Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2001 Arrival of Tianlan Principality

Chapter 2001 Arrival of Tianlan Principality
  However, Feng Jiarong ignored these principality teams and started counting down by himself.








"Okay, I gave you the opportunity, but it's a pity that you didn't cherish it. In that case, don't blame me."

Feng Jiarong said with a sneer.

After speaking, he turned his head and gestured slightly towards Tang Yi.

Seeing the signal, Tang Yi stood up and understood that it was his turn to appear.

And just when Tang Yi stepped forward and was about to do something, there was another noise in the distance, and it seemed that someone had arrived at the scene.

Everyone turned their heads and immediately saw a group of people dressed in blue approaching quickly.

"This is……"

"Tianlan Principality! They are the seed principality Tianlan Principality! The top three principalities of the previous session!"

"I didn't expect that the Tianlan Principality would also come. Now there's something exciting to watch!"

"The Tianlan Principality has arrived. What kind of Kamikaze Principality is this? Don't even think about being arrogant."



That's right, the principality team that came to the scene was the Seed Principality, the Tianlan Principality, which had a relationship with the Kamikaze Principality in the principality pavilion!
  At this time, Shi Yuan, the leader of the Tianlan Principality, came to the scene with all the warriors from the Tianlan Principality.

After arriving, the Tianlan Principality did not see the Kamikaze Principality at first. It was only when they saw the crowd that they moved closer.

However, when they saw the Kamikaze Principality and Tang Yi surrounded by people, their eyes suddenly widened, as if they had seen something terrifying, with a look of fear.

In addition, their figures that were constantly moving forward also stopped in place at this time.

The Tianlan Principality actually stayed in the distance and didn't dare to move forward?
  what's the situation?
  Seeing this scene, more than a dozen principalities were stunned.

"What's going on? Why is Tianlan Principality looking like that?"

"Did you see something? Why do you look so scared?"

"Are they really the Tianlan Principality? Isn't Tianlan Principality the Seed Principality? Aren't the warriors of the Seed Principality very arrogant? Why now..."

"What does Tianlan Principality mean? What did they see?"


Nan Yong, the leader of Dongming Principality, was also puzzled. He directly said to the warriors of Tianlan Principality: "Are you warriors of Tianlan Principality?"


Shi Yuan, the leader of the Tianlan Principality, heard someone calling him, and immediately came to his senses and replied: "Exactly!"

"It seems that we did not admit our mistake. You are indeed a team from the Tianlan Principality. However, what exactly did you just see? Why do you look so frightened?"

Nan Yong of Dongming Principality asked again.

"We..." Shi Yuan, the team leader of the Tianlan Principality, heard the question and didn't know how to answer it for a moment.

What did you see that made you look horrified?

Of course I saw the Kamikaze Principality!

No, to be precise, of course it was Tang Yi who saw the Kamikaze Principality!

That is a monster-like existence!

If they encountered the Kamikaze Principality outside, their Tianlan Principality would definitely not be like this.

However, this is the eternal holy land.

This is an eternal holy place where you can fight at will.

Can they, the Tianlan Principality, not be afraid here?

What if the warriors of the Kamikaze Principality have a seizure in their heads and take action against them?
  How can the Tianlan Principality resist this evildoer Tang Yi?
  Not to mention their Tianlan Principality, even if there are more than a dozen principalities present united, they may not be able to resist Tang Yi.

You know, that is the powerful existence that destroyed Feng Yu Kong Pirate!
  Its strength is probably beyond the understanding of the warriors of their principality.

Such an existence is simply not something they can resist.

To be honest, Shi Yuan was a little unhappy. He felt that the Kamikaze Principality was too bullying. How could a monster like Tang Yi be sent to participate in the battle between the principalities.

Isn't this kind of existence just bullying children by participating in the battle of the principality?
  However, no matter how unhappy he was, he couldn't say anything.

After all, the Kamikaze Principality did not violate the rules.

Tang Yi is also qualified to participate in the battle of the principalities.

One can only blame the Kamikaze Principality for producing such a freak who reached such heights at such a young age.

Just when Shi Yuan, the leader of the Tianlan Principality, was thinking, seeing that Shi Yuan did not speak, Nan Yong, the leader of the Dongming Principality, asked again: "Brother, what happened? What are you, the Tianlan Principality, afraid of?"


Shi Yuan from Tianlan Principality came to his senses, shook his head, and said nothing more. After all, there was no way to talk about this kind of thing.

And if Shi Yuan didn't say anything, the other warriors in the Tianlan Principality wouldn't say anything either.

Seeing that everyone in the Tianlan Principality was speechless, Nan Yong, the leader of the Dongming Principality, could not ask any more questions, so he had to change the subject and said: "Everyone from the Tianlan Principality, your purpose of coming here must be to find out what's going on in the barrier. ? Now I have a situation I want to tell you."

Nan Yong, the leader of the Dongming Principality, said to Shi Yuan: "I guess you are the leader of the Tianlan Principality. Now let me tell you about the situation. The principality team opposite, wearing gray clothes, is from the Kamikaze Principality. Team. Although I don’t know if they are the first team to enter here, they are definitely the first team to come in. After all, they have been there before we arrived. To say that they are not the first team , no one in the principality team present believed it.

Therefore, the Kamikaze Principality will have more or less understanding of what is happening here and what this place is!
  In addition, there are two very suspicious places!
  The first one is that the Kamikaze Principality did not answer our questions at all, and their attitude was extremely tough. Even if more than a dozen of us principalities came forward together, they said nothing and did not answer any of our questions, so When we think about it, they definitely know something.

And the second one, the warrior from the Seed Principality and the Herring Principality, fell at their feet!

You must know that the Qingyu Principality is a Seed Principality, and its warriors are definitely not weak, but they fell at the feet of the Kamikaze Principality warriors. We asked the Kamikaze Principality warriors what happened, but they did not answer at all.

Therefore, we speculate that the fall of the warriors of the Qingyu Principality is related to the Kamikaze Principality.

Moreover, it is closely related!

Therefore, we just decided to attack the warriors of the Kamikaze Principality together, capture them, and then force them to find out the truth of the matter. That's probably what happened. "

Nan Yong, the leader of the Dongming Principality, told the story clearly and clearly.

After hearing the description of Nan Yong, the leader of the Dongming Principality, no matter how stupid he was, he completely understood what happened.

After hearing the description of Nan Yong, the leader of the Dongming Principality, the warriors from the Tianlan Principality had not spoken yet, but the warriors from the other major principality teams present started to echo.

(End of this chapter)

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