Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2029 Announcement of Results

Chapter 2029 Announcement of Results
  The two royal masters were not present and had never seen each other. So what could happen no matter how shocking the scene was?

But just now, the two royal masters really saw Tang Yi's heroic appearance, and really saw that shocking scene.

I saw the shocking scene of Tang Yi suppressing thousands of Holy Emperor warriors with just one move!
  They had never seen it before, so how could they not be shocked at this moment?

"Lao Zi, this Tang Yi of your Zijin is really a talent. With such a talented person, your Zijin seems to be on the rise." Shui Tianwu, the Lord of Tianshui King, said with envy.

"No, it's just luck. Tang Yi was not a genius trained by our Zijin. He grew up on his own. This cannot be regarded as our Zijin's credit. We just took advantage of Tang Yi being Zijin's warrior."

Zi Wuji said modestly.

But the pride on his face could not be concealed.

"You ah you!"

Shui Tianwu pointed at Zi Wuji with a look of helplessness on his face.

At this time, he seemed to have thought of something and said: "Lao Zi, I have a proposal."

"What proposal?"

Zi Wuji asked.

"Do you still remember where we escaped from death?" Shui Tianwu asked without saying the suggestion immediately.

"Remember. The Imperial Martial Road. We participated in the Imperial Martial Path and returned to our respective kingdoms after narrowly escaping death. Are you asking if this is..." Zi Wuji seemed to have guessed Shui Tianwu's purpose.

"That's right. This is what I want to mention to you. The Road to the Emperor is about to begin. I think Tang Yi can represent your Zijin to participate in the Road to the Emperor. With Tang Yi participating, your Zijin will definitely be able to obtain the most resources this time and become a The first kingdom among the three empires!" Shui Tianwu said.

"Lao Shui, to tell you the truth, when I saw Tang Yi's information, I already had the idea of ​​letting him participate in the Imperial Road instead of our Zijin, but I haven't really seen his strength, so I haven't That’s all for sure.” Zi Wuji said.

"So, are you sure now?" Shui Tianwu asked with a smile.

"It's confirmed. Tang Yi has such strength, how could I not give him the spot? This spot belongs to him!" Zi Wuji said with certainty.

"It really has to be him."

Shui Tianwu nodded, and then said to Zi Wuji: "Old Zi, I have something to discuss with you."

Zi Wuji glanced at Shui Tianwu and seemed to have guessed what Shui Tianwu wanted to say. He immediately smiled and said, "Do you want us Tang Yi to take care of your Tianshui warriors participating in the Imperial Road?"

"That's right." Shui Tianwu showed an expression that said you understand me.

"With our friendship, this is nothing. On the road to the empire, we, Zijin, and you, Tianshui, are naturally united. Okay, Laoshui, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will take care of it." Wuji said confidently.

"With your words, I feel relieved. Although we in Tianshui cannot eat meat in this term of the Imperial Road, following your Zijin, we should be able to drink soup. With Tang Yi leading this time, even if we are drinking soup , I think it will be extremely rich!" Shui Tianwu said excitedly.

"Then now, do you wish us Zijin and Tianshui victory in advance, and may we achieve great success on the road to empire?" Zi Wuji laughed.

"Yes, let's win together!" Shui Tianwu also smiled.

And just when the two princes were smiling and discussing something, Tang Yi stood upright in the audience and said to the warriors of the major principalities: "Does anyone still question the strength of our Kamikaze Principality?" No one in the audience doubted it.

In fact, I don't know if anyone questioned it at all, because all the warriors of the principality collapsed on the ground at this time.

And the kingdom's senior officials on the high platform will indeed no longer question it.

Nonsense, after seeing such a shocking scene just now, do they still dare to question it? Can you still question it?

Although they don't know how Tang Yi did it or what methods Tang Yi used, no matter what method it is, it is part of his strength!

Since Tang Yi can use this method to deal with thousands of warriors from the principality, then he can naturally use this method to deal with them.

Therefore, how can the top leaders of the two kingdoms on the high platform still question?
  Seeing that no one spoke in the audience, Tang Yi smiled slightly, and then said to the Zijin expert who was in a daze in charge of the inspection: "My lord, since no one questions it, we should be able to announce our Kamikaze results, right? "

"oh oh!"

Hearing this, the purple gold expert in charge of the inspection came back to his senses and said to the audience: "The Kamikaze Principality, with one hundred and six hundred and seventy-seven eternal crystals, ranks first!"

With an announcement, the Zijin expert in charge of the inspection took the results to the high platform and presented them to Zi Wuji, the King of Zijin.

After receiving the results, Zijin King Zi Wuji immediately stood up and announced: "This principality battle is jointly organized by our Zijin Kingdom and Tianshui Kingdom, and there are a total of 372 principality teams participating.

The principality team that won the tenth place in this principality battle was Haoyu Principality, and obtained sixty-three eternal crystals.
  Ninth place, Dongyue Principality, obtained 65 eternal crystals.
  The eighth place, Tianchu Principality, obtained seventy eternal crystals.

Seventh place...sixth place...fifth place...

Second place Dongliang Principality received 326 Eternal Crystals, first place..."

After reading this, the Purple Gold King Zi Wuji paused for a moment, turned his eyes to the Kamikaze Principality, showed a smile that he thought was extremely kind, and then continued to read: "The first place, the Kamikaze Principality, received one hundred thousand and six hundred Seventy-seven crystals of eternity. Let us congratulate the Kamikaze Principality!"

"Clap clap clap!"

Violent applause erupted from the high platform, and the top leaders of the two kingdoms clapped their hands together.

In the huge square outside the Zijin Palace, countless people who were watching this grand event of the kingdom also clapped their hands and clapped their hands together. Everyone was extremely excited and excited.

"This year's Battle of the Principalities is really exciting. I did not come here in vain."

"Me too. I didn't expect that in addition to watching the fierce battle in the Eternal Holy Land, I could also see hundreds of principality teams fighting against one person in a wonderful battle. It's so enjoyable!"

"This time, our Purple Gold Kingdom has given birth to an incredible principality."

"Kamikaze Principality, I remember them."

"The Kamikaze Principality actually obtained one hundred thousand eternal crystals. My dear, this is too scary."

"Yes, when I saw the Kamikaze Principality obtain 100,000 eternal crystals before, I was also surprised. I even questioned the Kamikaze Principality's results and wondered if they were cheating. However, now, I believe in their Scored."

(End of this chapter)

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