Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1980 The transcendent connection between the Eternal God Palace and Yuehen, the Eternal God

Chapter 1980 The transcendent connection between the Eternal God Palace and Yuehen, the Eternal God Palace
  "Oh? The secret of my body?"

Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen said: "My body is an immortal body of eternal gold. It is an immortal body. What secret can it have?"

"Really not?"

Tang Yi squinted his eyes and looked at Gong Yuehen with a playful expression.

"Really? Since you said my body has a secret, what do you think it is?" Gong Yuehen still insisted.


Tang Yi sneered and said: "Everything in the world follows an eternal force, which is the conservation of energy. When you gain great power, you will lose a lot of things. Just like you, after gaining great power At the same time as his body, he lost his own strength and ability to move.”

After a pause, Tang Yi glanced at Yuehen, the Lord of the Eternal God Palace, and said faintly: "You said, if I take you away from the Eternal God Palace, and then continue to attack you, what will happen to you? What can you do? Have you recovered?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Eternal God Palace Yuehen's expression suddenly changed.

A golden copper face, the light dimmed for a moment, as if it was frightened and turned pale.

"Impossible! How did you find out?"

Gong Yuehen looked at Tang Yidao in surprise.

His originally calm face became slightly flustered and frightened.

"Just now."

Tang Yi smiled and said: "I found that every time I blast you into pieces, this palace will have a steady stream of power pouring into your body to repair you. So, I guess, the reason why your body is defensive The reason why you are so powerful and can be repaired continuously is because of this palace. As long as I take you away from the palace and then attack, then... haha."

Tang Yi didn't say any more, but the meaning he wanted to express was self-evident and extremely obvious.

As long as the Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen is taken away from the palace, Gong Yuehen's energy source can be cut off.

Then attack Gong Yuehen to kill Gong Yuehen.

After hearing Tang Yi's words, the golden bronze face of Eternal God Palace Yuehen finally couldn't hold it anymore, and finally showed a panicked expression. He said to Tang Yi in horror: "No, you can't do this. , I am the eternal God Lord who is higher and higher, you cannot do this to me."

After a pause, Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen said to Tang Yi: "Human, whatever you want, no matter what you want, as long as it is what you want, I can give it to you, as long as you can let me go." .”


Hearing this, Tang Yi smiled coldly and replied: "You still think of yourself as a god until now. I have to say that your shame is really invincible. You ask me what I want now, and now I can tell you clearly. You, I want your life!”


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Eternal Divine Lord Gong Yuehen was angry and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Because at this time he was a fish and a slave, he couldn't do anything at all. What could he do in the face of Tang Yi's provocation?
  But Tang Yi didn't talk nonsense with him, came to the bronze statue, and then used his hands hard.


Tang Yibo shouted and lifted the bronze statue up.

Facing Tang Yi's power, the bronze statue Gong Yuehen was unable to resist and could only let Tang Yi do what he did.

After Tang Yi picked up the bronze statue, he immediately flew up and took the bronze statue straight into the sky, hitting the ceiling of the palace.

next second!

It crashed into the palace and directly knocked a huge hole out of the palace.

Tang Yi carried the bronze statue through the cave and arrived outside the Eternal Palace.

But at this time, Tang Yi did not stop, but flew further into the distance. When he was about three or four kilometers away from the Eternal Palace, Tang Yi stopped.


Tang Yi flicked his hands, and Gong Yuehen's bronze statue crashed to the ground.

"Stay away from the Eternal Palace, let's see how you can remain immortal!"

After moving the bronze statue of Gong Yuehen out of the Eternal Palace, Tang Yi looked at the bronze statue of Gong Yuehen and sneered.

"Human, you can't do this. I am the Eternal God Lord. You can't treat a god like this. Stop it!" The Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen kept roaring. Until now, he still thinks that he is a god.


Tang Yi ignored the roar of Yue Hen, the Eternal God Lord Palace, and directly raised the magic sword Apophis and struck it towards Yue Hen, the Eternal God Lord Palace.

The duration of the state is running out, and Tang Yi must kill the Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when the state lasts for a long time, Tang Yi's attack will not be enough to kill Gong Yuehen.

Therefore, his current actions must be faster.

"Sky Slash!"


Holding the magic sword tightly, he blasted the sword towards Gong Yuehen, the dazzling sword light roared.


The sword light suddenly hit Gong Yuehen's body, cutting Gong Yuehen in half.

Logically speaking, Gong Yuehen should not reply at this time.

Being cut in half outside the Eternal Palace will have no other result than death.



At this time, streams of golden energy surged out from the Eternal Palace in the distance.

This stream of golden energy cut through the sky and quickly headed towards Tang Yi's location.

Seeing this energy, Tang Yi's face turned dark and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

And just as he expected, this golden energy struck quickly and fell on the broken bronze statue of Yue Hen in the Eternal God Palace in an instant.

In the next second, the bronze statue cut in half by Tang Yi merged into one, merged, and returned to its original state!

"Human, I am the most powerful immortal god, and you want to kill me? It's simply wishful thinking!"

As soon as he recovered, Eternal God Palace Yuehen immediately started shouting at Tang Yi.

But Tang Yi still ignored the shouts of Yue Hen, the Lord of the Eternal God Palace. Instead, he straightened up and flew into the air. Looking at the Eternal God Palace not far away, he frowned and his expression became extremely gloomy.

Tang Yi completely saw the scene just now.

The golden energy came from a long distance through the sky to repair the body of Yuehen, the Lord of Eternal God. This scene was simply magical.

In Tang Yi's opinion, to be able to do this, there must be an inseparable connection between the Eternal God Palace and the Eternal God Palace Yue Hen.

Moreover, this connection must be deep.

The two may have merged into one and become a community.

Therefore, the Eternal Divine Palace can cross space and transmit energy to Yuehen, the main palace of the Eternal Divine Palace, over long distances.

For example, just now, Tang Yidu had taken Yuehen, the Lord of Eternal God Palace, away from the Eternal God Palace.

Both sides are already several miles apart.

However, the Eternal Divine Palace can still bring unparalleled terrifying energy to Yue Hen, the main palace of the Eternal Divine Palace.

Help Eternal God Palace Yue Hen repair his body.

This is incredible.

Tang Yi would not believe it to his death if there was not a deep connection between the Eternal God Palace and the Eternal God Palace Yuehen.

(End of this chapter)

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