Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1982 Huge Black Sword Light

Chapter 1982 Huge Black Sword Light

A second after swallowing the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill, Tang Yi didn't know how powerful he was.

All I know is that he is very, very powerful now.

Moreover, that terrifying power was still flowing out, constantly blending into Tang Yi's flesh and blood, making Tang Yi's body become even more terrifying.

Although Tang Yi couldn't see what was going on in his body at this time, he could feel that the terrifying energy was black energy.

It was dark, like ink.

At this time, the black energy had filled every part of his body, making Tang Yi's body completely dark.



Even Tang Yi's appearance has changed.

As if ink had been poured on him, his hair, facial features, head, limbs, and everywhere on his body all turned black!

Moreover, from within the body, there are waves of black energy that permeate the sky.

This black energy surged out through Tang Yi's body surface and spread towards the surroundings.

In just the blink of an eye, half of the sky turned black.

The black human figure was filled with bursts of black energy. The scene was not to mention terrifying and terrifying.

At this moment, Tang Yi looked like a devil that had just crawled out of hell, extremely ferocious.

not far away.

Seeing Tang Yi's appearance and feeling the powerful pressure and terrifying aura emanating from Tang Yi's body, everyone in Shenfeng was horrified. Everyone looked at Tang Yi in surprise, with expressions full of color. fear.

None of them expected that Tang Yi would be so terrifying!
  He actually seemed like a demon god, standing in the sky.

Such a picture was too shocking for them.

At the same time, they were also feeling extremely uncomfortable at this time.

Facing the waves of coercion coming from Tang Yi, they seemed to be crushed by a big mountain, extremely heavy.

The heavy feeling made them almost breathless.

At this moment, each of them used all their strength to resist the pressure coming from Tang Yi in the sky.

But just for a moment, their foreheads and backs were covered with sweat. They felt extremely difficult and in danger of being unable to resist at any time.

And you must know that at this time, the Kamikaze people are still very far away from Tang Yi, at least several kilometers.

When they looked at Tang Yi, they could only see a black spot.

However, from such a long distance, one can still feel such powerful pressure and momentum.

It can be seen how terrifying the pressure and momentum exuded by Tang Yi at this moment is.

"Go back!"

The Kamikaze eldest prince Feng Jiarong glanced at the sky and made a decision in a hurry.

They can't wait here.

If they continue to wait here, I'm afraid they will be crushed to death by Tang Yi's pressure before they can wait for Tang Yi.

Therefore, they must evacuate quickly.

Saying that, Feng Jiarong did not hesitate, and suddenly swallowed a strength-enhancing pill, forcibly blocking the pressure from high in the air, dodged, and quickly fled towards the distance.

When everyone in Kamikaze was reminded, they also gritted their teeth, exploded with all kinds of strength, and fled after the eldest prince Kamikaze.

Just like that, everyone in Kamikaze fled away from the Eternal Palace.

It has to be said that the Kamikaze people are lucky.

Fortunately, Feng Jiarong made the decision to retreat. Otherwise, even if they were not killed by Tang Yi's pressure, they would still be affected by Tang Yi's attack later.

Now that Tang Yi has swallowed the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill, his strength is no joke.

The power of the means used is also unparalleled. If Feng Jiarong and other kamikaze warriors continue to stay for a while, they may not be able to escape if they try to escape.

At the same time that the Kamikaze people were fleeing, on the other side, Yuehen, the Eternal God's Palace, was located.

Even from miles away, Yue Hen of the Eternal God Palace felt Tang Yi's aura.

"This is... this is the breath of the Heaven-Destroying Pill! This damn human actually took my pill and used it against my palace. Next, he even wants to deal with me!!! Damn it, Damn it! Damn it!"

Feeling Tang Yi's powerful and terrifying aura, Eternal God Palace Yuehen seemed to think of some possibility, and suddenly started roaring continuously.

While roaring, his expression was angry, frightened, and full of despair.

He didn't expect that Tang Yi actually knew the Heaven-Destroying Earth Pill and used it!

The Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill was a pill collected by Yuehen, the Lord of Eternal God, in his early years.

When he collected it, he knew it was full of terrifying energy.

I know that this elixir is an elixir with unparalleled power.

However, since he turned into a bronze statue, he could not keep the elixir with him, so he could only place it in the Eternal Palace.

But I didn't expect that such a powerful elixir would be taken away by this human being.

Now, this human being is using it against him again!
  In this regard, Eternal God Palace Yuehen was very helpless and aggrieved.

Above the Eternal Palace.

The aura on Tang Yi's body has been accumulated to its peak, and the terrifying energy of the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill has been completely integrated into his flesh and blood, bursting out unparalleled terrifying power in his body!
  Now, Tang Yi felt like he was full, which was both comfortable and uncomfortable.

The pleasant thing is that the energy fused with flesh and blood made Tang Yi feel comfortable.

What was uncomfortable was that this feeling of swelling in his body made him feel like a rubber ball, making him very uncomfortable.

But that doesn't matter now.

The important thing is that the state has unfolded, and now it is time to take action against the Eternal Palace.

As long as the Eternal Divine Palace is destroyed, the final BOSS of the Eternal Divine Lord, Yue Hen, can be killed!
  As long as Gong Yuehen is killed, this battle will be over.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Tang Yi clenched the magic sword Apophis in his hand!

Wrapped in the black air, the light emitted by the magic sword Apophis looked very bright, like the twinkling stars in the dark night.

It also seemed like eyes opening in the dark night, very strange.

Against the background of the black energy, the aura emitted by the magic sword Apophis seemed to become a bit more terrifying.

This long sword, which was born with magical properties, seemed to enjoy the black energy very much.

It also seems to be the only one that can be integrated with this black terrifying power!

Of course, now is not the time to talk about this, nor is it the time to feel the changes in the magic sword Apophis.

Tang Yi quickly raised the magic sword Apophis, and then swung it suddenly.

"Sky Slash!"


A sword light roared out from Tang Yi's magic sword Apophis.

And this sword light is different from before. It is no longer bright white, but so dark that you can't even see your fingers!

Dark sword light!
  Not only that!

The sword light that Tang Yi used before was only ten meters at its longest and three or four meters at its widest!
  And the sword light used this time!

Unparalleled horror!
  The length becomes larger and larger as it continues to fly out.

In the end, the length actually reached 100 meters, and the width also reached 30 to 40 meters!

It looks like a black crack, extremely terrifying!
  Just like that, this black crack that was a hundred meters long roared towards the Eternal Palace.

The next moment, it hit the Eternal Palace heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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