Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2032 The items Zi Wuji took out

Chapter 2032 The items Zi Wuji took out
  When all the warriors from the top ten principalities teams left the Zijin Treasure Palace, Tang Yi immediately raised his hands and asked Zi Wuji and Shui Tianwu: "I wonder what the royal masters are doing here?"

"It's true that something happened, but we'll talk about it later. Tang Yi, I just saw that you didn't seem to be interested in the reward. Did the reward just now not suit you? Or was it not generous enough?" Zi Wuji asked.

Hearing this, Tang Yi didn't want to deal with Zi Wuji, and said bluntly: "It's really not suitable for me."


Zi Wuji nodded and said: "With your strength, Tang Yi, ordinary items are indeed in your eyes."

After saying this, Zi Wuji clapped his hands toward the outside of the hall, and then five guards carried a tray and walked quickly into the hall, standing in a row in the center of the hall.

These five trays were all covered with black cloth, so you couldn't see what was inside.

However, although he couldn't see it, Tang Yi could feel the pure energy overflowing from it.

Seeing these five guards, Tang Yi was slightly startled, not understanding what Zi Wuji was trying to do.

However, at this time, Zi Wuji looked at Tang Yi with a smile on his face and said, "Tang Yi, what do you think of these."

With that said, Zi Wuji gestured towards the five guards.

After receiving the signal, the five guards immediately lifted the black cloth on the tray.


The black cloth was lifted, revealing the contents on the tray.

On the first tray was a gem shining with emerald green light. From this gem, Tang Yi felt the powerful breath of life.

If you close your eyes and don't look with your eyes, but just feel it, it will seem as if what is lying on the tray in front of you is not a gem, but a monster with strong vitality.

This is a very rare gem!

Tang Yi made a judgment in an instant!

On the second tray was a dark dagger, with a red filament hanging from the end of the dagger. The filament was blood red and looked very strange.

And from this black dagger, Tang Yi also felt a unique aura!

This dagger is also very impressive!

On the third tray, there seemed to be a stone, the size of a fist.

The stones on this tray were the most ordinary, and Tang Yi didn't feel any breath on them.

On the fourth tray, there is a booklet with the words "Suiyan Jue" written on it. It seems to be a book about martial arts or exercises?

The last tray is a pair of scissors.

That's right, scissors.

It's just the kind of scissors you usually see, ordinary and without any highlights.

The only difference is that this pair of scissors is larger than ordinary scissors, almost half a meter in length.

Tang Yi also didn't feel any aura from this pair of scissors, as if the larger pair of scissors in front of him were just ordinary large scissors.

After scanning them all, Tang Yi immediately placed the Sky Eye Technique on the first tray.

Suddenly, Tang Yi got the information about the emerald green gem on the first tray in his mind.

[Stone of Life]: Special items, special materials.

Special attributes: After use, it can heal 100% of injuries and add healing effects. With the blessing of healing effects, it can restore 90% of blood volume per second for 60 seconds.

Cooling time: 60 minutes.

(Tip: The user can restore his or her own blood volume, or the blood volume of others, and can be used on multiple targets at the same time within a certain range)

Material properties: This item can be used for forging or inlaying. Weapons or armors forged or inlaid with this item can retain the healing effect of life gems, and depending on the level of the forged item, the properties will be strengthened to a corresponding extent.

…    …

Just as Tang Yi expected, this emerald green gem is a very rare gem!

This is almost the same as the time gem Tang Yi obtained before!
  It’s just that the life gem in front of you has a healing effect, while the time gem controls time!

The attributes of the two are different, but the type should be the same, they are both gems of the same level!

This gem is great!
  The moment he saw the properties of the life gem, Tang Yi's heart became hot and he wanted to take it for himself.

If he gets this life gem and the time gem, Tang Yi will have two of this type of gem.

After building the equipment, Tang Yi can inlay the time gem and the life gem together on the equipment.

By then, this piece of equipment inlaid with time gems and life gems will definitely be unparalleledly powerful!
  Thinking about it, Tang Yi felt extremely excited.

Therefore, the moment Tang Yi saw the Life Gem, he had the idea of ​​taking it for himself.

Of course, Tang Yi is not in a hurry now.

Because according to Zi Wuji's previous words, this gem is likely to be used as a reward.

The object of the reward is naturally self-evident.

Therefore, Tang Yi did not rush to get the gem, but turned his attention to the items on the second tray.

It was the dark dagger with a ribbon tied to its tail.

[Qingjue Sword]: Weapon of unknown level. (Ultra-remote controllable weapon)
  Attributes:? ? ?

Attack special effects:? ? ?
  Additional martial arts:? ? ?

"This dagger is actually a weapon of unknown level! In other words, it exceeds the high-grade Holy Heaven level!"

Tang Yi was slightly stunned.

He really didn't expect that Lord Zijin could actually come up with items that surpassed the high-grade Holy Heaven level!
  Moreover, in addition to being of high grade, this dagger is probably also very unusual.

Because there is a row of small words next to the unknown level, super remote controllable weapons!
  This is the first time Tang Yi has seen such a description!

And literally, this dagger should be a long-range weapon?

Moreover, is it the kind that can be controlled?

Tang Yi couldn't imagine how a dagger could carry out long-range attacks and how it could be controlled.

Of course, with Tang Yi's current strength, he could actually control items remotely.

All items can be controlled remotely.

Even if it's a mountain, he can make it fly in the air.


The attack power will definitely be greatly reduced.

The controls aren't that easy either.

Therefore, Tang Yi was very curious as to what kind of ultra-long-range method and controllable method this dagger, which was claimed to be an ultra-long-range controllable weapon, was.

Of course, out of curiosity, due to Tang Yi's insufficient level, he couldn't see the properties of this dagger at all.

Therefore, even if Tang Yi is itching in his heart and has millions of curiosity, he can only suppress it temporarily.

Continue to look at the items on the third tray.

Tang Yi used his celestial eye technique to throw the unknown stone on the third tray.

(End of this chapter)

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