Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2018 The Debate between True and False Results

Chapter 2018 The Debate between True and False Results

After dozens of minutes of testing by more than a dozen purple gold experts, the results of the Eternal Crystal produced by the Kamikaze Principality finally came out.

The purple gold expert in charge of the inspection announced: "Kamikaze Principality, one hundred and six hundred and seventy-seven eternal crystals."


After hearing this result, the scene was once again in an uproar and there was a lot of discussion.

And the topics everyone was talking about were the same as before.

That is, topics such as ‘Who is the Kamikaze Principality’, ‘How to obtain so many eternal crystals’, ‘The Kamikaze Principality is cheating’.

After all, it is too exaggerated for an ordinary principality to obtain one hundred thousand eternal crystals.

No one doubts it.

Who dares to believe such results?

Even the top seed principality of Tianshui only obtained more than 300 eternal crystals. However, a little-known ordinary principality like the Kamikaze principality obtained 100,000 eternal crystals. Who would not question this? ?

In addition, there are only seven days. It is extremely difficult to obtain so many eternal crystals in seven days.

It's even impossible to do.

Obtaining 100,000 eternal crystals in seven days is equivalent to obtaining 14,000 crystals every day.

Killing 14,000 Holy Emperor-level monsters in one day?
  How can this be?

Let’s not talk about whether he has the ability to kill monsters. Even if he does, where can he find 14,000 Holy Emperor-level monsters?
  Even if we could find it, it would be too late!
  Therefore, most of the people present hardly believed in the achievements of the Kamikaze Principality.

Compared with the secret doubts of the teams from the major principalities, Qi Wendong, the leader of the Dongliang Principality, was much more direct. He stood up directly and said: "I don't believe in this result. How can the Kamikaze Principality be so virtuous? How can it achieve such a result?" Massive amounts of eternal crystals? Moreover, regardless of whether they have this strength, even if they do, how can there be so many monsters in the Eternal Holy Land? Even if there are enough monsters, how can they hunt so many in seven days? Monster?"

"That's right! The results of the Kamikaze Principality are too fake."

At this time, Long Yun Mocheng, the leader of the Longyun Principality, also stood up and said: "All our principality teams have never seen the Kamikaze Principality in the Eternal Holy Land, let alone been robbed by them. Their Kamikaze How could the principality obtain so many eternal crystals?"

After hearing the words of the leader of the Dongliang Principality and the leader of the Longyun Principality, everyone nodded in agreement.

Some principalities even stood up and agreed.

"Yes, we have never seen the Kamikaze Principality in the Eternal Holy Land."

"We haven't seen it either."

"None of us have ever seen the Kamikaze Principality. Where did the Kamikaze Principality get the Eternal Crystal? And where did they hunt the monsters?"

"Their kamikaze results are really too fake, too exaggerated, and not real at all."

"Same as what the leader of the Dongliang Principality said, even if you hunt monster beasts around the clock for seven days, you won't be able to kill so many monster beasts. Moreover, there are simply not that many monster beasts to kill in the Eternal Holy Land."


Not only the teams of the major principalities agreed, but even the senior officials of the two kingdoms also agreed. Teams from major principalities may not know much about the situation in the Eternal Holy Land, but as senior leaders of the principalities, they still know it very well.

Beforehand, they already knew the situation inside the Eternal Holy Land.

There are indeed not that many monsters in the Eternal Holy Land.

Even if all the monsters in the Eternal Holy Land were killed, there would still only be 100,000!

Therefore, when they saw the results of the Kamikaze Principality, they immediately thought that they were fake and cheating!
  However, as the senior leaders of the principality, they cannot directly deny the achievements of the Kamikaze Principality.

After all, the Royal Lord hasn't spoken yet, so how can they be qualified to take over?
  On the high platform, the two royal masters sitting in the main seat did not make any statement at this time. They sat on the main seat and watched quietly, as steady as a high mountain.

The reason why Zi Wuji did not express his position was because Tang Yi was present in the Kamikaze Principality.

Tang Yi is completely capable of creating miracles.

Therefore, Zi Wuji does not think that the results of the Kamikaze Principality are fake.

He felt that with Tang Yi here, all the achievements of Kamikaze were possible.

On the other hand, the reason why Lord Tianshui did not express his position was because it was not the time to express his position yet. After all, how could he say that others were cheating when there was no evidence?

Although Shui Tianwu was also very surprised by Kamikaze's results, no matter how surprised he was, he would not openly question the results of a principality without evidence.

Besides, it was still the principality team of the Purple and Gold Kingdom.

The Lord of the Purple Gold Kingdom has not expressed his position or questioned his own principality team. Why should he stand up and question the principality team of the Zijin Kingdom?

Therefore, he did not make any statement at this time.

At this time, Feng Jiarong, the eldest prince of Kamikaze, who was standing next to the examination table, faced everyone's doubts and said calmly: "We Kamikaze have no virtue or ability, but it is still easy to obtain a hundred thousand eternal crystals. Yes. If you say that there are not so many monsters in the Eternal Holy Land, and that you cannot accomplish this in seven days, that is because you are not strong enough. If your strength cannot reach this level, you will naturally feel that nothing is possible."

"Oh? Are you saying we are not strong enough?"

Qi Wendong, the leader of the Dongliang Principality, his face darkened.

Although Feng Jiarong did not name him, Feng Jiarong was refuting the words of Qi Wendong and Long Yun Mocheng, so it is obvious who the person is who is not strong enough.

Qi Wendong is not stupid, there is no way he could not hear it.

Longyun Mocheng, the team leader of Longyun Principality, also said with a gloomy face: "Your Kamikaze is just a second-rate principality, a second-rate principality team, how dare you say that we are not strong enough?"

"Is not it?"

Feng Jiarong asked: "If we are strong enough, how can we have such doubts? How can we think that our kamikaze can't do this? How can we think that our kamikaze's results are fake?"

After a pause, Feng Jiarong said again: "Moreover, if we really want to cheat, there is no need to take out 100,000 eternal crystals. After all, we are the last group to test, and we already know the results of the previous principality teams. . After knowing that the best principality result is Dongliang Principality, and knowing that their result is more than 300 eternal crystals, we only need to come up with dozens more eternal crystals than them. Why bother to take out 100,000 Eternal Crystals when you can securely take first place?
  Wouldn't taking out a hundred thousand eternal crystals make others question us? Won’t others think we are faking it? So, if we really want to cheat, how could we not think of this? How could he still come up with 100,000 eternal crystals for fraud? I think anyone with a brain will think of this and will not make such a stupid mistake. "

(End of this chapter)

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