Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2006: Zijin King Zi Wuji can’t afford to lose?

Chapter 2006: Zijin King Zi Wuji can’t afford to lose?

Tang Yi had not taken out the Eternal Crystal before. Even if Tang Yi was very confident, even if Tang Yi vowed to do so, he still felt unsure!

But now, Tang Yi took out the Eternal Crystal, and took out such a huge amount, Feng Jiarong felt confident.


"Although I have obtained a lot of eternal crystals, you'd better not hand over too many, otherwise, it will be too sensational and will scare the king." Tang Yi warned.

"Of course, I will understand this naturally. If it is not necessary, I will only hand over part of the Eternal Crystal at most, and I will keep the rest for the time being." Feng Jiarong nodded.

After a pause, Feng Jiarong continued: "Before, I was expecting more principality teams to come to us for trouble, so that we could take the opportunity to rob them and rob them of their Eternal Crystal, but now I don't expect it anymore. . We don’t want any principality teams to bother us. After all, we have millions of eternal crystals in our hands, so why are we robbing other principality teams? Hahahahahaha!”

As he spoke, Feng Jiarong laughed, looking very happy and in a good mood.

The other kamikaze warriors also laughed along with Feng Jiarong.

Every warrior of Kamikaze was filled with happy smiles at this time.

This time, they have a chance to win!

In this way, after Tang Yi obtained a million spiritual crystals, the Kamikaze people no longer waited for the situation, but found a no-man's land and waited quietly, waiting for the end of the war between the principalities.



A few days later, the last day of the Battle of the Principality was coming to an end, in the Purple Golden Principality, in the Purple Golden Square.

At this time, Shui Tianwu, the king of Tianshui Kingdom, who was sitting on the high platform, had a red face, as if something good had happened to him.

On the side, Zi Wuji, the king of the Zijin Kingdom, looked very ugly, as if he had eaten something unpalatable and had a look of constipation.

"How is it? Lao Zi, today is the last day of the battle between the principalities, but in terms of performance, our principality team from the Tianshui Kingdom is better. It seems that your Eternal Silver Moon Sword will belong to me, Lao Zi. Ha ha ha ha."

Shui Tianwu, Lord of Tianshui King, smiled and said to Zijin King, Zi Wuji, with a proud look on his face, looking extremely happy.

The reason why I am so happy is because the scenes reflected on the light curtain in the past few days are all the principality teams of their Tianshui Kingdom.

Moreover, these mapped teams performed extremely well and achieved very good results.

Although some principality teams from the Purple and Gold Kingdom were also mapped during the period.

But judging from the performance of both sides, the team from the Principality of Tianshui Kingdom was better.

Moreover, several seed principality teams from the Tianshui Kingdom have achieved extremely dazzling results in the Eternal Holy Land.

One of the key principality teams that the Tianshui Kingdom pays the most attention to has achieved world-renowned results. Its performance is the best in the field, and it has killed the most monsters in the field. The pictures reflected are all perfect kills of this principality. Pictures of monsters!
  The light curtain also inadvertently illuminated the number of Eternal Crystals they had obtained. Hundreds of them!
  This is an excellent result!

Such results may not be matched by any principality team!
  Therefore, at this time, Shui Tianwu, the king of Tianshui Kingdom, was very proud and very happy.

In front of Zijin King Zi Wuji, he was also very impressive.


Zi Wuji snorted coldly and said: "Old Shui, don't be too happy first. None of us here know what the situation is in the Eternal Holy Land. We just saw the situation in the light curtain. With the help of Based on the situation in the light curtain, you are sure that the principality team of Tianshui Kingdom has won. This is too early. What will be the outcome? I think we have to wait until the principality battle is over and check the results then. As for my Eternal Silver Embracing the Moon Sword, I think you should stop wishing for it, you don’t have that blessing at all.”

Seeing Zi Wuji's retort, the Lord of Tianshui King Shui Tianwu suddenly laughed and said, "I mean, Lao Zi, you are still so stubborn at this time. Haven't you seen the performance of Dongliang Principality in our Tianshui Kingdom just now? With their principality With the team's performance, isn't the top spot in this battle between the principalities still guaranteed?
  Moreover, if I remember correctly, the number of principalities that have been robbed of the Eternal Crystal by Dongliang Principality in the past few days has reached dozens, right? Dongliang Principality now has at least hundreds of crystals of eternity accumulated in its hands. With this result, you still can't get first place? Moreover, there is only so much that can be seen from the light curtain, and there may be even more that cannot be seen. Our Dongliang Principality team from the Tianshui Kingdom won the first place in this Principality Battle, there is absolutely no suspense. "

"Although this is the case, it does not mean that they are number one. Maybe our principality team in the Purple and Gold Kingdom has obtained more than them. Isn't it just a few hundred eternal crystals? Our principality team in the Purple and Gold Kingdom, Maybe even get thousands of them.”

Zijin King Zi Wuji retorted harshly.


Seeing Zijin King's fierce retort, Tianshui King Shui Tianwu laughed and said: "Old Zi, Old Zi, you won't become angry because the Zijin Kingdom does not have a principal team that performs well."

"How is that possible? Moreover, I am very confident in the principality team in our Purple and Gold Kingdom. I have a feeling that in this principality battle, the principality team in our Purple and Gold Kingdom will surprise all of us!"

Zi Wuji said.

"Do you really think so?"

Shui Tianwu asked.

"Of course!" Zi Wuji nodded.

"It seems that, Lao Zi, you are very confident in the principality team of your Zijin Kingdom. But..."

Shui Tianwu paused for a moment and then said: "But I'm afraid you will be disappointed, Lao Zi. Although the light curtain randomly maps pictures, the pictures it maps are all the most intense pictures. In other words, the light screen will Select teams with excellent performance to map. Our Dongliang Principality team from Tianshui Kingdom has appeared the most times, which means that their performance is the most eye-catching. In this battle of principalities, they are undoubtedly the number one principality. .”

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Zi Wuji still disagreed and said: "Although the light curtain will reflect the team with the most outstanding performance, there will be exceptions. It cannot reflect everything that happens in the Eternal Holy Land, so I think who is first? , yet to be determined.”

"Lao Zi, you're not interested anymore. There's no need to be tough. Winning is winning, losing is losing. It's just a weapon. At worst, I'll cancel the bet." Shui Tianwu said.

He thought Zi Wuji couldn't afford to lose, so he refused to admit it.

(End of this chapter)

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