Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2003 Show off your power and destroy the Dongming Principality

Chapter 2003 Show off your power and destroy the Dongming Principality
  Kamikaze Principality is just a second-rate principality, but what about Tianlan Principality?

That is the Seed Principality.

Would the Seed Principality be afraid of a warrior from a second-rate principality?
  Isn't this a joke?
  Who will believe?
  No one will believe it.

"I'm not kidding. Although I'm not 100% sure, I'm 99% sure that they were so frightened after seeing me. As for why they were afraid and ran away after seeing me …That’s because of my strength. They were afraid of my strength, so they ran away.”

Tang Yi said with great confidence.

"Hahahaha! You ran away because of your strength? What kind of strength do you have? You ran away because of your crappy strength?"

"A mere warrior from a second-rate principality talks to us about his strength."

"It's ridiculous. Are you Kamikaze Kingdom warriors too shameless? How did you do it? How did you say such shameless words?"

"I'm not 100% sure yet, but I'm 99% sure that you really know how to blow."

"You can brag better than your team leader!"


The warriors from the major principalities present still didn't believe it and laughed at Tang Yi for being thick-skinned.

But Tang Yi did not speak this time, but turned his eyes to one of the principality warriors wearing orange attire.

After turning his eyes to this warrior, Tang Yi's eyes moved slightly, and the God's Eyes' Destruction' was activated.


The mysterious Sanskrit sound sounded, and the golden light flashed in his eyes.

And at the moment when Tang Yi's eyes flashed with golden light, the body of the principal warrior in orange attire exploded with a crash, turning into countless light spots and disappearing from the place.


The first person to discover that the orange-colored warrior had been reduced to ashes was the companion of the principality warrior.

Upon discovering that the warriors from the principality on their side were reduced to ashes, the warriors from the orange-clad principality were immediately startled and screamed.

At this time, after hearing the screams, the warriors from the major principalities turned their heads one after another and discovered this orange-clad warrior from the principality who had turned into ashes!
  Seeing a warrior from the principality turn into ashes inexplicably, the warriors from all the major principalities were frightened and looked confused, not knowing what was happening.

"What's going on? What happened? Why did the warrior from Xiwu Principality die inexplicably?"

"How did he die? Who did it to him?"

"Why did he disappear in an instant? Turned into ashes? What on earth is going on?"

"I just seemed to see a golden light flashing from the eyes of the Kamikaze warrior opposite, and then the warrior from the Xiwu Principality died. Could it be related to the warrior from the Kamikaze Principality?"

"Isn't it possible? How can a warrior from the Kamikaze Principality, a second-rate principality, be able to do this? Kill people without making a sound? If he really has this ability, will Kamikaze be a second-rate principality?"

"Yes, I don't believe it was the warriors from Kamikaze Principality who did it. The reason why someone died must be someone who was secretly attacking us."

"Is there someone hiding in the dark around here?"

"It's impossible. Even if there are people hiding around him, it's impossible for a warrior to disappear silently, right? If you have such strength, why do you need to hide?"

"That's right. I don't think there's anyone hiding around me."

"Is he really a kamikaze warrior?"

"No way! Anyway, I don't believe it is like this."

"I don't believe it either."


There was a lot of discussion among the warriors from the major principalities. Some warriors felt that the death of the warriors from the Xiwu Principality was caused by the warriors from the Kamikaze Principality. Some warriors feel that the death of warriors from the Principality of Xiwu was caused by warriors hiding in secret.

In short, there were divergent opinions, and two voices emerged from the dozen or so principalities present.

However, there are not many people who think it was done by warriors from the Kamikaze Principality, and they only belong to a small minority.

Most people still feel that the Kamikaze Principality does not have that kind of strength, and they think it should be the work of someone hiding in the dark.

After hearing the words of the major principalities, Tang Yi smiled and said to these warriors from the major principalities who were still paralyzing themselves: "You think it wasn't me who did it? Haha, then... what about this?"

With that said, Tang Yi turned his eyes again.

He is still a warrior in orange armor, and he still has the destructive power of the Eye of God.

The only difference is that this time Tang Yi's target is no longer one person, but all the warriors in orange costumes!

The golden light flashed again.

There was a flash of golden light, and the nine warriors from the Western Wu Principality wearing orange attire suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight like the warrior before. They turned into ashes and turned into countless light spots.

Seeing that all the warriors from the entire Xiwu Principality were turned into ashes, the teams from all the major principalities present were shocked.

However, before they could say anything, Tang Yi made another move.

At this time, Tang Yi turned his head slightly and looked in the direction of Dongming Principality.

Feeling Tang Yi's gaze turning, Nan Yong, the leader of the Dongming Principality, trembled slightly in his heart. He looked at Tang Yi warily and said, "You...what do you want to do."

As he spoke, Nan Yong led the people of Dongming Principality and kept retreating, obviously fearful of Tang Yi.

Of course, can you not be afraid?

Just now Tang Yi glanced at the Principality of Xiwu, and then all the warriors in the Principality of Xiwu were turned into ashes!
  How could he not be afraid of such a terrifying scene?
  Although Nan Yong is still not sure whether Tang Yi did it, but in Nan Yong's opinion, there is a high probability that it was Tang Yi.

And since it was Tang Yi who did it, if Tang Yi could kill the troops of the Xiwu Principality, he would definitely be able to kill the troops of the Dongming Principality.

So, how could Nan Yong not be afraid at this time?

Feeling Tang Yi's gaze, he was now scared to death, his body could not stop trembling, and his whole body looked devoid of any color.

Not only Nan Yong, the leader of the Dongming Principality, was afraid, but the other warriors of the Dongming Principality were also terrified at this time.

The unknown is terrifying.

They don't even know how the Duke of Xiwu died, they don't even know what happened, and they don't even know what methods Tang Yi used.

How can we not be afraid of all kinds of unknowns?

But what's the use of fear? What's the use of fear.

Can fear prevent death? Can fear be avoided?

Obviously impossible.

After Tang Yi turned his attention to the Duke of Dongming, his eyes moved, and the magical power of 'Destruction' of the Eye of God was activated again.

And the targets targeted this time were none other than the people of the Dongming Principality.


The magical power was activated, and golden light flashed across Tang Yi's eyes.

At this moment, Nan Yong, the retreating leader of the Dongming Principality, and several warriors from the Dongming Principality, crashed, seemed to be broken, turned into countless flying ash, and disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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