Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2015 Dongliang Principality’s test results shocked everyone

Chapter 2015 Dongliang Principality’s test results shocked everyone
  Zi Wuji inquired about the situation of Kamikaze Principality, and the result was exactly as Zi Wuji guessed!
  The teams from the major principalities, whether it is the Zijin Principality team or the Tianshui Principality team, have never seen the Kamikaze Principality team! !
  There are hundreds of principality teams, but none of them have seen the Kamikaze Principality team. What is this concept?
  The Eternal Holy Land is so big, how could hundreds of principalities not encounter it?
  In seven days, you will encounter them more or less several times, right?
  However, hundreds of principalities did not encounter the Kamikaze Principality even once in seven days. So, there are only two possibilities.

First, the Kamikaze Principality team encountered an unexpected event, so the major principality teams did not encounter it.

Second, the Kamikaze Principality team did not participate in the principality battle. The warriors all hid in safe areas, so the major principality teams did not encounter them.

It is because of these two possibilities that hundreds of principality teams have not seen the Kamikaze Principality team in seven days.

However, now that the Kamikaze Principality has returned to Zijin Square, the first possibility no longer exists.

In other words, there is only the second possibility!

The Kamikaze Principality did not participate in the Battle of the Principalities!

They did not actively hunt monsters to obtain the Eternal Crystal, and did not participate in the battle of the principality. Instead, they found a place to hide.

Therefore, hundreds of principality teams have never seen them!
  Although these are just Zi Wuji's guesses, Zi Wuji believes that these are 100% correct guesses!
  Otherwise, why have hundreds of Principality teams not seen the Kamikaze Principality team?

Otherwise, why did the Kamikaze Principality team return to Zijin Square neatly?

Therefore, with such a cowardly principality team, what else does Zi Wuji expect from them?
  Although there is Tang Yi in the Kamikaze Principality team, and Tang Yi's information is too exaggerated, but what can be done no matter how exaggerated it is?

If you don't participate in the battle of the principality and don't actively hunt monsters, no matter how strong you are, no matter how exaggerated your information is, you are still a loser. You are just a coward who only knows how to hide.

For such people, no matter how talented they are, Zi Wuji doesn't like them at all, and even despises them. Whenever he sees them, he feels extremely nauseated in his heart.

"That's right."

Shui Tianwu nodded, then looked at Zi Wuji, and said with a smile: "In this battle between the principalities, do we, Tianshui, accept the concession? Here, I would like to thank you, Lao Zi, for your contribution."

"Just have fun!"

Zi Wuji said angrily: "Don't worry, I am willing to admit defeat. Since I dare to take out the Eternal Silver Moon Embracing Sword as a bonus, I will definitely not break my promise and give you the Eternal Silver Moon Embracing Sword."

With that said, Zi Wuji waved his hand and took out the Eternal Silver Moon Embracing Sword he had promised.

However, at this time, Dongliang Principality, which only saw Tianshui, began to test.

Seeing the Duke of Dongliang starting the inspection, Zi Wuji put the Eternal Silver Moon Sword into Shui Tianwu's hand, and immediately turned his attention to the inspection table, no longer paying attention to Shui Tianwu or the Eternal Silver in his hand. Embracing the Moon Sword.

At this time, Zi Wuji also wanted to see what kind of results the top seed Dongliang Principality in Tianshui, which had robbed countless Zijin Principalities, would achieve.

I want to know how many eternal crystals they have obtained.

After Shui Tianwu took the Eternal Silver Moon Embracing Sword handed over by Zi Wuji, he also turned his attention to the examination table.

He didn't pay attention to the Eternal Silver Moon Embracing Sword in his hand, but focused all his attention on the leader of the Dongliang Principality in the distance.

Compared to Zi Wuji, he wanted to know how good the seed principality under his control, the Dongliang Principality, was.

And the Eternal Silver Moon Embracing Sword won from Zi Wuji...

In Shui Tianwu's view, it is just a piece of equipment.

The Dongliang Principality's team is much more important and valuable than this piece of equipment.

On the inspection table, under the spotlight of everyone, Qi Wendong, the leader of the Dongliang Principality, took out the Eternal Crystal and began to inspect it.

I saw his hand shaking slightly.

‘Crash’     A large number of spiritual crystals swarmed out from his palm, like flowing water.

At first glance, there were probably more than a hundred clattering particles.

The Eternal Crystal was only the size of a thumb, but it was taken out by Qi Wendong, the leader of the Dongliang Principality, and piled into a small mountain col. This shows how many Eternal Crystals the Dongliang Principality obtained.

Seeing this scene, no matter the teams of the major principalities, the two royal lords, and the top leaders of the two kingdoms, they were all stunned.

I was shocked by the number of eternal crystals obtained by Dongliang Principality!

"This... so much? How many did Dongliang Principality steal?"

"I'm afraid there are hundreds of them. Dongliang Principality is too powerful."

"Sure enough, it is a principality that can snatch countless purple and gold principality teams with a single team. It is so powerful that it actually obtained so many eternal crystals."

"My darling, the previous principality teams only obtained dozens of eternal crystals, but the Dongliang Principality actually obtained so many? I'm afraid it's hundreds."


However, as if to confirm what everyone said, the Zijin expert in charge of the inspection quickly took the Eternal Crystal handed over by Qi Wendong, and quickly and carefully counted and inspected it.

After a moment, the purple gold expert in charge of the inspection quickly completed the inspection, and then announced: "Dongliang Principality, with 326 eternal crystals, ranks first!"


After hearing the results of Dongliang Principality, everyone who had not yet recovered from the shock was shocked again and started an uproar.

Go up to the two royal lords Zijin and Tianshui, and go down to the teams of the two kingdoms.

Even the ordinary people outside the Zijin Palace were in an uproar when they heard this result.

"My dear, the Dongliang Principality of the Tianshui Kingdom is so awesome! They actually obtained 326 Eternal Crystals!"

"How did they do it? There are more than 300 eternal crystals. Is this something human beings can do?"

"Oh my god, the results of the Dongliang Principality team are hundreds of points higher than the original number one Principality team!"

"There is a huge gap between the number one and number two now. The Dongliang Principality is too powerful. Where did they get so many eternal crystals?"

"If I remember correctly, the team from the former No. 1 Principality only received dozens of Eternal Crystals, right? But the team from the Dongliang Principality actually obtained hundreds of crystals. This is too exaggerated."

"It seems that the top spot this time is none other than Dongliang Principality."

"As expected, it is indeed the number one seed principality of the Tianshui Kingdom. Its strength is unparalleled."

"Crushing the entire audience, this is Chi Guoguo crushing the entire audience, it's too fierce and powerful."

"With more than 300 eternal crystals, no principality team in the entire field can compare with Dongliang Principality."


Everyone was shocked, with their eyes widened and their mouths wide open.

Everyone looked surprised and excited.

(End of this chapter)

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