Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1993 Delivered to your door?

Chapter 1993 Delivered to your door?
  Hearing Feng Jiarong's words, Tang Yi smiled slightly, and then said: "Actually, it's not necessary. In this battle between the principalities, our top spot is already guaranteed. There won't be any surprises, and there won't be anyone's eternal crystal." There will be more than me.”

Tang Yi looked confident.

Of course, can you not be confident?
  In his system backpack, there are still millions of eternal crystals lying quietly.

Tang Yi and his party in the Eternal Shrine had a great harvest. Not only did they obtain numerous holy values ​​and items, but they also obtained millions of eternal crystals.

With so many eternal crystals, who can compare with them?

Which principality team can get more than him?
  So, if this number one name is not their Kamikaze Principality, which principality is it?

After hearing Tang Yi's words, everyone in Shenfeng, including Feng Jiarong, was stunned.

No one expected Tang Yi to be so confident.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Tang Yi obtained a large number of eternal crystals in the Eternal Palace?

However, even if you obtain a large number of eternal crystals, you can't say that you are 100% sure, right?
  After all, they have no idea what is going on outside now. What if they can get more Eternal Crystals by killing monsters outside the barrier?
  Or are there many monsters outside the barrier?
  This is how to do?
  Therefore, because of all kinds of worries, Feng Jiarong still said worriedly: "But, we don't understand the situation outside at all. If there are more Eternal Crystals in the principality team outside than us, wouldn't we miss the first place?"

Tang Yi stretched out his hand slightly, gave Feng Jiarong a reassuring gesture, and said: "No matter what the situation is in the outside world, there is no way that there are more eternal crystals than me. Don't worry, don't you still believe me?"

Tang Yi did not directly say that he possesses millions of eternal crystals. If he did, everyone's worries would be gone.

But Tang Yi didn't plan to say it. After all, that was too exaggerated. A million eternal crystals would probably scare people to death.


Feng Jiarong wanted to say something more and wanted Tang Yi to be more secure, but was interrupted by Tang Yi.

"Nothing is wrong. I, Tang Yi, will not do anything that I am not sure of. You just need to believe in me." Tang Yi said with great confidence.

After all, Tang Yi had just explored the Eternal Palace.

In the Eternal Palace, the monsters and monsters are all at the Saint Lord level or above.

There is also the level of Holy Emperor and Holy God.

A monster of this level exploded a large amount of eternal crystals to Tang Yi.

Outside the barrier, there are no monsters of this level.

Even if there were, the teams from the major principalities would not be able to deal with them at all.

What is the strength of the teams in each major principality?
  The highest level is the Holy Emperor level, right?
  What level of monsters can this level hunt?

At most, it's a monster of the Holy King Beast level, right?
  For a monster of this level to be able to explode one hundred and eighty eternal crystals is pretty good.

What's more, it is impossible for a monster of this level to explode so many eternal crystals.

Therefore, if each principality team kills one hundred Holy Emperor-level monsters every day and explodes one hundred eternal crystals, each principality team can obtain up to 10,000 eternal crystals in one day.

Seven days is just 70,000 eternal crystals.

How can such a quantity be compared with him?

Even if something unexpected happens, one of the principalities has a very strong team and snatches away all the Eternal Crystals.

It is impossible to exceed his millions of eternal crystals.

So, what’s the suspense about this name?
  There is no suspense at all.

What's more, it is impossible for the teams of the major principalities to kill a hundred Holy Emperor-level monsters in one day, and it is impossible for one monster to explode a hundred eternal crystals.

And it is impossible for a certain team to steal all the principality teams.

So there is no suspense about this name.

"Okay." Feng Jiarong nodded.

After all, Tang Yi said so, what else could he say?
  Can he still not believe Tang Yi?
  "Then what are we going to do now?" someone asked at this time.

Tang Yi heard this and smiled slightly: "Now, we just need to wait for the war between the principalities to end. Of course, we can also go to the Eternal Holy Land for a tour. Although we don't need to go out to rob the eternal crystals of the major principalities' teams, nor We will continue to hunt monsters, but there is no guarantee that others will come to rob us. If others come to rob us, then we... haha."

The meaning is self-evident. Although we no longer need to rob, if others come to rob us, we can still fight back.

"This is a good idea, I support it."

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong smiled.

"I support it too."

"You can have this!"

"If we really encounter a robbery by another principality's team, Tang Yi, you don't need to take action, leave it to us."

"This way we can show off our skills."


Everyone in Kamikaze said one after another, everyone looked excited and eager to try.

After all, it was Tang Yi who took action in the past few days. They had no chance to take action. Now that they finally had the chance to take action, how could they not be excited.

And just when everyone was excited and ready to go out to 'fish' and rob, the sky in the distance suddenly rippled slightly, causing waves of fluctuations.

That was where the barrier was. It seemed like someone had crossed the barrier and entered the barrier.

If it were before, it would be impossible to break into the barrier, and people from the outer gate would not be able to discover the existence of the barrier at all.

But when Tang Yi attacked the Eternal Palace just now, the attack was so powerful that it not only destroyed the Eternal Palace, but even the barrier was also affected.

The originally extremely strong barrier became fragile and looming due to Tang Yi's attack.

Therefore, it is not a strange thing for someone to break into the barrier at this time.

Feeling the strange movement, Tang Yi glanced in the direction of the distant fluctuations, then turned his head and said with a smile: "I also wanted to go out for a walk to see if I could encounter a principality team with evil intentions towards us. I didn't expect it. Someone came to the door.”

Hearing this, everyone in Kamikaze glanced at the barrier in the distance and immediately started laughing.

However, at this moment, the enchantment in the distance was oscillating more and more violently, and the frequency of the oscillations was getting faster and faster. It seemed that a large number of humans passed through the enchantment, causing the enchantment to continuously vibrate.

And not for a long time.


The barrier shattered.

Originally attacked by Tang Yi, the barrier was only partially broken, not completely broken.

At this time, because a large number of people entered the barrier, the barrier finally couldn't hold on and was completely broken.

The entire stream and the entire location of the Eternal Shrine are also exposed to the sight of everyone in the Eternal Holy Land.

And just when Tang Yi and others were expecting someone to come to their door, dozens of figures actually appeared in their field of vision.

There were dozens of figures, both male and female. Everyone was wearing gray and black clothes. The men had short hair, while the women had their hair tied up.

The whole team looks very capable.

(End of this chapter)

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