Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1994 As if looking at a fool

Chapter 1994 As if looking at a fool
  Just when the Kamikaze people discovered this gray-clad team, this team also discovered the Kamikaze people.

Seeing the kamikaze people, this gray-clad team was obviously startled, and everyone showed a look of surprise.

It seemed a little surprising why the Kamikaze people were within the barrier.

"Who are you?"

In the gray-clad team, a young man with blue hair asked the Kamikaze crowd.

This blue-haired young man is very imposing, and his brows are full of the aura of a superior. He must be a person who has been in a high position for a long time.

Needless to say, this young man must be the leader of this gray-clad team.

At this time, this blue-haired young man was somewhat unsure of the identity of the Kamikaze people.

Although the Kamikaze people were dressed in uniform, they looked like they were a principality team.

However, since the Kamikaze people have always been within the barrier, the blue-haired young man and the others saw the Kamikaze people as soon as they entered, so they were a little unsure whether the Kamikaze people were the principality team or someone else.

After hearing the blue-haired young man's question, Feng Jiarong first looked at Tang Yi.

Tang Yi shook his head and said nothing, indicating that Feng Jiarong would handle it.

Seeing that Tang Yi didn't speak, Feng Jiarong stood up and said to the blue-haired young man and others: "Before asking us, should you first tell yourself where you are?"

Due to Feng Jiarong's good temperament, when he saw Feng Jiarong standing up to speak, the blue-haired young man was sure that Feng Jiarong was the person in charge, and immediately said to Feng Jiarong: "You should be the leader, right? I am Qingyu Yu Yangze, the leader of the principality, who are you?"

"We are the Kamikaze Principality, and I am Feng Jiarong, the leader of the Kamikaze Principality." The eldest prince, Feng Jiarong, replied.

"It turns out to be a team from the Kamikaze Principality. Who else did I think they were."

After knowing that Tang Yi and his party were from the principality team and not anyone else, the blue-haired young man Yu Yangze breathed a sigh of relief and looked much more relaxed.

And his tone was no longer as cautious as before, but became arrogant.

It seems that they feel that Kamikaze and others are not a threat to themselves, so they become casual.

"Where is this place? Why do you appear here? Also, I am very strange. Our Herring Principality came in as soon as the barrier was loosened. I think we should be the first principality team to enter the barrier, but... When I came in, I saw your Kamikaze Principality, which is very strange. Could it be that your Kamikaze Principality entered the barrier before the barrier was loosened?"

Yu Yangze, a blue-haired young man from the Qingyu Principality, asked repeatedly.

Hearing Yu Yangze's repeated questions, and his tone of voice was extremely arrogant, as if he was questioning his subordinates, the people in Kamikaze suddenly felt very unhappy.

Even the eldest prince Feng Jiarong frowned.

But Tang Yi didn't feel anything. He had no intention of interacting with these principality teams, so Tang Yi didn't care at all about the attitude of the members of these principality teams.

Anyway, if the team from the Herring Principality in front of them dares to plot evil and take action against the kamikaze, Tang Yi will definitely beat them to death.

"What kind of place is this? Let's not say that we don't know. Even if we know it, why should we tell you? And... As for why we are here, whether we came in before the barrier was loosened, or that sentence, why should we tell you? Tell you?"

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong said.

Since others didn't give them a good look, Feng Jiarong naturally wouldn't give them a good look either.

After all, Feng Jiarong was also a Kamikaze prince, with a high status among the Kamikaze. Although he was modest, he was also a little arrogant.

How could he be happy and endure being questioned like this?

If you say that your strength is not as good as others and are questioned like this, then that's it, just tolerate it. At this time, their kamikaze strength completely overwhelms the other party, why should the other party ask such questions?


Hearing Feng Jiarong's words, Yu Yangze, the leader of the Qingyu Principality, frowned, but before he could speak, the warriors from the Qingyu Principality started shouting first.

"How dare you Kamikaze Principality speak to us like this? Don't you know what kind of principality our Herring Principality is? Our Herring Principality is one of the Seed Principalities, and you, a mere second-class principality, dare to speak to us like this?"

"Don't even consider your own strength before rejecting us!"

"When our team leader asks you something, you just need to answer it. Don't toast or eat as a penalty!"

"A second-rate principality actually dares to clamor against our herring principality. Our team leader is asking you questions. It's to give you face. Don't be shameless!"


The warriors of Qingyu Principality shouted one after another.

The leader of the Qingyu Principality, Yu Yangze, also had a straight face and said to Feng Jiarong: "If I remember correctly, your kamikaze is just a second-rate principality, right? The strength is only average. And our Qingyu Principality is a seed One of the principalities, whose strength is undoubted, are you sure you won’t say anything to my question?”

"Maybe you made a mistake."

Feng Jiarong sneered: "First of all, who do you think the Qingyu Principality is? Secondly, who do you think you are? Thirdly, what qualifications does your Qingyu Principality have to ask us questions?"

Since the warriors of the Qingyu Principality looked down upon them, the Kamikaze Principality, then why should Feng Jiarong give face to the warriors of the Qingyu Principality? Why bother with them?

Moreover, sometimes, it is better to make the relationship clear. If not, how can we take action?

If you don't take action, how can you snatch the other party's Eternal Crystal?
  Feng Jiarong still has a chance!

So, why should he give face to the warriors of Qingyu Principality?
  "It seems that your Kamikaze Principality hasn't figured out the situation yet."

Yu Yangze, the leader of the Qingyu Principality, squinted his eyes slightly, with infinite murderous intent revealed in the slits in his eyes, and said: "Don't you know that in the battle between the principalities, you can take action at will? Here, the teams of the major principalities can do whatever they want. The fighting. In other words... our Herring Principality can completely prevent you from leaving the Eternal Holy Land!"

"Threaten us?"

Feng Jiarong suddenly laughed and said: "Then let me see how your Herring Principality prevents our Kamikaze Principality from leaving the Eternal Holy Land!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Kamikaze Principality also showed a half-smiling look.

The gazes he looked at the warriors of the Qingyu Principality seemed to be looking at fools.

Isn't it?

Although their Kamikaze Principality is only a second-rate principality,...

There is Tang Yi in their principality!
  Who is Tang Yi?

That was a powerful existence that broke into the Eternal Palace alone.

But it can instantly kill the Holy Sect, the Holy Lord, the Holy Emperor, and even the beings above.

Even the huge and magnificent Eternal Palace was razed to the ground by Tang Yi!
  And it is said that the owners of the Eternal Palace were all killed by Tang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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