Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2031 Meeting with the Two Royal Lords

Chapter 2031 Meeting the Two Royal Lords
  [Watching the Moon Traveling Skill]: A top-grade Shengtian-level weapon. After use, the player's speed increases by 5000 times, and there is a 10% chance of being immune to damage, a 5% chance of rebounding damage, and a 5% chance of increasing the player's speed by an additional 5000 times.

Moon-walking special effects: Rounds of dreamlike moonlight will be produced around the player's body, making the player seem to be walking through the moonlight when moving.


The description is brief, but….
  The speed of improvement is particularly exaggerated, and it is many times more powerful than Tang Yi's original Tenglong Jiutian.

The base speed is increased by 5,000 times, which is 4,500 times higher than Tenglong Jiutian's 500 times.

And when using the body technique, there are several additional attributes.

A dozen percent chance of being immune to damage, a 5% chance of rebound damage, and a 5% chance of an additional 5,000 times speed. These additional attributes make this physical and martial skill even more powerful.

Moreover, this movement and martial arts also has special effects!

Although I don’t know what the special effects are, they look very good.

Overall, this high-grade Shengtian-level Moon-Watching Travel Skill is very good. Although it is not perfect, it generally conforms to Tang Yi's expectations and makes Tang Yi very satisfied.

After checking the attributes of the Moon-Watching Crossing Traveling Art, Tang Yi immediately replaced the original Tenglong Jiutian with the Moon-Watching Traveling Traveling Art.

When you check the harvest here, you have finished checking it all.

Tang Yi was very satisfied with the reward from this mission.

In fact, the original mission rewards of the Battle of the Principality were: a random weapon, a random high-grade holy-grade equipment, a random high-grade holy-grade martial art, a random high-grade holy-grade body skill, and random special items One piece, 50 million holy spirit pills, with a holy value of 50 million points.

These things may seem like a lot, but their value is not as much as what Tang Yi is getting now.

After all, the holy value alone is thousands of miles apart.

The original holy value reward was only 50 million points, but now, it is one billion!

The original Holy Spirit Pills were only 50 million, but now, there are 500 million!
  The original mission rewards did not have any attribute improvements, only random weapons, random Saint-level equipment, random Saint-level martial arts, and random special items each.

Compared to these things, Tang Yi actually prefers to increase attributes.

After all, no matter what kind of martial arts or equipment, these are all foreign objects, and these foreign objects can be taken away.

As for attributes, this is the foundation of Tang Yi's identity, this is his strength, these cannot be taken away.

Therefore, compared to weapons, equipment and martial arts, Tang Yi prefers attributes.

The value of attributes is also greater than weapons, equipment and martial skills.

After briefly checking the harvest and changing his movement skills, Tang Yi immediately left the Zijin Square and headed towards the Zijin Treasure Hall.

The Purple Gold Treasure Hall is not difficult to find. You can find it after asking the guards for a while.

When Tang Yi arrived at the Zijin Treasure Hall, due to his previous delay, the other nine top ten principality teams had already arrived. Even the Kamikaze team stood waiting in the Zijin Treasure Hall.

In the main hall, when they saw Tang Yi arriving, the warriors from the major principalities' teams, except for the kamikaze warriors, all showed vigilance and took a step back in unison, seeming to be a little afraid of Tang Yi.

But Zijin King Zi Wuji ignored the warriors of the principality. When he saw Tang Yi, he suddenly showed joy, stood up hurriedly, and greeted Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, you are here, come on, come in quickly."

He looked neither unenthusiastic nor unhappy.

On the side, Shui Tianwu, the king of Tianshui Kingdom, was also there. When he saw Tang Yi, he also showed a bright smile.

Although everyone present had been waiting for tens of minutes just now because they were waiting for Tang Yi, the two princes Zi Wuji and Shui Tianwu didn't care at all.

Tang Yi walked into the Zijin Treasure Hall, raised his hands towards Zi Wuji and Shui Tianwu and said, "Shenfeng Tang Yi, I have met the Lord Zijin and Lord Tianshui."

"No gift."

Zi Wuji waved his hand. Shui Tianwu also smiled at Tang Yi and said, "Tang Yi, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

"I have kept the two royal masters waiting for a long time." Tang Yi said apologetically.

"Wait soon, wait soon."

Zi Wuji immediately said: "If you wait for others, if you wait for one second, it will be a long wait. But for some people, no matter how long they wait, it will not be a long wait. Just like you, Tang Yi."

Hearing Zi Wuji's words, the warriors from the principality present were slightly startled, and suddenly showed envious expressions.

When have they ever received such treatment from the Purple Gold King?
  When will Lord Zijin say that no matter how long the wait is, it will not be a long time?

there has never been!

Only Tang Yi received such an honor.

It's impossible not to be jealous.

But what is the use of jealousy?

Tang Yi is favored by Prince Zijin and can make the princes wait. That is Tang Yi's ability. No matter how jealous or envious they are, it will not help.

I can't envy this kind of thing at all.

"Thank you for your attention, Your Majesty. It is really a blessing for Tang Yi to be so valued by Your Majesty." Tang Yi said modestly.

"What are you talking about? Actually..."

Zi Wuji wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Shui Tianwu on the side.

I saw Shui Tianwu saying: "Okay, let's finish the business first and then talk."

"That's right, let's finish the business first."

Zi Wuji was stunned, then waved his hand and ordered: "Bring the reward up."

Hearing this, several Zijin guards retreated, and after a moment, these guards brought up the rewards.

It's nothing more than some weapons, equipment, martial arts and other items.

Tang Yi had no interest in this.

Therefore, when Zi Wuji handed out the rewards, Tang Yi didn't even look at them. Feng Jiarong and other kamikaze warriors went to receive them themselves.

After a while, the rewards were distributed, and after each principality team received the rewards that the top ten principalities should receive, Zi Wuji suddenly spoke again: "Okay, now that the rewards have been distributed, the resources of your top ten principalities will be distributed according to their rankings. , you can leave now."

On the side, Shui Tianwu added: "The other principality teams should leave first, while Tang Yi stays."

Hearing this, the warriors from the major principalities' teams bowed their hands towards the two royal lords, and then retreated.

The Kamikaze warriors also glanced at Tang Yi, and then followed the others out of the Purple Gold Treasure Hall.

The top ten principality teams just left.

In the entire hall, only Zijin King Zi Wuji, Tianshui King Shui Tianwu and Tang Yi were left.

When the top ten principality teams saw the two royal masters, they didn't even say a word. They received their rewards and left in such a hurry. I have to say that it was extremely sad.

Of course, compared to other principality teams, these top ten teams were pretty good. At least they came to the Purple Gold Treasure Palace, and at least they met the two royal lords up close.

(End of this chapter)

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