Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1991 1 person, 1 holy heaven level item

Chapter 1991 One holy-level item per person

"Is there any elixir that can promote a Holy Emperor-level warrior?"

"This... is such a powerful elixir! What kind of elixir is that!"

"After I reached the Holy Emperor level, I felt that my cultivation speed was a bit slow. If I wanted to be promoted, it would probably take at least three to five years, or even more. But now, there are actually people who can directly promote Holy Emperor level warriors. Pill?"


Hearing Tang Yi's words, everyone in Shenfeng was shocked. I was shocked again.

But Tang Yi continued to say, "In addition to the elixirs that directly promote the Holy Emperor-level warriors, there are also elixirs that improve the physique of the warriors. As long as you take one pill, the physique of the warriors can be enhanced." Several levels. In addition, there are elixirs that directly allow monsters to grow rapidly. As long as you take one pill, the monsters that take the elixir can quickly be promoted to Holy Sect Beasts within a few years. In addition to these, there is another A very powerful elixir can improve people's talents. Even a mediocre person can transform into a peerless genius after taking this elixir, and his martial arts cultivation can be quickly promoted."


"There are so many peerless elixirs? The effects of these elixirs are all great, right? What level of elixirs are these? Could they all have reached the level of twenty-grade elixirs, right?"

"Judging from the effects of these elixirs, every elixir is extremely valuable and priceless. I'm afraid our entire Kamikaze Principality's alchemists won't be able to refine it!"

"These elixirs, any one you take out, are elixirs that we cannot touch, elixirs that we cannot obtain, and elixirs that we have never seen before, but now they are piled up in front of us unexpectedly."

"I didn't expect that I would be able to see so many magical elixirs and medicines in my lifetime! This is so lucky."


Everyone present was shocked again.

For the Kamikaze people, whether it was weapons and equipment, martial arts skills, or these elixirs, they were all elixirs that they had never seen before.

Don’t say you’ve seen it, you’ve never heard of it!
  They have never come into contact with such high-end items.

In their opinion, these items are just like treasures.

It is extremely valuable and extremely precious.

However, what everyone in Kamikaze didn't expect at all was.

In their opinion, it was a treasure-like existence, but in Tang Yi's opinion, it was a pile of rubbish, completely useless.

If Tang Yi hadn't considered the needs of the people of the Kamikaze Principality, if he hadn't considered the needs of Tang Miaomiao and others, as well as Mu Xianling, I am afraid that these weapons, equipment, martial arts, and elixirs would have prevented him from entering the Eternal Palace at all. Bring it out.

After knowing that the pile of items Tang Yi took out in front of them were all treasures that countless people had never seen before, the people in the Kamikaze turned their attention to Tang Yi again, with doubts in their eyes.

He seemed to be asking why Tang Yi was able to come up with so many high-end items.

He seemed to be asking what Tang Yi was going to do with these high-end items...

Feeling the gazes of the people in Shenfeng, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said lightly: "You must be curious about why I took out these things. Yes, the reason why I took out these items is to give them to you. These things belong to you."



"Tang Yi, what are you talking about? Do you want to give these things to us?"

"So many weapons and equipment above the Holy Land level, as well as martial arts and martial arts above the Holy Land level, as well as elixirs that are as effective as god-level elixirs, are they all given to us?"

"Oh my God, did I hear the most incredible thing in the world?"

"Tang Yi, are you serious? There are so many artifacts, god-level exercises, and magic elixirs. Are you sure you want to give them to us?"


Everyone in Kamikaze was surprised again and again. Even the eldest prince Feng Jiarong of Kamikaze was shocked. He never expected that Tang Yi would make such an astonishing move and actually give so many treasures to himself and others.

"I'm not joking."

Tang Yi said seriously: "I really want to give these things to you, and there is no falsehood. Of course, it is impossible to give them all to you. Each of you can choose a few of them at will, and I will hand over the rest to the Kamikaze Treasury. , and then let the Lord of the Kamikaze Kingdom distribute it. As for how much the Lord of the Kamikaze Kingdom will allocate to you, that’s another matter.”


A kamikaze warrior asked.

"Really." Tang Yi nodded.

"Tang Yi, how many of these treasures are you willing to let us choose?" Another kamikaze warrior asked.

"Yes, choose a few." Tang Yi nodded again.

"What if I choose a Saint-level treasure?" Another kamikaze warrior asked.

"Everyone here can choose one Saint-level item, and you can choose any two bottles of elixir." Tang Yi thought for a while and said.

After all, there are not many Holy Heaven level items. If everyone chooses Holy Heaven level items, then there simply won't be enough points for Holy Heaven level items, so Tang Yi still has to make some restrictions.

"Everyone can get a Saint-level item, which is a great gift for us!"

"That's right, we didn't even have Holy Land-level items before this. To obtain Holy Land-level items now is simply a huge gift to us. This kind of kindness cannot be repaid!"

"Here, I would like to thank Tang Yi first. If I, Mr. Li, are needed in the future, I, Mr. Li, will definitely do my best, even if it means death."

"Me too! Thank you Tang Yi for your kindness. If you need anything in the future, just ask!"

"From now on, my life belongs to you, Tang Yi! Be a cow or a horse, it's up to you!"


Everyone said, everyone was extremely grateful, excited, and happy.

After all, they can get one Holy Heaven-level item and several Holy Land-level items. How can they not be happy or excited?

After living for decades, when had they ever obtained an item of this level?
  Not to mention having seen it, I have never even seen it.

Now not only have they met, each of them has received one piece, and they can choose any of them. Can they not be happy or excited?

After obtaining these items, their strength will be greatly improved in the future.

And you have to know that there are also holy-heaven-level exercises among them, so it’s still a matter of getting this level of exercises...

Their future will be limitless.

Tang Yi waved his hand and said, "You don't need to act like a cow or a horse. You just need to protect the divine wind from now on."

"Of course, I was born as a Kamikaze person and died as a Kamikaze ghost, so I will naturally protect the Kamikaze."

"The Kamikaze is our hometown, and of course we will maintain the stability of the Kamikaze."

"As a member of Kamikaze, we will protect Kamikaze even without you telling Tang Yi."


Everyone clapped their chests and said, with a look of assurance on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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