Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1990 Everyone in Kamikaze was shocked again and again

Chapter 1990 Everyone in Kamikaze was shocked again and again
  "This is……"

Feng Jiarong and other divine wind warriors looked at the hill made of objects piled in front of Tang Yi in surprise, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

At this time, a kamikaze warrior walked to the hill, picked up a piece of equipment at random, felt it carefully, and said: "This armor stomach... the aura is very powerful. If I expected it right, this I'm afraid it's a piece of Holy Land-level armor, right?"

"Holy Land Stairs!"

Hearing the words of this kamikaze warrior, everyone opened their eyes again, full of surprise.

At the same time, they all came to the 'hill' to check the piece of equipment held by the previous warrior to confirm whether it was really of the Holy Land level.

However, after they checked it over, they immediately confirmed what the kamikaze warrior said before.

The equipment picked up by this kamikaze warrior should have reached the Holy Land level without any accident.

Not only the equipment in the hands of this kamikaze warrior, but every piece of equipment on this 'hill' seems to have reached this level!

No matter which piece of equipment the Kamikaze people picked up, the aura was very powerful, at least reaching the Holy Land level.

There are even some cases where they can’t feel what level they are at all.

The only thing I can feel is terror, very terrifying!
  The aura on these equipments carries an unparalleled terrifying power, and contains very powerful forces.

Even a trace of these powers would make everyone in Kamikaze tremble.

"These must be weapons and equipment that have reached the Holy Heaven level."

A kamikaze warrior guessed.

At this time, Tang Yi nodded lightly and said: "Yes, there are indeed weapons and equipment that have reached the Holy Heaven level. But most of them are at the Holy Land level. These are the weapons and equipment that I brought from the Eternal Palace. Those who come out, the worst among them, are all from the Holy Land level!"


"Is the lowest level really the Holy Land level?"

"The highest level reached the level of Holy Heaven?!"

"This... so many? There are hundreds of pieces in this pile, right? Are all these hundreds of weapons and equipment of the Holy Land level?"

"I really can't believe that one day, weapons and equipment above the Holy Land level will be piled up in front of me like rags."

"I didn't expect that I would actually be able to see a Saint-level treasure in my life."


Although everyone in Kamikaze had already guessed the pile of equipment in front of them, the worst one should be the Holy Land class, and there might even be a Holy Heaven class among them.

But I couldn't help but be shocked when I heard Tang Yi admit it with my own ears.

Originally, they wanted to pick up the weapons and equipment and look at them carefully, but when they learned that these equipment were indeed Holy Land and Holy Heaven level, they immediately did not dare to touch them.

Of course, where would you dare to touch it?

In their view, these are not ordinary weapons and equipment, but artifacts and treasures.

How dare they touch such items with their dirty hands?

In fact, they continued to condemn Tang Yi's behavior in their hearts.

He condemned Tang Yi for piling so many artifacts and treasures on the ground haphazardly.

This is really irresponsible and disrespectful.

Of course, although they condemned it in their hearts, they did not dare to say such words to Tang Yiming, so they just complained in their hearts. Moreover, the things belong to Tang Yi. What they want to do with them or where they should be piled up is none of their business.

Slightly shocked, at this time, the Kamikaze eldest prince Feng Jiarong suddenly picked up a book, opened it, and read: "Feiyan Tuo Luo Xuan Sutra..."

This is the name on the cover of the booklet. When he read this, Feng Jiarong suddenly paused, then his eyes widened with a look of shock and he continued to read: "High-grade Holy Land level exercises! High-grade Holy Land level!!! "

Feng Jiarong was shocked.

After hearing Feng Jiarong's words, everyone in the Kamikaze crowd gathered around. When they saw the content written in the booklet, they suddenly showed shocked expressions.

At this time, Tang Yi nodded again and said calmly: "Yes, these are all intensive skills and martial arts, including martial arts, body skills and various types of skills. And the grades of these skills and martial arts are all The holy land class, and some of them are the holy heaven class.”

"Kung Fu and martial arts above the holy land level!! Oh my god!"

"I only practice the upper-level Holy Spirit level skills. I don't even dare to think about the Holy Land level skills. I didn't expect that a bunch of them appeared in front of me at this time..."

"There are probably hundreds of these books right now, right? If these are all holy land class martial arts techniques, doesn't it mean that there are hundreds of holy land class martial arts techniques here? There are even some holy heaven class books among them. Other martial arts techniques?"

"It even has the rarest movement and martial arts skills! And it's above the Holy Land level! This is too... too exaggerated."

"I really can't believe that one day, the martial arts and martial arts above the Holy Land level will be piled up in front of me like rags..."


Everyone in Kamikaze was shocked when they heard that all the martial arts and martial arts were at the Holy Land level, or even above the Holy Land level.

Even more shocked than before.

After all, the strength improved by weapons and equipment is only external strength. It does not belong to oneself and will be gone if it is taken away.

The strength improved by martial arts and martial arts is your own strength, which can be mastered and cannot be taken away!
  If you want to become stronger and go further, you must improve your own strength.

Therefore, when the Kamikaze people saw the martial arts and martial arts above the Holy Land level, they were even more shocked than when they saw the weapons and equipment above the Holy Land level.

They are also very keen on these martial arts and martial arts.

Of course, although they were eager to get it, they didn't have any greedy thoughts.

There was no thought of taking these things as my own.

They are just jealous.

After all, these things belong to Tang Yi.

And who is Tang Yi?

That is the person who can completely destroy the Eternal Palace.

But someone who can easily kill monsters at the Saint level or above.

Who dares to covet what belongs to such a person?

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong was slightly shocked, then picked up a jade bottle, opened the lid, and purred slightly, feeling refreshed.

But this time, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong stopped guessing and asked Tang Yi directly: "Tang Yi, are these elixirs also high-grade elixirs?"

Tang Yi nodded and said: "Yes, these elixirs are indeed high-grade elixirs. Some of them are used for cultivation, some are used to treat injuries, and some are used to enhance strength in a short period of time. They have various effects. Du Qijia. There is a kind of elixir that can even allow warriors at the Holy Emperor level to be directly promoted to the first level!"

(End of this chapter)

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