Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1989 A large number of high-end items

Chapter 1989 A large number of high-end items
  That is to say, it is because Tang Yi has never wasted anything and always obtained the maximum benefit at the minimum cost, so he has accumulated such a huge amount of holy value.

Otherwise, Tang Yi would probably still be a pauper now, with not enough Holy Points to spend. How could there be tens of billions of Holy Points like today?
  Generally speaking, Tang Yi was very happy and relieved to be able to earn such a huge amount of holy value.

With such a sacred value as a guarantee, his success rate in challenging the BOSS will be higher.

It will also be safer and your life will be more secure when you skip a level challenge!
  In addition to the changes in level and holy value, Tang Yi's special parts column also has an eternal body.

There is also a [Special Power Column] below the special parts column.

Originally, this special power column did not exist.

Because Tang Yi gained ultimate power, there was an extra column.

The special power column records Tang Yi's ultimate power level.

Now, Tang Yi's ultimate power is level two, with a coverage rate of 50%.

When Tang Yi's Ultimate Power coverage reaches 100%, then he will be able to truly master all the power of Level 2 of Ultimate Power.

In addition, there is an ice protection orb that Tang Yi purchased before in the special props column.

In the inventory, there are Blood Mang Pill and Immortal Pill.

Holy Spirit Pills reached 600 million!
  Unknown martial arts include Fission of Heaven and Earth and Qianlong Soul Gathering Fist.

There are many unknown items and equipment, including the eight-winged human-faced griffon mask and the human-faced griffin armor.

There are more scrolls, including scrolls for all promotions of sub-professions.

Among the items temporarily stored in the system backpack, there are more than three million eternal crystals!

There are more and more items in Tang Yi's attribute panel, and their attributes are becoming more and more powerful.

Tang Yi is very satisfied with the current property panel.

After looking at the attribute panel slightly, Tang Yi withdrew with satisfaction.

After feeling his spiritual consciousness on the spot, Tang Yi seemed to feel something and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he straightened up and flew out in a certain direction.

After a while, Tang Yi arrived at the location of the Kamikaze Principality team.

As soon as Feng Jiarong, the eldest prince of Kamikaze, saw Tang Yi flying in, he immediately led everyone to greet him and asked Tang Yi: "How are you? Tang Yi, are you okay? What happened just now?" ?”

At this time, the way everyone in Shenfeng looked at Tang Yi had become even more different.

Originally, their attitude towards Tang Yi was just awe, the awe of a strong man.

But now, they respect Tang Yi.

Treat your elders with the same respect as you would a superior.

To the degree of awe, there is an additional layer of respect.

"I'm fine. I was attacking the Eternal Palace just now." Tang Yi replied.

"Attack the Eternal Palace? Tang Yi, why did you attack the Eternal Palace?" Feng Jiarong said in surprise.

Tang Yi explained succinctly: "Because there is an ancient strong man in the Eternal Shrine. This ancient strong man has some inevitable connection with the Eternal Shrine. Only by destroying the Eternal Shrine can this ancient strong man be killed. That’s why I just launched an attack on the Eternal Palace.”

"Ancient strong man! So that's it! No wonder it made such a loud noise. It turns out that Tang Yi, you are fighting an ancient strong man!"

Feng Jiarong said in shock.

Hearing this, the others in Kamikaze were also extremely shocked.

The ancient powerful must be extremely powerful. How can such a level of existence be accessible to warriors like them from the Principality?
  However, Tang Yi not only came into contact with this existence, but also fought against it!
  It has to be said that this person is so huge.

the most important is. How old is Tang Yicai?
  At the age of seventeen, he can fight against ancient warriors.

If it continues to grow, how terrible will it grow to?

In Shengwu Continent, the strong are respected, and now Tang Yi has become an existence beyond their understanding, and has become an existence that they need to look down on.

It is a great honor for them to be able to contact such a being and have a close conversation.

Therefore, facing an existence like Tang Yi, how could everyone in the Kamikaze Principality not be in awe and respect him.

At this time, Feng Jiarong seemed to have thought of something again. He recovered from the shock and asked Tang Yi: "So Tang Yi, how is the Eternal Palace? What about that ancient powerful man?"

Because when Tang Yi was about to launch an attack, Feng Jiarong and other members of the Kamikaze Principality fled away, so they did not see what happened in the Eternal Shrine and did not know that they were attacked by Tang Yi. , what is the current situation of the Eternal Palace.

After hearing Feng Jiarong's inquiry, Tang Yi replied calmly: "The Eternal Palace has been destroyed by me."


"The Eternal Palace was destroyed by you, Tang Yi?"


Hearing Tang Yi's words, everyone in Shenfeng, including Feng Jiarong, was surprised. Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Tang Yi in disbelief.

You must know that the Eternal Shrine is very huge and occupies a very wide area. In addition, the materials used in the Eternal Shrine are extremely special and extremely hard.

Every wall is like a fortress, very hard!
  Now, Tang Yi actually said that such a huge and hard palace was destroyed by him!

How could everyone in Kamikaze not be surprised by this.


Tang Yi nodded and said: "Not only did I destroy the Eternal Palace, but I also eliminated the original owner of the Eternal Palace, the ancient powerhouse I mentioned before. And this harvest can be said to be pretty good."

As he spoke, Tang Yi made a move, and hundreds of weapons and equipment flew out from Tang Yi's hands.

These weapons and equipment include long swords, long bows, spears, and sledgehammers.

There are also various types of armor, hand and leg guards, and other equipment.

And the aura attached to these weapons and equipment...

Very powerful.

For example, everyone in the Kamikaze Principality is completely unable to sense the level of these weapons and equipment.

Only Tang Yi could sense the level of these weapons and equipment.

And these weapons and equipment, without exception, are all equipment above the Holy Land level!
  This was carefully selected by Tang Yi from the Eternal Palace!

There are many kinds of weapons and equipment in the Eternal Palace, but Tang Yi did not pick up these equipment at first.

However, some high-level ones were specially selected and temporarily stored in the system backpack.

At this time, these weapons and equipment were taken out.

In addition to collecting weapons and equipment, Tang Yi also collected many high-level secret books, martial arts, body skills, etc.

There are also many jade bottles storing various kinds of elixirs.

These things were temporarily stored by Tang Yi in Xitong's backpack.

At this time, they were all taken out by Tang Yi.

Not long after, various items piled up into a hill in front of Tang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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