Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1996 The frightened Yu Yangze

Chapter 1996 The frightened Yu Yangze
  However, he was surprised, and he did not understand. Yu Yangze did not shrink back, or had any fear of the Kamikaze Principality.

He was just surprised.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

He still had the same disdainful attitude towards the Kamikaze Principality and looked down upon it completely.

In his opinion, the Kamikaze Principality was like a nouveau riche that only enjoyed temporary glory.

This kind of 'upstart' will soon decline due to its extremely shallow foundation.

Moreover, even if he is an upstart, Yu Yangze now does not think that this upstart will be their opponent in the Qingyu Principality.

In Yu Yangze's view, there is still a fundamental gap between ordinary principalities and their seed principalities.

No matter what kind of upstart the Kamikaze Principality is, it cannot be their opponent of the Herring Principality.

Therefore, after being slightly surprised, Yu Yangze said coldly to everyone in the Kamikaze Principality: "Your Kamikaze Principality is really good this year, and you do have some abilities, but that's the end of it."

With that said, Yu Yangze jumped up and joined the battle group.

With the addition of Yu Yangze, the pressure on the Kamikaze side suddenly increased.

Moreover, everyone in the Herring Principality seemed to have held back before, and did not use all their strength.

With the addition of Yu Yangze, the warriors of the Qingyu Principality broke out and displayed terrifying strength.

In an instant, the warriors of the Qingyu Principality completely suppressed the warriors of the Kamikaze Principality with a crushing force.

This was still under the condition that Yu Yangze did not exert his full strength and only used some means.

If Yu Yangze goes all out, the situation of everyone in the Kamikaze Principality will be even worse.

In this way, the nine warriors of the Kamikaze Principality showed a one-sided trend. With the addition of Yu Yangze, they were completely unable to fight back.

Seeing this scene, Yu Yangze sneered and sneered while attacking: "You Kamikaze really think you can compete with our Herring Principality? Haha, it is so ridiculous! The reason why you were not defeated before was because of our Herring The warriors haven't shown their full strength yet, if they show their full strength, how can you be our enemies together?"

Yu Yangze looked extremely arrogant, and burst into laughter after finishing speaking.

The other people in the Herring Principality also laughed.

However, everyone in the Herring Principality completely ignored one issue.

There are ten people on the Qingyu Principality side, and Yu Yangze joins the battle.

But on the Kamikaze side, Tang Yi did not join the battle!

There were only nine people on the Kamikaze side.

However, this matter was completely ignored by Yu Yangze and the warriors of Qingyu Principality.

In other words, they did not ignore it, but just did not take Tang Yi seriously, so they selectively ignored Tang Yi.

"Haha. Really? Aren't our kamikazes the enemy of your herring? I don't think so."

Feng Jiarong sneered, then turned to look at Tang Yi.

And Tang Yi realized instantly that it was time for him to take action!

No nonsense, after receiving Feng Jiarong's signal, Tang Yi moved.


The figure quickly disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, like a ghost, he suddenly appeared in front of a warrior from the Qingyu Principality.

And they were so close, the distance between the two sides was no more than half a meter, and their faces were almost touching.

Faced with Tang Yi's sudden appearance and being so close, the warrior from the Qingyu Principality was completely shocked. But before the warrior from the Herring Principality could react, Tang Yi's mouth twisted slightly into a devilish smile.

At this time, Tang Yi stretched out his right hand and gently tapped the neck of the Qingyu Principality warrior at an extremely fast speed.

Before the warrior from the Qingyu Principality had time to react, Tang Yi tapped his neck with a finger.

And Tang Yi's finger, like a sharp sword, gently touched the neck of the warrior from Qingyu Principality.

There was only a soft sound of 'pop', and blood spattered where Tang Yi touched it.

The neck of this Qingyu Principality warrior was directly penetrated by Tang Yi, and countless blood swarmed out of his neck like a spring.

At this time, no one had reacted, and the Qingyu Principality warrior whose neck had been pierced by Tang Yi had not yet fallen to the ground. Tang Yi flashed again and came to the front of another Qingyu Principality warrior.

Same technique, same location.

He stretched out his fingers and lightly touched his neck.


Blood spurted out, and the neck was pierced.

The second warrior from the Qingyu Principality was pierced through the neck by Tang Yi again.

The whole process was smooth and very fast.

Tang Yi was so quick that he tapped the necks of nine Qingyu Principality warriors several times in a row. None of the Qingyu Principality warriors responded.

After a few breaths, Tang Yi returned to where he was.

At this time, except for Yu Yangze, the leader of the Qingyu Principality, the other nine warriors from the Qingyu Principality all had blood on their necks. After a moment, they covered their necks, their eyes were dull, and they fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the only people still standing on the field were the kamikaze warriors and... the leader of the Qingyu Principality, Yu Yangze.


Seeing all the herring warriors except himself lying in a pool of blood, Yu Yangze was dumbfounded for a moment.

At this time, he was extremely confused and had no idea what was happening.

I don’t even know why all the warriors on my side fell.

He didn't even see clearly who had done it!
  Anyway, when he came back to his senses, everyone fell down except him.

No, besides the warriors from the Kamikaze Principality!
  The warrior of Kamikaze did not fall!

At this time, seeing that all the warriors on his side had fallen down, but the warriors of Kamikaze were safe and sound, no matter how stupid Yu Yangze was, he understood what was going on.

The death of the nine warriors from the Qingyu Principality must have been caused by the warriors from the Kamikaze Principality in front of them.

Otherwise, why were the warriors from the Qingyu Principality the only ones to fall? But none of the warriors from the Kamikaze Principality fell?

Of course, I understood, but Yu Yangze couldn't understand it. He didn't understand how the warriors of the Kamikaze Principality did it!
  How on earth did they kill their comrades under their own eyes!

I even don’t understand why a mere second-rate principality has such strength.

In addition, he thought of a terrible fact.

Since kamikaze warriors can kill their companions under their own eyes without being discovered by themselves, doesn't that mean...

If a kamikaze warrior wanted to, could he kill himself without being discovered by himself?
  Thinking of this fact, Yu Yangze suddenly shuddered, and waves of fear surged in his heart.

Out of fear, he couldn't help but raise his head and looked at the Kamikaze crowd with a horrified expression.

At this time, the look he looked at the Kamikaze crowd was no longer disdain, but fear, as if he had seen something terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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