Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1978 Is the bronze statue the Eternal God Palace Yuehen?

Chapter 1978 Is the bronze statue the Eternal God Palace Yuehen?
  After all the efforts and such a huge price, the final BOSS, the Eternal God Palace Yue Hen, was not found, which immediately made Tang Yi a little unacceptable.

After all, the status skills were used and the elixir was taken.

The BOSS was not found, isn't this a loss?

However, just when Tang Yi looked ugly and couldn't accept the result.


A burst of mysterious Sanskrit sounds suddenly came from the space, and the entire hall became trance-like because of this burst of Sanskrit sounds.

It seemed as if it was covered with a layer of fog and mist.

But at this time, the fragments of the bronze statue scattered on the ground suddenly glowed with golden light, extremely dazzling.

At this time, every piece of debris seemed to come alive, floating in the air one after another, flying into the air, and then, they gathered at a certain position in the air, and then...

Then, under Tang Yi's gaze, they merged.


At this moment, the light became more intense and dazzling, making it impossible for people to look directly.

Even if Tang Yi opened the Gate of Six Spirits, he was still so illuminated that he could not open his eyes.

Fortunately, this dazzling moment was very short, and he recovered after only two or three seconds.

When Tang Yi regained his sight, he immediately discovered that the originally broken bronze statue in front of him had completely restored its original shape!

Yes, it’s restored!

The bronze statue that was originally blown to pieces by Tang Yi, countless fragments merged into one and recovered.

At this time, it has completely returned to its original appearance.

The golden light that was already slightly dim above now became extremely bright and dazzling.


The most bizarre thing is that after the bronze statue recovered, it actually opened its eyes, revealing a pair of red and strange eyes.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

the most important is.

The bronze statue came to life.

Yes, alive!
  He opened his eyes, opened his mouth slightly, and said to Tang Yi: "Human, don't go too far!"

The voice was full of annoyance and threat.


Tang Yi was slightly startled when he heard the sound.

Tang Yi didn't expect the bronze statue to recover at all.

What’s more, I didn’t expect that the bronze statue could actually come to life and speak human words!

what happened?

Could it be that the bronze statue in front of me is the true form of Yue Hen, the Lord of Eternal God?
  Is it different from the previous situation with the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon?
  Not wrapped in a bronze statue? And the bronze statue is the real person?

No wonder, no wonder the defensive power of the bronze statue is so high, no wonder Tang Yi couldn't leave any traces on the bronze statue even though he had used many methods before.

It’s no wonder that the true form of the Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen can’t be found in the bronze statue, and the Heavenly Eye Technique can identify the bronze statue and get information about Gong Yuehen.

It turns out that Gong Yuehen is this bronze statue, and the bronze statue is Gong Yuehen!

The two are essentially one.

There is no such thing as a bronze statue wrapped around Gong Yuehen.

After hearing the bronze statue speak human words, Tang Yi finally figured out the key.

Tang Yi has been led to a misunderstanding all this time. Since he had seen the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon popping out of the stone statue before, he preconceptionally believed that the eternal god Lord Gong Yuehen would also pop out of the bronze statue, completely ignoring that the bronze statue was Gong Yuehen himself. a situation.

That's why he was surprised before that the bronze statue's defense was so high!
  At this time, after hearing Gong Yuehen's words, Tang Yi finally realized and understood the fact that the bronze statue was Gong Yuehen himself!

This also explains why the bronze statue has such a terrifying defense.

In addition to understanding that the bronze statue is the Eternal God Palace Yuehen, Tang Yi also discovered a strange place from the words of the Eternal God Palace Yuehen.

Since the bronze statue is the true form of the Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen, then why didn't Gong Yuehen fight back after his crazy attack just now?

Why pretend to be dead?
  Pretending to be a bronze statue?
  If he hadn't been blown to pieces by Tang Yi, I'm afraid he would have continued to pretend to be dead!
  This is very strange.

And another strange point is.

At this time, Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen showed a look of helplessness and anger, but he did not fight back directly!
  He did nothing but helplessness and anger.

He just expressed his attitude, and then said, "Human, don't go too far," and nothing more happened.

It stands to reason that Gong Yuehen, the Eternal God Lord, should have a very arrogant personality for daring to proclaim himself God Lord and call himself God Di.

With such a personality, how could he tolerate being provoked?

He should just attack violently and kill the enemy.

However, whether it was facing Tang Yi's crazy attack before or re-integrating with Youyi at this time, Eternal God Palace Yuehen had no intention of taking action at all!
  This is extremely strange.

Could it be that he has something hidden?
  Or, he can't take action at all?
  And the possibility of not being able to take action is extremely high!
  Otherwise, why didn't Gong Yuehen take action when he was so provoked?

And just a warning?
  Tang Yi's eyes were fixed on Yuehen, the Eternal Divine Lord Palace, his mind was racing and he was making guesses.

While wondering why Gong Yuehen didn't take action, Tang Yi also began to think about whether to continue the attack now.

If Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen hadn't spoken, Tang Yi would definitely continue to attack.

But now that the bronze statue of Gong Yuehen spoke, Tang Yi hesitated.

After all, treating living animals is completely different from treating dead dances.

When facing dead objects, Tang Yi can attack unscrupulously.

There won't be any counterattack anyway.

But when it comes to living creatures, Tang Yi has more to consider.

And also to prevent the opponent from counterattacking.

But just for a moment, Tang Yi decided to continue the attack!

After all, every second Tang Yi hesitates now is a waste of time.

At this time, the several states he has activated and the Blood Mang Pill he has taken will all be wasted due to hesitation.

Therefore, if Tang Yi does not want to waste the blessings brought by these states, he must continue to attack.

In addition, even if Tang Yi continues to attack Gong Yuehen at this time, Gong Yuehen can't do anything.

After all, when Tang Yi attacked Gong Yuehen so crazily before, Gong Yuehen didn't even fight back. How could he fight back now?

Tang Yi thought that Gong Yuehen was probably bound by some mysterious force and was unable to fight back at all.

Therefore, he could only pretend to be dead, pretend to be a bronze statue, and let Tang Yi attack.

Because he couldn't stand it anymore, he threatened Tang Yi to express his dissatisfaction!

This is what Tang Yi guessed.

If it is wrong, it will be revealed soon.

Tang Yi was seen holding the magic sword Apophis and rushing towards the bronze statue of Gong Yuehen, who was already able to speak human words.

After arriving in front of the bronze statue, Tang Yi raised his magic sword and struck the bronze statue of Gong Yuehen with one sword.

(End of this chapter)

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