Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2002 The Tianlan Principality team ran away

Chapter 2002 The Tianlan Principality team ran away
  "Yes, that's what happened. The Kamikaze Principality holds secrets that none of us know, but they don't tell us that we are planning to take action against them."

"Moreover, the warriors of the Kamikaze Principality are very arrogant. Not only are they unwilling to tell us the truth, they even threaten us!"

"Do you think the Kamikaze Principality is ridiculous? Even if they don't tell us the truth, they actually dare to threaten us. They just counted down the time, saying that if we don't hand over our belongings and the Eternal Crystal, they will kill us. Take action. Hahahaha."

"I have seen arrogance, but I have never seen anyone so arrogant. This Kamikaze Principality is a little too arrogant. It is not even the Seed Principality, but its tone is even louder than the Seed Principality, and it actually threatens us."

"Friends of the Tianlan Principality, you have never seen the arrogance of the Kamikaze Principality. If you had seen it, I'm afraid you would be pissed to death by them. They are really too arrogant."

"Prince Zijin said that the Eternal Holy Land is an unknown secret realm, and even they have not fully explored it. In other words, there are great opportunities in the Eternal Holy Land, and this should be the opportunity for the Eternal Holy Land. The Kamikaze Principality was the first to come in, so they must know something. However, they said nothing and wanted to monopolize this opportunity, which is too much."


The leaders of the major principalities all agreed, describing the Kamikaze Principality as extremely arrogant, heinous, and extremely stupid.

In the opinion of the team leaders of the major principalities, after what they said, the Tianlan Principality will hate the Kamikaze Principality deeply and will join their alliance to attack the Kamikaze Principality.

However, what was different from what the teams from the major principalities thought was that after the warriors from the Tianlan Principality heard that they were going to take action against the Kamikaze Principality, their eyes suddenly widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

" want to take action against the Kamikaze Principality?" Shi Yuan, the leader of the Tianlan Principality, asked in surprise, with an incredible look on his face.

"Huh? That's right! Is there any problem? We just said that the Kamikaze Principality must have some secrets, but he didn't tell us and threatened us. This is really abominable, so we We decided to take action against them and force them to reveal their secrets.”

Nan Yong, the leader of Dongming Principality, answered on behalf of everyone.

Hearing this, the leaders of the major principalities also nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

When he heard that the teams from the major principalities had confirmed that they would take action against the Kamikaze Principality, and that the two sides had entered a state of confrontation, Shi Yuan, the leader of the Tianlan Principality, was shocked. He was as panicked as a frightened rabbit. He was seen hurriedly moving towards the distance. The Kamikaze crowd looked over.

When he saw Tang Yi Zheng looking towards their location, Shi Yuan, the leader of the Tianlan Principality, became even more frightened and hurriedly whispered: "No, retreat quickly, we can't stay here any longer."

With that said, he turned around quickly and left quickly without looking back.

It was swaying when it came, but it was as fast as the wind when it left.

Moreover, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and seemed to have used some special means to save his life. He escaped very fast, and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Not only Shi Yuan, the leader of the Tianlan Principality, but also other warriors from the Tianlan Principality.

When they heard Shi Yuan's order to retreat, they ran away without thinking.

They also exhausted all their strength to feed themselves, and also used life-saving measures!
  Run fast!

In the blink of an eye, Shi Yuan and he disappeared from everyone's sight.

Just like that, before the teams of more than a dozen principalities could react, the warriors from Tianlan Principality disappeared in front of everyone in just the blink of an eye, extremely fast.

He came quietly and left in a hurry, without even saying hello.

Seeing this scene, the dozens of principality teams present were all stunned. They had no idea what happened, and they had no idea why the warriors from the Bailan Principality ran away.

"What's going on? Why did Tianlan Principality run away? What happened?"

"Why are they running? I don't understand at all?" "They... aren't they the Seed Principality and the Tianlan Principality? Why do they feel so... do they feel so useless? As a Seed Principality, shouldn't we be more proud and domineering? They It's like a rabbit, it's startled. And now it's scared away."

"What's going on? The warriors of Tianlan Principality seem to be frightened when they hear that we are going to deal with the warriors of Kamikaze Principality? What are they afraid of?"

"The Tianlan Principality has been afraid since they came here, and they don't know what they are afraid of. It's really funny."

"This Tianlan Principality is really funny. It is so cowardly that such a principality team is actually a team from the Seed Principality. It seems that Tianlan Principality has declined this year."



The teams from all the major principalities said.

At this time, Tang Yi stepped forward and said to the warriors from the major principalities: "Do you know why they ran away?"

Tang Yi had already roughly guessed why Tianlan Principality ran away.

It seems that the Tianlan Principality knew his strength from some source, so after seeing him, they ran away.

Of course, Tang Yi knew this, but the warriors in the major principalities did not.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the warriors from all the major principalities were stunned.

"Oh? Do you know why they are like this? Then tell me, why are they so afraid?"

Nan Yong, the leader of Dongming Principality, asked Tang Yi.

"Because you saw me." Tang Yi smiled lightly.

"see you?"

Nan Yong, the leader of the Dongming Principality, was slightly startled, then sneered and said, "Are you kidding? The team from the mighty Seed Principality, Tianlan Principality, ran away after seeing you? Who do you think you are? Why did others see you? Are you going to run away in the future? This is absolutely ridiculous, and I can’t even brag!"

"Hahahahaha, this warrior from the Kamikaze Principality is too ridiculous. Does he really think he is a peerless strongman, and others will run away when they see him? Hahaha."

"I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen anyone so shameless. This warrior from the Kamikaze Principality is too shameless."

"You really know how to put gold on your own face. How could the mighty Seed Principality run away just because you saw a warrior from a second-rate principality like you?"

"A warrior from a second-rate principality actually dares to brazenly say that others are fleeing because of him."

"This kamikaze warrior is probably bluffing because he is surrounded by us and has nothing to do. Hahaha."

"He probably thought we were easy to deceive, so he made up such a stupid lie. Hahahaha."


The warriors from the major principalities' teams all sneered, saying they didn't believe what Tang Yi said at all.

(End of this chapter)

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