Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2017 Go and count for him

Chapter 2017 Go and count for him


The crystal of eternity kept pouring out from Feng Jiarong's body and piled up on the ground. Not long after, a small hill appeared on the ground.

And as time went by, this hill continued to expand, and slowly turned into a hill made of eternal crystals.

The hill slowly piled up from a few meters high to more than ten meters high!
  If Tang Yi hadn't told Feng Jiarong not to take out too many eternal crystals, I'm afraid this hill made of eternal crystals would be even higher and more terrifying!
  Just like that, when the hill formed by the accumulation of eternal crystals reached more than ten meters, Feng Jiarong clapped his hands and stopped moving. Then he turned his attention to the purple gold expert who was responsible for the inspection and waited for the inspection by the purple gold expert.

At this time, Feng Jiarong probably only took out about 100,000 Eternal Crystals. Tang Yi said not to take out too many, so as not to shock people too much.

Of course, it can't be too little, otherwise, how can their kamikaze shock the whole audience?
  How to get the first place in the entire principality battle?
  Therefore, Feng Jiarong only took out 100,000 crystals of eternity at the expense of neither too much nor too little.

After all, Feng Jiarong possesses more than three million eternal crystals. Compared to the more than three million eternal crystals, these 100,000 eternal crystals are indeed not many.

If more than three million eternal crystals were taken out, the hill made of eternal crystals in front of you would not be more than ten meters high.

But dozens of meters, or even higher!

That would be extremely shocking.

However, the amount that seemed just right to Feng Jiarong was incomparably terrifying in the eyes of everyone.

Use the crystals of eternity to pile up into a hill?
  Whether it was the two princes of Zijin Tianshui, the top leaders of the two kingdoms, or the teams of the major principalities present, they didn't even dare to think about it.

How many Eternal Crystals are needed?
  Seeing this hill of eternal crystal, everyone present was stunned.

"This, this, how many eternal crystals are there? Just now I thought Kamikaze Principality should have obtained several thousand eternal crystals, but now it seems that it is far more than that. I am afraid there are tens of thousands of them."

"Thousands of eternal crystals are already an extremely extraordinary thing. Who would have thought that the Kamikaze Principality could obtain tens of thousands more?"

"How did the Kamikaze Principality do it? This is too exaggerated."

"Pile the crystals of eternity into a mountain... Oh my God, I can't even think about it."

"Who is the Kamikaze Principality? Where did they get so many eternal crystals from?"

"I was already amazed when I saw the Dongliang Principality obtain hundreds of Eternal Crystals before. Now that I saw it, I realized that this was a small witch. The Eternal Crystal obtained by the Kamikaze Principality is worthy of astonishment. too exaggerated."

"What exactly did Kamikaze Principality do? Could they be cheating?"

"Yeah, I'm also very curious about how they did it. I even thought about a way in my mind, but I tried all the methods, but I didn't think of any method that could obtain tens of thousands of eternal crystals. No, there is One thing that comes to mind is cheating! Only by cheating can they accomplish this completely impossible thing."

"Only a Holy Emperor-level monster will have an Eternal Crystal. They have obtained tens of thousands of Eternal Crystals. Doesn't it mean that they have hunted tens of thousands of Holy Emperor-level monsters? Isn't this too exaggerated? I don’t believe it if it wasn’t cheating, otherwise how could I have killed so many monsters in seven days?”


The principality teams present were talking a lot and couldn't believe that the Kamikaze Principality was able to obtain tens of thousands of eternal crystals.

Not to mention tens of thousands of eternal crystals, even if there are thousands of them, they don't believe it at all.

After all, the teams of the major principalities only have dozens of eternal crystals, and the top-seeded principality team in Tianshui only has more than 300 eternal crystals.

The Kamikaze Principality is just an ordinary principality, but it has obtained thousands of eternal crystals. How is this possible?

Who would believe it.

They worked hard and only managed to obtain a few or dozens of Eternal Crystals in seven days.

However, Kamikaze Principality took out a mountain of eternal crystal.

How could they be convinced?

The combination of disbelief and disbelief turns into doubt. At this time, they were already full of doubts about the achievements of the Kamikaze Principality.

Some principality teams have even concluded that Kamikaze Principality is cheating.

And the two royal lords were so surprised that they were speechless when they looked at the hill formed by the eternal crystals.

"This... looks like there are really tens of thousands of them."

Shui Tianwu, Lord of Tianshui King, opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

As a royal lord, Shui Tianwu's endurance is still very strong.

Before the truth came out, he did not question the achievements of the Kamikaze Principality.

After seeing tens of thousands of eternal crystals, at most he couldn't believe this achievement.

On the side, Zijin King Zi Wuji looked at the hills of eternal crystals piled up by the Kamikaze Principality. In addition to being shocked, his heart was also full of doubts.

I thought to myself, did I misunderstand Tang Yi?
  Did you read the Kamikaze Principality wrongly?
  They weren't timid?

Not hiding either?

Instead, he actively hunted monsters?
  Regarding the achievements of Kamikaze Principality, Zijin King Zi Wuji was shocked, but he also had no doubts.

Because, there is Tang Yi in the Kamikaze Principality!

If Tang Yi's information is true.

Then, this achievement of Kamikaze is definitely true.

After all, it is not difficult for a person who can defeat the Feng Yu Tianthief with his own strength, kill a large number of monsters, and obtain a large number of eternal crystals.

Although tens of thousands of eternal crystals are indeed an exaggeration and indeed a bit too much, it is still possible.

Therefore, Zi Wuji was just shocked and did not question the achievements of the Kamikaze Principality.

On the inspection table.

Seeing that the Zijin expert in charge of the inspection was stunned in place and completely forgot about the inspection, the Kamikaze Grand Prince Feng Jiarong reminded him kindly: "My lord, can we conduct the inspection?"

Hearing this, the Zijin expert in charge of the inspection came back to his senses and prepared to step forward for inspection.

However, when he walked to the hill made of eternal crystals, the purple gold expert ran into trouble.

If there are only a few hundred eternal crystals, it won't take long for the purple gold expert to count them all.

But in front of me, the crystals of eternity were piled up into a hill, with tens of thousands of crystals of eternity.

There are tens of thousands of eternal crystals. How can he count them and test them by himself?

Of course, if you slowly test it, you will definitely be able to test it eventually.

But when will this count?
  Therefore, when he came to the Eternal Crystal Hill, the purple gold expert in charge of the inspection showed a wry smile, then turned his head and cast a look for help towards the high platform.

The King of Purple Gold immediately saw the look in the eyes of this powerful Purple Gold man, and understood the meaning in his expression. He immediately said to his subordinates: "Go, help him count and see how many there are."

Hearing this, dozens of purple gold warriors flew off the field.

(End of this chapter)

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