Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2000 I have given you the opportunity

Chapter 2000 I have given you the opportunity
  The reason why the teams of the major principalities united and did not go out alone to deal with the Kamikaze Principality was because the Kamikaze people were too mysterious and their appearance was too strange.

They were not sure about the kamikaze.


They recognize the clothes of the Herring Principality. After all, the Herring Principality is the Seed Principality. Who doesn't recognize it?
  At this time, the warriors of the Qingyu Principality lay dead at the feet of the warriors of the Kamikaze Principality.

Seeing this scene, who among the warriors from the major principalities would not be afraid?

Let them fight against the Kamikaze Principality alone, how can they have confidence?

So, can they not unite?
  In their opinion, if more than a dozen principality teams unite, what will happen no matter how powerful the kamikaze is?

Can you still fight against more than a dozen of their principalities?

Under the pressure of more than a dozen of their principality teams, no matter how powerful the kamikaze was, they would still be able to defeat them.

However, to the surprise of the major principalities, Feng Jiarong was not afraid because the teams of the major principalities spoke one after another.

On the contrary, Feng Jiarong became more and more disdainful after hearing the words and statements of the major principalities.

"So what if I provoke you? As far as I'm concerned, you, the dozen principality teams, are nothing more than that."

Feng Jiarong paused for a moment and said: "I'm not afraid to tell you that we are a team of the Kamikaze Kingdom. If you are wise, please quickly hand over the Eternal Crystal and the good things you have. Otherwise, none of you will even think about it. leave!"

"Huh? Kamikaze Principality? So you are Kamikaze Principality!"

"I know Kamikaze Principality, but it is not a seed principality, just a second-rate principality."

"Yes, I also remember that the Kamikaze Principality is mediocre in strength and is only a second-rate principality."

"Hahahahaha, it really made me laugh. It turned out to be a team from the Kamikaze Principality. I thought it was a team from a certain Seed Principality. After all, the tone was so crazy. If it wasn't the Seed Principality, it was some other Principality. But I didn't expect that it was just a team from the Kamikaze Principality. A second-rate principality, the Kamikaze Principality.”

"It turns out you are a team from the Kamikaze Principality. Who do I think you are? You actually dare to challenge dozens of our principality teams present. You are so arrogant."

"You, the Kamikaze Principality, still want us to hand over the Eternal Crystal and the good things we have on you? You, the Kamikaze Principality, dare to threaten us? It's really ridiculous!"



Hearing Feng Jiarong reveal his identity, the warriors from all the major principality teams present laughed one after another, their faces full of disdain.

Before they knew the identities of the Kamikaze people, they were indeed wary and fearful of the Kamikaze Principality.

However, after knowing the identity of the Kamikaze people, the teams of the major principalities were no longer vigilant and fearful of the Kamikaze Principality.

After all, the Kamikaze Principality is just a second-rate principality. How could they still be wary and wary of such a powerful principality team?

Although it is not known how the warriors of the Qingyu Principality died, in the eyes of the warriors of the major principalities, it is absolutely impossible for the warriors of the Kamikaze Principality to do it.

After all, the Kamikaze Principality is only a second-rate principality, while the Herring Principality is a seed principality.

The strengths of both sides are completely disproportionate.

How could a mere second-rate principality be able to deal with the Herring Principality?

How could it be possible to kill the warriors of the Qingyu Principality?
  On the other side, facing the ridicule and disdain of the major principalities, the warriors of the Kamikaze Principality did not care and stood still, calm. They were not angry at all because of the words of the warriors from the major principalities, nor did they refute any words. They just stood there and watched quietly, looking extremely calm.

On the side, Tang Yi was watching quietly, not participating at all, not saying anything, and just letting Feng Jiarong do what he did.

However, Tang Yi also admired Feng Jiarong's operation very much.

He didn't expect that a prince from a principality could be so powerful at mocking people. He could stir up hatred with just a few words. This was too powerful.

And just when Tang Yi was extremely impressed, Feng Jiarong spoke again.

He said to the teams of the major principalities with great disdain: "It is your honor to meet our Kamikaze Principality! It is also your honor to be robbed by our Kamikaze Principality. You are so blessed that you don't know how blessed you are. ?Also, who said that our Kamikaze Principality is a second-rate principality? Did you know that before? From today on, Kamikaze Principality is no longer a second-rate principality, but the first principality among all kingdoms! Do you hear me clearly? ? The first principality! Not a seed principality, but the first principality!"

"The First Principality? Haha, you really know how to put money on your own face."

"Not only arrogant, but also paranoid. Even a second-rate principality dares to call itself the first principality."

"Being robbed by your kamikaze? Just your Kamikaze Principality? Robbing us? Isn't it ridiculous? I'm just standing here, and you try to rob me?"

"You don't know how to be blessed when you are in the midst of blessings? What kind of blessing do you think you are? What nonsense are you talking about? Isn't it ridiculous?"

"The people of the Kamikaze Principality look absolutely crazy, actually saying such crazy things."

"Drinking? Drunk? It doesn't look like that. You didn't drink, so why did you say a bunch of drunken words?"

"… .."

The warriors from all the major principalities ridiculed.


Feng Jiarong was cold and didn't care about the words of the warriors from the major principalities at all. He said to himself: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense anymore. I have given you the opportunity. As for whether you can grasp it or not, that is you. Now, hurry up and hand over all the items on your body and the Eternal Crystal. If you haven't handed it over before I count to ten, then don't blame us Kamikaze for being ruthless."

"Hahahaha, give us a chance. Isn't this ridiculous? You are just a second-rate principality in Kamikaze, but give us a chance?"

"I think it is more reasonable for you to hand over the Eternal Crystal yourself and withdraw from the war between the principalities. Otherwise, our dozen or so principalities will not be vegetarians. Our dozen or so principalities will not show mercy."

"No, you don't need to take action, our Dongming Principality can deal with them."

"A mere second-rate principality is threatening us. No need for anyone to take action. Let us, the Great Qiang Principality, defeat them and let them know what reality is and what is a dream."

"Have you pretended enough? Are you still pretending? A mere second-rate principality still wants to threaten more than a dozen of our principalities?"

"I will also count to ten. Before I count to ten, if your Kamikaze Kingdom has not handed over the items and the Eternal Crystal, then don't blame me for being cruel! Hahahahaha!"


The teams from the major principalities sneered again, not taking Feng Jiarong's words seriously at all.

In their opinion, Feng Jiarong's threat was simply ridiculous.

 Chapter 2000, can you ask for rewards, subscriptions, and votes? I will update more starting next Monday.

  (End of this chapter)

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