confident about challenging the final BOSS, the Eternal God Lord.

After being promoted, Tang Yi flew directly into the air and chased directly towards the two eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons.

When he caught up with them, Tang Yi suddenly drew his bow.


Two black energy arrows formed instantly.


Tang Yi suddenly shouted, then loosened his hand and shot the black energy arrow.


Li Xian's two black energy arrows turned into two black rays of light, roaring towards the Eternal Eight-winged Griffin.

At this time, because the black energy arrow was so fast and so powerful, even if the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon wanted to escape, it could not escape at all.

Even if they were extremely unwilling to die in the hands of humans at this time, they were helpless. Facing Tang Yi's attack, there was nothing they could do.

"Ah!!! No, I don't want to die! I am a god, I will not die! I shouldn't die!"

"Master, master, you must avenge me! I..."

The two eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons howled, their voices filled with reluctance and fear.

However, before they could fully vent their emotions, they saw two black energy arrows blasting towards them.


With two roars, the last two eternal human-faced eight-winged griffins instantly turned into powder.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Eternal Level BOSS Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffon and gaining 9999 billion holy points, with a holy value of 10 billion."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Eternal Level BOSS Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffon and gaining 9999 billion holy points, with a holy value of 10 billion."


With the death of the last two eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons, the team of eternal human-faced eight-winged griffons rising from the ground was officially declared dead.

Ten eternal human-faced eight-winged griffins and ten holy god-level monsters, placed anywhere, they are a terrifying force.

However, at this time, they were easily wiped out by Tang Yi.

Moreover, he couldn't even resist, couldn't even resist, which was simply pitiful.

And if the outside world knew that Tang Yi had easily killed many holy-level monsters, the outside world would probably be in an uproar and be shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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