Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2005 The Crystal of Eternity, Surprised Kamikaze Everyone

Chapter 2005 Millions of Eternal Crystals, Surprised Kamikaze Everyone
  Tang Yi had no experience and did not obtain any items by killing more than a hundred warriors from the principality team.

Nothing gained.

Not even a prompt appears.

After all, the strength of the warriors in these principality teams is too low.

Tang Yi has already reached the Holy God level, and the warriors in these principality teams are only at the Holy Emperor level. The strongest and strongest are the top Holy Emperors.

There is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides. It can be said that there is a huge gap between them.

It's strange that Tang Yi can get experience points by killing them.

Therefore, Tang Yi gained nothing by killing these more than a hundred warriors from the principality.

The kamikaze warriors on the side didn't say anything nonsense. When Tang Yi killed more than a hundred warriors from the principality, they came to the place where these warriors died to clean the battlefield.

But unfortunately.

Since Tang Yi used the God's Eye, the power of the God's Eye was very powerful, and ordinary items could not withstand the magical power of the God's Eye.

Therefore, the more than one hundred principality warriors turned into fly ashes after their death, and most of their belongings also turned into fly ashes with them and ceased to exist.

So this time the kamikaze warriors cleaned up the battlefield, and what they could gain was not much, that is, some indestructible items and the crystal of eternity.

And when the dozen or so principalities are put together, there are only three or forty crystals of eternity!

That's right, three or forty.

There are more than a dozen principality teams, and each principality team only has a few stars on average!

This is too shabby!
  Not even a fraction of the Eternal Crystal that Tang Yi now owns!
  Seeing that the Eternal Crystals owned by the principalities' teams were so shabby, Tang Yi became even more convinced that the teams of the major principalities definitely did not possess many Eternal Crystals.

The number one spot in this battle between principalities must definitely belong to their kamikaze.

"Tang Yi, what should we do now?"

After cleaning the battlefield, Feng Jiarong asked Tang Yi.

Tang Yi thought for a while and said, "Wait. Wait here, wait for the battle of the principalities to end. With what we have gained now, we no longer need to participate in the next battle of the principalities."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Feng Jiarong said: "We will do whatever you say, Tang Yi. Then let's rest where we are now. If anyone who doesn't have the foresight comes to seek death, then we will kill them. If not, then we will wait until the battle between the principalities. Finish."


Tang Yi nodded, then seemed to remember something, and said, "By the way, I'd better leave the Eternal Crystal to you for safekeeping. It's not appropriate to put it on me."

For the Eternal Crystal, Tang Yi did not identify or pick it up, but only temporarily stored it in the system backpack.

For temporary storage, the system will charge a storage fee.

Moreover, the storage fee is not low, costing at least millions of holy points.

After all, there are millions of eternal crystals, and it is not strange to charge millions of holy points.

Therefore, Tang Yi still has some objections to this high cost.

Although Tang Yi has a lot of holy values, these holy values ​​are not brought by strong winds. Why not save them if they can be saved?

Taking out the Eternal Crystal and giving it to the First Prince and others for safekeeping would save a lot of holy value.

"Leave it to us for safekeeping? That's fine."

Hearing this, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong nodded and agreed with the proposal.

In addition to keeping the Eternal Crystal for Tang Yi, it can reduce Tang Yi's troubles and prevent Tang Yi from having to worry about such trivial matters. Feng Jiarong also felt that if Tang Yi took out the Eternal Crystal, he could also take a look at the Eternal Crystal. The number of crystals.

In this way, the ranking in the Battle of the Principalities can be ensured. After all, the Crystal of Eternity is in Tang Yi's body, and they don't understand how much it contains.

In this way, they have no confidence at all.

At this time, Tang Yi was willing to take out the Eternal Crystal and let them keep it for safekeeping, letting them know the number of Eternal Crystals. In this way, they would have more confidence and no need to worry.

"Then wait a moment, the number may be too much, please get out of the way later."

With that said, Tang Yi moved his hand and took out the Eternal Crystal from the system backpack.


In order to deceive others and hide the existence of the system, when Tang Yi took out the Eternal Crystal, he let the Eternal Crystal fly out of his sleeves.

Suddenly, countless eternal crystals swarmed out, like locusts passing through, densely packed.


Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked.

They knew that Tang Yi had obtained a large amount of Eternal Crystals this time, but they did not expect that there were so many, so densely packed that they were countless!
  How much is this?

  Tens of thousands?
  One hundred thousand?
  Or...a million?

I'm afraid it's far more than that!
  There were so many eternal crystals swarming out of Tang Yi's sleeves that they piled up on the ground, forming a hill tens of meters high!

The Eternal Crystal is only the size of a thumb, and it is simply incredible to pile up a small mountain of Eternal Crystals the size of a thumb.

This shows how huge the number of Eternal Crystals is!


Seeing this hill made of eternal crystals, the kamikaze warriors present were shocked and took a breath.

Feng Jiarong, the eldest prince of Kamikaze, also asked Tang Yi in surprise: "Tang Yi, how many are there here?"

Tang Yi replied: "About four million."

"Four million!"


Hearing Tang Yi's answer, the kamikaze warriors present took a breath again and marveled.

"This, this, this..."

"Oh my God! Tang Yi, how on earth did you do it!"

"Tang Yi, when you entered the Eternal Palace, did you enter the lair of monsters? Did you kill a large number of monsters there? Otherwise, how could there be so many eternal crystals."

"More than four million, this number is simply unimaginable."

"Just now, the teams of more than a dozen principalities only had 30 or 40 Eternal Crystals, but you, Tang Yi, actually obtained millions of Eternal Crystals. This person is really infuriating compared to others."

"Although the dozen principality teams just now do not represent all the principality teams, they are not much different. In other words, the number of eternal crystals Tang Yi obtained is a million times that of them!"

"It's stable now! Which principality team can get a million eternal crystals? None!"


The kamikaze warriors all said in surprise.

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong also said: "No wonder, no wonder Tang Yi, you are so confident, thinking that the number one in this battle between the principalities must be our Kamikaze. I see, now I understand why you are so confident. It turns out. You have obtained a million Eternal Crystals! No other principality can compare with us for this amount of Eternal Crystals!"

When speaking, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong was very surprised, with a happy and excited look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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