Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1983 Are you addicted to pretending to be a god?

Chapter 1983 Are you addicted to pretending to be a god?

With a loud noise, the black crack-like sword light suddenly blasted towards the Eternal Palace, and directly cut the Eternal Palace into two halves!
  The terrifying black sharpness and the terrifying black shock wave swept out from the bombardment position and spread to both sides, affecting an extremely large area.

Wherever they passed, they turned into powder.

Hearing this terrifying noise, the Kamikaze people who had already run far away suddenly turned their heads, showing expressions of horror and joy.

Fortunately, they retreated in time and stayed away from the Eternal Palace. Otherwise, I am afraid that they would also turn into dust in this catastrophe and die on the spot.

And because the fluctuations this time were very violent and the power was very violent, the powerful barrier surrounding the secret realm of the stream and the Eternal Palace suddenly began to shake.

Like water ripples, waves ripple.

And not long after, there was a 'clang' and it suddenly shattered.

And as the barrier shattered, everything inside suddenly emerged clearly, and that special stream also appeared in the Eternal Holy Land.

Outside the secret realm, countless principality teams all felt this sudden movement, heard the violent rumbling sound, and felt the terrifying aura coming from the Eternal Palace.

Feeling this, the teams of the major principalities were immediately frightened, and they all looked in the direction of the strange movement. Suddenly, they saw the exposed stream and the eternal palace that turned into a piece of black soil.

"What's going on? What happened? What happened to the Eternal Holy Land?"

"There was an earthquake? Or something collapsed?"

"Huh? Where is that place? There seems to be a barrier there!"

"That's right, it seems there really is a barrier. It's so hazy there that it looks like it's the seal of the barrier!"

"Where is that place over there? The sound seems to be coming from the barrier over there."

"Look, everyone, there is a stream over there, and there is a large area of ​​black soil. It's so weird! Why didn't we see it before? The terrifying aura is coming from there."

"What kind of aura is that? I feel like it's like the aura left after a creature or a person has performed some powerful martial arts? Could that piece of black soil be the remnants of a powerful martial arts blast? Bar."

"How come we haven't discovered such a stream and such a piece of black soil before? Where is it?"

"Shall we go take a look?"

"No! You can't get close. There is a very terrifying aura emanating from this barrier. We'd better not get close to it rashly to avoid harming Chiyu."

"That's right. We are so far away at this time, and we still feel a terrifying aura. If we get closer, how terrifying will the aura be? With such a terrifying aura, there must be something powerful within the barrier that we cannot deal with. .So, it’s better that we don’t get close.”

"What I'm curious about is, how come there is a barrier in the Eternal Holy Land? Where is that place? And will this barrier affect us?"

"Regardless of whether it will affect us or not, we'd better be careful and not get too close."


The teams of the major principalities looked at the barrier and talked about it. Everyone looked at the stream and the black soil, full of doubts and vigilance.

And within the boundary.

After being attacked by Tang Yi, in just a moment, the Eternal Palace was reduced to black ruins.

At this time, no matter what material this shrine is made of, no matter what relationship this shrine has with the Eternal God Lord, and no matter what special features this shrine has.

As long as it is affected by the shock wave and sharpness of the sword light, it can only be reduced to ruins.

In this way, this huge and magnificent temple was destroyed.


Because the power of the sword light was too strong, the area hundreds of miles around the Eternal Palace was in a mess. A layer of land was flattened by the terrifying energy shock wave. Countless flowers, plants, trees and even monsters were all turned into powder. Even the ground dropped by at least one meter, and a layer of it was cut off, turning into a piece of black soil.

Thanks to the Kamikaze people who ran fast and ran a very long distance, they survived.

If they had continued to stay near the Eternal Shrine, I am afraid they would have already turned into flying back and merged with the black earth.

Tang Yi was floating in mid-air, eyes widening as he looked at what he had created below.

Even he, the initiator, was extremely surprised at this time.

I never expected that the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill would be so powerful.

You must know that before this, Tang Yi activated all states and swallowed the Blood Light Pill and the Second-Level Holy Level Violent Pill, but it still only left a hole several meters long in the Eternal Palace.

Although he tried his best, only a few meters long hole was left, which shows how powerful the defense of the Eternal Palace is.


After swallowing the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill, Tang Yi destroyed the Eternal Palace with just one blow.

Not only was it razed to the ground, but it also spread hundreds of miles, leaving nothing but black soil in its path.

The power of this heaven-destroying and earth-destroying pill is simply shocking.


It's a pity that the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill is powerful, but there is only one pill, and it's gone after you use it.

In the future, even if Tang Yi wanted to use such an attack again, he would not be able to do it.

Of course, it's not necessarily true. Perhaps when Tang Yi becomes stronger and reaches the level of swallowing the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill, he may be able to unleash such an unparalleled terrifying attack.

However, that is all for later.

There is still a long way to go before that level.

After destroying the Eternal Palace, Tang Yi looked at the 'ruins' of the Eternal Palace.

After confirming that the Eternal Palace was razed to the ground and no buildings remained, they headed towards the location of Yuehen, the former Eternal Palace.

After a moment, he returned to the bronze statue of Yuehen in the Palace of Eternal God.

"Human, you dare to destroy God's palace, you deserve to die! You will definitely be punished by heaven!"

As soon as he saw Tang Yi coming back, Eternal Divine Lord Gong Yuehen bared his teeth and roared at Tang Yi, his bronze face looking extremely ferocious and extremely angry.


Tang Yi smiled coldly and said: "I am still acting now. Are you addicted to pretending to be a god? Are you still pretending when you are about to die? Are you tired?"

After a pause, Tang Yi squinted his eyes, and the cold light shrank in the slits of his eyes, and then said: "Since you like to bring your acting skills to Huangquan and play the role of God's Mansion, then I will help you. Let you go to Huangquan Road to perform!"

After saying that, Tang Yi didn't wait for the Eternal God Lord Gong Yuehen to say anything, and directly waved the magic sword Apophis in his hand and slashed at Gong Yuehen.

"Sky Slash!"


Black sword light flew.

(End of this chapter)

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