Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2028 Suppress the whole audience

Chapter 2028 Suppress the whole audience
  In the recent attack, Qi Wendong, the leader of the Dongliang Principality, used a holy land level martial skill, which was very powerful.

This is his best and most powerful martial skill!

However, his martial arts skills fell together with thousands of martial arts skills, and hit Tang Yi's body, but they failed to cause any harm to Tang Yi?
  Can't even break his clothes?
  Can't even destroy the ground beneath his feet?

This is incredible.

Qi Wendong had no idea what was going on!

Not only Qi Wendong was confused, but also the hundreds of teams and thousands of warriors from the principality present were all confused.

"What's going on? Why don't our attacks work on him?"

"Just now a team from the principality attacked him, but the attack didn't work, so forget it. After all, the number was small, only ten people. However, at this time, there were thousands of people present, and thousands of people were attacking him. But it still can't cause any harm, what's going on?"

"I can guarantee that our attack has definitely hit him. However, why it cannot cause any damage to him is simply strange."

"What kind of magic did this warrior from the Kamikaze Principality use? How could he withstand the attack of thousands of us?"

"I have just used the most powerful martial arts. My martial arts can cause great damage even to the powerful Saint Sect. However, at this time, it cannot cause damage to the Kamikaze warrior. How on earth is this? What’s going on!”


The thousands of warriors from the principality present all looked in disbelief.

In the face of everyone's shock and confusion, Tang Yi said calmly: "I have made it very clear before. The reason why your martial arts have no effect on me and why you can't hurt me is for no other reason. The reason is just two words, strength! Your attacks are completely unable to cause harm to me. This is a matter of quality, so no matter how many of you there are or how many attacks you have, they will not be able to have any impact on me."

After explaining, Tang Yi suddenly said decisively: "Okay, it's time to end."

As he said that, he raised his hand as he had done with the Feiyue Principality before.


The moment Tang Yi raised his hand, all the warriors from the principality flew into the air uncontrollably.

No matter how open these principality warriors are, no matter how hard they try, they just can't fall down and can't control their body shape.

But this time.

Tang Yi's hand suddenly fell down.


The moment Tang Yi's hand fell, thousands of warriors from the principality who had already flown into the sky suddenly fell to the ground.

Then it hit the ground hard!

And after falling to the ground, he collapsed to the ground, unable to move, as if he was being pressed down by a big mountain.

At this time, the faces, limbs, and entire bodies of the warriors from the principality were all touching the ground.

No matter how they struggled and resisted, it was all to no avail.

At this moment, except for the top leaders of the two kingdoms on the high platform, no one else was standing in the audience! !
  All the warriors from the principality team were lying on the ground!
  Tang Yi had a pair of thousands, crushing and suppressing them!
  Of course, Tang Yi is now at the level of the Holy God. Dealing with the warriors of the Principality at the level of the Holy Emperor is as simple as crushing a few ants to death.

Not to mention standing and blocking the martial arts of thousands of principality warriors, even if they stood still and allowed the principality warriors to attack him, they would not be able to cause any harm to Tang Yi even if they attacked him for days and nights.


Not to mention suppressing thousands of warriors, if Tang Yi wanted to, all the warriors from the principality present would be annihilated with just one look!
  Who can resist the magical power of 'destruction' from the Eye of God?
  After Tang Yi suppressed all the warriors from the principality to the ground, no one was left standing in the entire Zijin Square except Tang Yi.

Tang Yi, who was standing on the field at this time, stood upright, as if he were an unparalleled king, majestic and majestic. The warriors of the principality who collapsed on the ground seemed to be worshiping Tang Yi.


Seeing this scene, the senior officials of the two kingdoms on the high platform took a breath and were shocked. Everyone looked at Tang Yi as if they were looking at the Demon King.

Raising your hands to make dozens of principality warriors collapse to the ground, and raising your hands to make thousands of principality warriors collapse to the ground are completely different concepts, and the degree of shock caused is not the same level.

He raised his hand and caused thousands of warriors to collapse to the ground. The shock caused was extremely violent.

The visual effects are also terrifying.

Just imagine, with a raised hand, thousands of warriors all flew up.

As soon as his hand fell, thousands of warriors all fell to the ground. Isn't this terrifying?

Isn’t the scene shocking?

So shocking.

Seeing this scene, can the top leaders of the two kingdoms not be shocked?
  Of course not.

"This, this, this..."

"Who is Tang Yi from the Kamikaze Principality? He actually has such means. This is terrible."

"When he said he wanted to challenge everyone, I didn't believe it. Now after seeing this scene, I believe it."

"What kind of strength does Tang Yi from the Kamikaze Principality have that he can actually achieve this level?"

"This kamikaze Tang Yi is too powerful. I don't understand what methods he used at all."

"Me too, I didn't feel any power at all from his body. However, he raised his hand to make thousands of warriors from the principality lose their fighting ability. How on earth did this happen? It's terrible."

"Now I believe in the achievements of their Kamikaze Principality. If it is true that according to what their Kamikaze Principality said, the higher the level of monsters they kill, the more Eternal Crystals they obtain, then it is indeed possible for their Kamikaze Principality to obtain ten Crystal of Eternity. With Tang Yi's strength, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with high-level monsters."

"Tang Yi of the Kamikaze Principality is a character. It seems that the Kamikaze Principality will rise this year."

"Fortunately, Tang Yi belongs to our Zijin. Otherwise, if other kingdoms had such a genius, we, Zijin, would have a headache."

"Now our Tianshui has started to have a headache."


The senior officials of the two kingdoms on the high platform were talking and marveling.

The Purple Gold King Shui Tianwu and the Tianshui King Zi Wuji, like everyone else, were also stunned at this time, with surprised and incredulous expressions on their faces.

Although the two royal lords already knew Tang Yi's strength and power, they did not expect such a situation at all, let alone such a shocking scene.

With just a few gestures, thousands of Holy Emperor-level warriors could be made to lie down on the ground, and Feng Qingyun Dan suppressed the entire crowd.

How powerful is it to do this?
  Of course, compared to the thousands of warships and hundreds of thousands of air pirates fighting against Feng Yu Tian Pirates, this scene may be nothing at all.

When Tang Yi fought against the Feng Yu Heavenly Pirates, destroying thousands of warships and wiping out hundreds of thousands of air pirates, the scene would have been even more shocking.

But here's the thing.

The two royal masters were not present at the time!
  (End of this chapter)

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