Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1977 Yuehen of the Eternal God Palace disappeared?

Chapter 1977 Yuehen of the Eternal God Palace disappeared?

As for how to deal with the final BOSS after destroying the bronze statue, we will talk about it later!
  At this time, even the bronze statue cannot be destroyed, so it is completely meaningless to talk about dealing with the BOSS.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi decided to use the elixir obtained from the Eternal Palace, the Blood Mang Pill.

[Bloodlight Pill]: After use, blood light will appear on the player's body. Under the blood light, the player's physical strength will be increased by 10000 times, attack power will be increased by 10000 times, all attributes will be increased by 10000 times, and speed will be increased by 5000 times. It also has two special effects: bloodthirsty and recovery.

Bloodthirsty special effects: With the addition of special effects, players will gain 500 times the blood-sucking effect, causing damage to enemy targets while recovering a large amount of their own blood.

Recovery effect: Repair 5% of one's own injuries every second.

Duration: 180 seconds

Side effects: reduce all attributes by 50%.


This is the elixir that Tang Yi obtained on the eighth floor of the Eternal Palace.

Originally, Tang Yi wanted to use this elixir to deal with the final BOSS, but now he had no choice but to use it.

Take out the blood elixir from the system backpack and drink it.


The moment Tang Yi took the Blood Mang Pill.

Tang Yi's body emitted a very dazzling bloody light!
  As soon as this bloody light appeared, it immediately enveloped Tang Yi, making him look like a little red sun.

The entire hall was also reflected in blood red, looking very strange.

After taking the Blood Mang Pill, Tang Yi's strength skyrocketed again, becoming even more powerful and terrifying.

If we say that when Tang Yi used Demon King's Arrival before, his strength was like a raging river.

So now Tang Yi's strength is like an endless ocean, vast and boundless.

In this way, Tang Yi transformed into a monstrous war god tens of meters tall, stepped on a seven-color halo, and was covered in blood-red light, and once again launched an attack on the bronze statue.


"Sky Slash!"


The dazzling sword light roared out.

Tang Yi's blow was more terrifying and more powerful than any previous blow!

Moreover, it is not just a little bit stronger, but a hundred times, a thousand times, a thousand times more powerful, or even more! !

The blood glow pill increases the attack power by 10,000 times and all attributes by 10,000 times.

Such a huge reminder, the power of this blow is no joke!
  With the improvement of the Blood Mang Pill, Tang Yi will become extremely terrifying, and the power of the Sky Slash he performs is also terrifying.


The sword light struck the bronze statue, making a huge roar.

And it’s different from the previous times!

This time, after being attacked by Tang Yi, the bronze statue made a violent metal clash!
  Moreover, this time, the sword light fell on the bronze statue and directly chopped off a piece of the bronze statue's head!
  A gap of nearly half a meter was cut out of that huge head!

Moreover, due to the terrifying force of Tang Yi's blow, the bronze statue was directly blown away by this blow.

next second.


It hit the rock wall hundreds of meters away, denting the rock wall.


Tang Yi was also stunned by the result of this blow, and was somewhat unexpected.

Unexpectedly, after using the Blood Mang Pill, his strength became so terrifying.

Not only did it break the bronze statue's defense, it even cut off half of the bronze statue's head! !
  Tang Yi had been unable to break this bronze statue with all his efforts before, and could not even leave any trace on it.

Even if Tang Yi was in full power, there was nothing he could do about this bronze statue.

If Tang Yi hadn't obtained the Blood Light Pill in the Eternal Palace, he wouldn't have been able to do it at this time, let alone blowing away the bronze statue and cutting off half of its head, even leaving a trace on the bronze statue. !

It can be seen how terrifying the defensive power of the bronze statue is.

However, now, after using the Blood Mang Pill, he actually broke through the defense, knocked the bronze statue away, and even cut off half of its head! "Eh? Wait! Isn't the final BOSS Eternal Lord Gong Yuehen inside the bronze statue? Isn't there a layer of skin on the outside? Why can half of the head be cut off now? And now I have cut off half of the head of the bronze statue. Doesn’t this mean..."

Tang Yi suddenly thought of something and hurriedly flew to the location of the bronze statue to confirm the condition of the bronze statue.

However, at this time, the bronze statue lay quietly in the ruins of the rock wall, without any abnormality. Until Tang Yi arrived, there was no abnormal movement.

Tang Yi waved his hand and used his strength to sweep away countless ruins, revealing the bronze statue clearly in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi looked at the bronze statue carefully.

However, what surprised Tang Yi was.

There was nothing strange about the corner of the bronze statue that Tang Yi had just cut off.

There was neither Gong Yuehen's head nor any blood spilling from it.

The place where the bronze statue was cut off by Tang Yi was a bright golden color, not a mess of flesh and blood.

"What's going on? Didn't the information just identified by the Sky Eye Technique say that this bronze statue is that of Gong Yuehen? Isn't the person in the bronze statue the Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen? Why is there nothing there now?"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, not understanding what was going on.

It stands to reason that the Sky Eye Technique has identified the information, so the thing in the bronze statue must be Yue Hen, the Eternal God Lord Palace.

This is beyond doubt.

You can never go wrong with the celestial eye technique!
  After all, the Heavenly Eye Technique is a god-level identification technique. Apart from not being able to identify it, it is impossible to identify it wrongly!
  It identified that the bronze statue was the Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen, so this bronze statue must be Gong Yuehen.

However, now that Tang Yi has cut off half of the bronze statue's head, there is no trace of Yuehen from the Eternal God Palace inside. This is really strange.

"Maybe Gong Yuehen is the size of a normal person, hiding in the center of the bronze statue."

Tang Yi guessed.

In order to verify his guess, Tang Yi stared at the belly of the bronze statue, and then raised the magic sword Apophis in his hand.

"Sky Slash!"


The sword light roared and hit the belly of the bronze statue.


The next moment, the entire bronze statue started from the belly, cut off at the waist, and split into two.

As for the cutoff, there is no flesh and blood, no humans, nothing.

Some are a brilliant golden color.

That's the color of the bronze statue.

"Huh? No?"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was stunned again. He didn't expect that there was nothing inside the bronze statue.

He spent so much effort and used so many status martial arts, but he just blew up a broken bronze statue?

"It shouldn't be. Is it somewhere else on the bronze statue? I'll try again." Tang Yi thought to himself.

Thinking about it, Tang Yi raised the magic sword Apophis again and blasted it towards the bronze statue.

"Sky Slash!"

"Sky Slash!"

"Sky Slash!"


"Boom boom boom!"

Under Tang Yi's constant bombardment, the bronze statue fell apart and was blasted into countless pieces.

However, among the ruins of the fragments, Yue Hen of the Eternal God Palace was still not found.

In order to prevent missing, Tang Yi continued to search among the fragments of these bronze statues. As long as he felt that there were enough fragments to accommodate a person, he would smash them to pieces.

However, no matter how he searched and bombarded the fragments of the bronze statue, he could not find any trace of Yue Hen, the Eternal God Lord Palace, among the fragments! !

(End of this chapter)

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