Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1997 Yes, it’s me

Chapter 1997 Yes, it’s me

As for the Kamikaze people at this time.

Because Tang Yi was too fast, the people in Shenfeng did not see Tang Yi take action, let alone know that Tang Yi had already taken action.

Seeing all nine warriors from the Qingyu Principality fall to the ground, even they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

However, they were just stunned for a moment. They quickly recovered and understood that Tang Yi must have taken action. They immediately smiled slightly and looked at Yu Yangze who had not yet fallen to the ground with a sarcastic look.

Feng Jiarong was now arrogant and proud, and said to Yu Yangze: "Huh? Didn't it mean that our kamikaze is not the enemy of your herring principality? Didn't it mean that our kamikaze can't compete with your herring? What now? Haha."

Feng Jiarong mocked Yu Yangze wantonly.

After all, who made him so arrogant before?
  How could he let out his previous bad breath without ridiculing him?
  In addition, didn't Tang Yi leave Yu Yangze behind just to let them vent their anger?
  Otherwise, if Tang Yi wanted to kill Yu Yangze, Yu Yangze would have died countless times.

Therefore, it was because of knowing this that Feng Jiarong mocked Yu Yangze unscrupulously.


Yu Yangze gritted his teeth. Facing Feng Jiarong's sarcasm, his face was very ugly. He wanted to get angry but didn't dare to get angry. He could only say: "How did you do it?"

"The frog in the well is stronger than you, so he can do it naturally. You don't know this? Are you the only one who wants to join the team of the Principality? Haha." Feng Jiarong sarcastically said again.

Hearing Feng Jiarong's sarcasm, Yu Yangze was very angry, but now that the situation was stronger than others, he did not dare to say anything. He could only say: "It seems that I underestimate your Kamikaze Principality."

Feng Jiarong smiled slightly and said again: "You really have blind eyes and don't recognize Mount Tai!"

After a pause, Feng Jiarong pointed in a direction and continued: "Do you know what the scene is over there? I can allow you to fly up and take a look."

Hearing this, although Yu Yangze was confused, he still flew up and floated into the air.

And in mid-air, he had an excellent view, and everything around him was unobstructed.

In addition, there were no dense woods around their location, so everything in the distance was very clear.

At this time, Yu Yangze looked in the direction Feng Jiarong was pointing, and immediately saw...

In that direction, for hundreds of miles, there was a piece of black scorched earth...

"This is……"

Yu Yangze's eyes widened in shock.

Although Yu Yangze didn't know where this piece of black scorched earth was, he knew that this place was definitely not formed innately.

Because there were still bursts of black smoke over there, and the black scorched earth was covered with countless debris visible to the naked eye.

The debris includes the flesh and blood of monsters and beasts, the remains of various trees, flowers, and plants, and all kinds of things.

These should have survived some kind of impact!
  In other words, this piece of black scorched earth was formed the day after tomorrow!

Moreover, the ground where the black scorched earth is located is at least one meter shorter than the ground that is not black earth!
  What does this represent?
  The ground, which represents the black scorched earth, was originally flush with the ground in other places. However, someone cut off a layer of it, at least one meter. Only then did it appear that it was shorter than other places. It also appeared that Such a scorched earth!
  Seeing such a scorched earth, Yu Yangze was shocked and wondered what kind of strength could create such a scorched earth?
  What kind of strength can cut off one meter of land within a range of hundreds of forces, turning this land into a piece of black scorched earth?
  This is too shocking.

Seeing such a scorched earth, Yu Yangze was stunned. At this time, Feng Jiarong and the Shenfeng people came to Yu Yangze at some unknown time. Feng Jiarong smiled and said to Yu Yangze: "I know why your Qingyu Principality was the first to enter the barrier, but our gods Did the wind appear in the barrier first before you? Do you know why I let you see such a scorched earth?"

"Could it be..."

Hearing Feng Jiarong's words, Yu Yangze seemed to have guessed something, and his eyes widened.


Feng Jiarong said with a smile: "The reason why we were already there when your Qingyu Principality came is because before the barrier was loosened, we were originally within the barrier. And the scorched earth over there is actually our kamikaze What you did!"


Yu Yangze said in complete disbelief: "How could such a large area over there be the work of your kamikaze? Your kamikaze is just a principality team, how could it be so powerful?"

Yu Yangze's face was full of disbelief, as if he didn't believe that the black scorched earth was the work of the warriors of the Kamikaze Principality.

after all……

How much strength is needed to create such a large area of ​​black scorched earth?

Moreover, this is the eternal holy land!

The rocks here are extremely solid, and the land here is extremely thick. They cannot be destroyed just by trying to destroy them.

Even if he wanted to destroy it, it would be extremely difficult.

Not to mention creating a black scorched earth area of ​​hundreds of kilometers, even creating a black scorched earth area of ​​tens of meters is completely impossible and extremely difficult.

Not to mention the horror of cutting off one meter of land.

It can be seen that the strength required to create hundreds of kilometers of black scorched earth is unimaginable.

This kind of strength is completely impossible for a duchy warrior to achieve.

Even the Holy Sect and the Holy Lord may not be able to do it.

Therefore, Yu Yangze didn't believe it at all when he heard Feng Jiarong's words.

"Haha, so you are a frog in the well! Whether you believe it or not, it is the fact!"

Feng Jiarong smiled disdainfully: "Otherwise, why do you think your companions died inexplicably just now? Did they die suddenly? Isn't it ridiculous? Otherwise, you entered the barrier first, why did we appear in front of you? Could it be that we instantly Moved? Of course it was already there. Otherwise, why would there be a piece of scorched earth over there? Did it appear out of thin air? Of course it was made by us. Haha. And..."

Feng Jiarong looked at Yu Yangze and smiled even brighter, and said: "Don't you realize that someone in our Kamikaze has never taken action? Your Qingyu Principality is the Seed Principality after all, and you Yu Yangze is the leader of the Seed Principality after all. Don’t you have the ability to observe at all?”


Hearing these words, Yu Yangze was stunned for a moment, then glanced among the people in Shenfeng. After a moment, his eyes fixed on Tang Yi and said in surprise: "It's you! The warrior of our Qingyu Principality, you are Killed?"

At this time, Tang Yi smiled slightly, stood up and admitted: "Yes, I killed him. And this scorched earth was also caused by me."

(End of this chapter)

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