Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2016 Kamikaze Principality Inspection Results

Chapter 2016 Kamikaze Principality Inspection Results

On the high platform, the Purple Gold King Zi Wuji also said to the Tianshui King Shui Tianwu: "This time I am willing to admit defeat. You Tianshui can have such a principality team. We Zijin are convinced that we have lost. Three hundred and twenty-six eternal crystals , our Zijin Principality team is indeed incomparable. This time I admit defeat, Lao Shui, you win."

Shui Tianwu held Zi Wuji's Eternal Silver Moon-Embracing Sword, and happily said: "I'll accept it, it's just a fluke."

Holding Zi Wuji's Eternal Silver Moon Embracing Sword and receiving Zi Wuji's compliments, Shui Tianwu was in a good mood, with an old face full of smiles.

As long as you are not blind, you can see Shui Tianwu's mood at this time from Shui Tianwu's face.

At this time, everyone present, whether it was the two royal lords, the top leaders of the two kingdoms, or the teams of the major principalities and the countless Zijin people watching, felt that the number one spot in this battle between the principalities was no longer in suspense.

Everyone feels that the top spot has to be Dongliang Principality.

After all, the Duke of Dongliang obtained 326 eternal crystals, which was more than 200 more than the second place.

With such results, Dongliang Principality is not the first place, who else is the first place?

However, just when all eyes were focused on Dongliang Principality and everyone was shocked by the results of Dongliang Principality, Kamikaze Prince Feng Jiarong slowly walked onto the inspection table and began to perform the inspection.

After arriving at the examination table, Feng Jiarong raised his hand slightly and began to take out the Eternal Crystal from his storage items.

Originally, everyone present was focused on Dongliang Principality. They were all shocked by Dongliang Principality's achievements and did not pay attention to Kamikaze Principality at all.

After all, the Kamikaze Principality is just an ordinary principality. Who will pay attention?
  Such a principality, no matter how outstanding its performance is, how outstanding can it be?

Therefore, even if some people saw the leader of the Kamikaze Principality coming on stage for inspection, they ignored him.

However, when the eldest prince of Kamikaze, Feng Jiarong, took out the Crystal of Eternity...


I saw Feng Jiarong wave his hand, and the eternal crystals poured out from his hand like a waterfall, and they kept falling. He didn't know how many there were. They were densely packed and the amount was unbelievable.

This scene looks much more exaggerated than when the Duke of Dongliang took out the Crystal of Eternity!

And, to an incredible extent!
  Because when the Duke of Dongliang took out the Eternal Crystal, there was a crash.

When the Kamikaze Principality took out the Eternal Crystal, it was clattering a lot. It hasn't finished yet and is still clattering.

How many crystals of eternity should be there if it lasts for such a long time?

If you really want to describe it, when the Duke of Dongliang took out the Eternal Crystal, it was just a sparse stream that stopped flowing in a few seconds.

And the Eternal Crystal produced by the Kamikaze Principality is a vast river, fierce and endless!
  At this time, just looking at it with the naked eye, one cannot tell how many of the clattering Eternal Crystals there are!
  A rough calculation can only roughly calculate a number of at least several thousand!
  Of course, this roughly calculated figure is also astonishing.

After all, with thousands of eternal crystals, this is an extremely exaggerated achievement.

You must know that the top seed principality of Tianshui Kingdom has only obtained 326 eternal crystals.

And Kamikaze has now taken out thousands of eternal crystals. Isn't this amazing enough?
  Seeing this scene, everyone present, including the two royal lords, the top leaders of the two kingdoms, the teams of the major principalities, and the audience outside the Zijin Palace, were all shocked.

Not only that, even the countless people outside the Zijin Palace had their eyes widened with amazement on their faces.

Thousands of eternal crystals?
  They don't even dare to think about it.

If a Holy Emperor-level monster can obtain an Eternal Crystal, then...
  How many monsters do these thousands of eternal crystals represent?
  Thousands of Holy Emperor-level monsters?    This is simply unbelievable.

At this time, the people who had been paying attention to the Duke of Dongliang and who had been shocked by the results of the Duke of Dongliang all came to their senses and noticed the Duke of Kamikaze.

Nonsense, can you not pay attention?

The clattering sound of the Eternal Crystal pouring out and falling to the ground was so clear and loud that no one even thought about it.

So within a short period of time, everyone's attention turned to the Kamikaze Principality.

They all saw Feng Jiarong, the leader of the Kamikaze Principality, taking out a massive amount of eternal crystals.

Everyone present was stunned when they saw the Kamikaze Principality taking out so many Eternal Crystals.

"Good boy, how many eternal crystals are there in this and this!"

"Isn't this too exaggerated? What's going on? How did the Kamikaze Principality do it? How could it produce so many eternal crystals?"

"What is the origin of the Kamikaze Principality, and how did they obtain so many eternal crystals? There are thousands of them, right? I'm afraid there are more! How come they have more crystals than the Dongliang Principality?"

"In just seven days, even without sleep, it is impossible to obtain so many eternal crystals. How did the Kamikaze Principality do it? Who did they rob? Or did they discover a treasure in the Eternal Holy Land?"

"That's right, all the principality teams combined have been hunting monsters for seven days without sleep, and there are not so many eternal crystals. Logically speaking, it is impossible for any principality team to obtain more than a thousand eternal crystals. However, now, God Duke Feng has come up with so much, which is extremely strange."

"It's strange. We have never seen this Kamikaze Principality in the Eternal Holy Land. Where did they come from?"

"We have never seen the Kamikaze Principality. We really don't know how the Kamikaze Principality obtained so many eternal crystals."

"It's so strange. What is going on with the Kamikaze Principality? They are not a Seed Principality, and their results in previous years were not very good. How did they obtain thousands of eternal crystals?"

"Look, there seems to be more than that!"


Seeing Kamikaze taking out so many eternal crystals, everyone present was shocked and started talking.


Thousands of eternal crystals?
  This is just the beginning!
  From the hands of the Kamikaze Grand Prince Feng Jiarong, crystals of eternity were still pouring out, like waterfalls, piling up on the ground.

Feng Jiarong did not put these eternal crystals on the inspection table, but piled them on the ground.

Because the testing platform is too small and piled on the ground, the impact on people's senses is more severe and shocking.

Feng Jiarong had a smile on his face when he thought of how Tang Yi had piled these eternal crystals on the ground to look like a hill.

When Tang Yi piled the Eternal Crystals on the ground to form a hill, the impact on them was extremely huge and shocking. They were shocked for a long time before they recovered.

Therefore, at this time, Feng Jiarong wanted to follow Tang Yi's example and pile the Eternal Crystals on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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