Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1981 Using the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill

Chapter 1981 Using the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill

"In other words, even if I take Gong Yuehen's bronze statue away from the Eternal Palace, I can't kill Gong Yuehen. If I want to kill Gong Yuehen, I must first solve the Eternal Palace?"

Tang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, then ignored Yuehen, the Eternal God's Palace below, and quickly headed towards the Eternal God's Palace.

Arriving above the Eternal Palace, Tang Yi clenched the magic sword Apophis in his hand and suddenly blasted it towards the Eternal Palace!

Not far from the Eternal Shrine, everyone from the Kamikaze Principality is located.

"Eh? Isn't that Tang Yi?"

A member of the Kamikaze Kingdom discovered Tang Yi high in the sky.

Hearing this, everyone in Kamikaze looked high into the sky.

"Yes, it's Tang Yi! Why is he there?"

"Why did Tang Yi fly to the palace?"

"What I'm curious about is, when did Tang Yi come out of the Shrine? Didn't he just enter the Shrine from the main entrance? Why did he appear there?"


Just when everyone was confused and puzzled, they saw Tang Yi in the sky, holding the magic sword Apophis, and struck the palace with a sword, and the dazzling sword light roared down!


Under the gaze of the people in Shenfeng, the sword light displayed by Tang Yi suddenly hit the Eternal Palace, causing a huge noise.

Even the ground trembled and rumbled.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Kamikaze was surprised.

"Tang Yi he going to attack the Eternal Palace? Isn't he exploring the Palace? Why did he suddenly attack the Eternal Palace?"

"Why did Tang Yi attack the Eternal Palace? What happened?"

"The Eternal Palace is so majestic and vast, and its scope is so large. Is there any point in Tang Yi's attack like this?"

"What exactly happened? Why was Tang Yi forced to attack the Eternal Palace?"


Everyone in Kamikaze looked confused.

Even the eldest prince of Kamikaze, Feng Jiarong, was puzzled and looked puzzled. He didn't understand why Tang Yi wanted to attack the Eternal Palace.

I don't even understand the significance of Tang Yi's attack on the Eternal Palace.

Below, everyone looked confused.

But high in the sky, Tang Yi frowned, his face looking ugly.

Although the blow just now was powerful and accurately hit the Eternal Palace, the effect obtained was not very good.

The terrifying sword light only blew away a corner of the Eternal Palace, leaving a hole of about one meter in the Eternal Palace.

And such a hole of about one meter is as small as a drop in the ocean to the huge Eternal Palace, not worth mentioning!
  Seeing this scene, can Tang Yi not frown and look ugly?

With such efficiency, when can the Eternal Palace be destroyed?
  When can we kill the Eternal God Lord Palace Yuehen?

Of course it doesn't matter if you can take your time, but the problem is that Tang Yi doesn't have time!

There is not much duration left in the state martial arts. If all of Tang Yi's states disappear, his strength will definitely drop significantly.

Not only will the efficiency be slower, but even Yue Hen, the Lord of Eternal God, may not be able to be killed.

No, at that time it will not be a question of whether to kill Yue Hen of the Eternal God Palace, but a question of whether the Eternal God Palace can be defeated!
  Once the strength drops sharply, I am afraid that even the defense of the Eternal Palace will not be able to break through.

Therefore, Tang Yi must destroy the Eternal Palace as soon as possible.

However, how to do it as quickly as possible is a big problem.

The blow just now was already Tang Yi's strongest blow so far.

If such a blow were used to attack an ordinary palace, a certain mountain gate, or a certain mountain range, I am afraid that the target would have been razed to the ground by this time.


It was used to attack the Eternal Palace, but had little effect.

I don’t know what materials were used to build the Eternal Palace, and its defense is very strong. With such an attack, Tang Yi simply cannot destroy the Eternal Palace.

And if he wants to destroy the Eternal Palace, he has to increase his attack power.

"How to increase attack power?"

Tang Yi kept thinking, taking into account all the items on his body and all the methods.


"Have it!"

Tang Yi's eyes lit up and he said: "I don't know if this thing will work. However, no matter whether it works or not, I have to give it a try now."

Thinking about it, Tang Yi took out a black pill from the system backpack.

[Heaven-Collapse and Earth-Shatter Pill]: After using it, you will gain the power of heaven-collapse and earth-shattering.

Duration: 100 seconds.


The description is very brief and general. Just looking at the description of this elixir, Tang Yi has no idea what the specific effects of this elixir will be.


Tang Yi knew that this pill was definitely very powerful.

After all, picking up and unlocking this elixir cost Tang Yi almost 300 million holy points.

Great value.

How could such an expensive elixir not be powerful!
  Therefore, Tang Yi decided to use this pill to destroy the Eternal Palace.

Regardless of whether it worked or not, he decided to give it a try.

After taking out the Heaven-Destroying Pill, Tang Yi swallowed it immediately.

After taking the elixir, Tang Yi didn't feel much at first, but the next moment.

The feeling is coming!

Tang Yi felt that terrifying energy swarmed out of his body, limbs and limbs, constantly blending into his flesh and blood.

This power was very powerful, constantly blending into flesh and blood, making Tang Yi feel like he was slowly turning into a giant.

I really have to describe...

If the original power in Tang Yi's body was Xiaoxi.

Then this swarming energy is like a vast ocean.
  Boundless and terrifying.

Tang Yi had no idea how many there were, nor how powerful they were.

Tang Yi only knew that his body was now completely occupied and filled with this terrifying power.

Even every cell and every drop of blood is filled with this terrifying and weird energy.

Moreover, this power is still flowing out of his body, making this power more dense and powerful.

Tang Yi could feel that every cell in his body was filled with countless terrifying energy.

At this time, the amount of terrifying energy in each cell reached a very dense level.

Almost one cell is filled with countless strands of terrifying energy.

If such a cell full of terrifying energy was used, Tang Yi felt that he might be able to directly kill an eternal BOSS like the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin!

Even a stronger BOSS, Tang Yi felt, could kill him.

It can be seen how powerful the cells in Tang Yi's body are now!

And this, this is just one cell! !
  One cell is so powerful, so what about Tang Yi's current body?
  How powerful must this body be now?

This is simply unimaginable.

At this time, even Tang Yi himself didn't know how powerful he was.

(End of this chapter)

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