Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2034 The Road to Empire, 2 requirements.

Chapter 2034 The road to empire, two requirements.

Of course, that's what he said, but in fact Zi Wuji already knew Tang Yi's reaction through Tang Yi's expression.

Tang Yi's eyes lit up, what else could it be if it wasn't love.

If you don't like it, why would you show interest? Why are the eyes glowing?
  Why are you staring at these items all the time?
  Therefore, despite what he said, in fact Zi Wuji already knew the joy in Tang Yi's heart.

Seeing that Tang Yi was very interested in the reward he presented, Zi Wuji was also very happy.

This means that inviting Tang Yi to participate in the Imperial Road is very promising.

"These items are all rare treasures, and I naturally like them. However, I think the Royal Lord will not give me these things for no reason. Does the Royal Lord have any requirements?" Tang Yi asked directly .

"Tang Yi is Tang Yi, he is really smart."

Zi Wuji smiled slightly, and said directly without any hesitation: "We won't hide it from you, we do have something to ask for. Of course, whether you agree or not, we will reward you with these things."

"Oh? Your Majesty, can I know what it is first? If it is something that goes against my principles and I am not willing to do it, no matter how good the rewards are or how precious the things are, I will not do it."

Tang Yi directly stated his bottom line.

"Don't worry, Tang Yi. It's not something that goes against the principles, and it's very simple for you." Zi Wuji said.

"Very simple?" Tang Yi looked at Zi Wuji and said.


Zi Wuji nodded and continued: "With your strength, Tang Yi, it is indeed very simple for you. Okay, I won't procrastinate anymore, I'll just tell you, I want you to take over We, the Purple and Gold Kingdom, are going to participate in the Imperial Road.”

"Road to the Empire? What is this?"

Tang Yi said doubtfully.

"The Road to the Empire is actually a test for the major kingdoms and a competition between the kingdoms. It is similar to the Battle of the Principalities, except that the Battle of the Principalities is a competition between principalities, while the Road to the Empire is a competition between the kingdoms. competition between them.”

"And the difference is that the Battle of the Principality is a group battle and requires ten members to fight, while the Road to the Empire is an individual battle. Each kingdom can only have three places, and can only send three members to fight as individuals. participate.

In addition, another difference is that the battle in the principality is about collective hunting of monsters, but the road to the empire is not. The road to empire requires entering the secret realm to find resources. "

Zi Wuji introduced.

"Personal battle? Entering the secret realm to find resources?" Tang Yi was surprised.


Zi Wuji nodded and continued to introduce: "Our Zijin Kingdom belongs to the Mengyue Empire, and the Mengyue Empire has a total of one hundred and eight kingdoms. Every year, the Mengyue Empire will hold the Road to the Empire, allowing all kingdoms to send players Get involved.

The rules of the Road to Empire are quite simple, that is, look for resources, and whatever you find is what you find. Like the war between principalities, the comparison is the strength of the principalities. The stronger the strength, the more resources can be allocated. But the road to the empire is different. Resources are not allocated by the Mengyue Empire, but need to be fought for and found by the kingdom itself. You get as much as you find. Of course, the premise is to be able to preserve resources and lead the way to the empire.

The ranking of the Road to Empire is based on the number of resources obtained. The resources in the secret realm are quite precious to our kingdom and are extremely important to all our kingdoms. The more we can find, the better, so Tang Yi..."

When Zi Wuji said this, he suddenly looked up at Tang Yi, his eyes full of sincerity, and continued: "So Tang Yi, I hope you will represent our Zijin to participate in the Imperial Road and win more resources for our Zijin!"

"The road to empire? Capturing resources? It sounds interesting." Tang Yi smiled slightly and showed interest, but he did not agree immediately.

Seeing that Tang Yi did not agree, Zi Wuji thought that Tang Yi was hesitant, and immediately continued: "In the battle of the principality, as long as you have the strength to hunt a large number of monsters, you can get the first place. However, in addition to strength, the road to the empire is also It also requires some luck and wisdom. After all, finding resources is not just something you can do with strength. As for Tang Yi, you have both strength and wisdom. I very much hope that you can participate in our Zijin place."

After hearing the words of Lord Zijin, Tang Yi still did not answer immediately, but was waiting for something.

As for what to wait for...

What else could it be?
  Of course it’s a mission!

Generally speaking, at times like this, you will definitely receive a mission.

This is the case for the county-state competition, and the same is true for the battle between the principalities, so Tang Yi feels that the road to the empire must be the same!

As expected by Tang Yi, after Zi Wuji finished speaking, about ten seconds later, Tang Yi received a system prompt in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving the 'Road to Empire' mission."

"Task reward: unknown."

"Mission punishment: the level drops back to God of War, and all weapons, equipment, and martial arts are recovered."


Seeing the expected prompt, Tang Yi finally smiled.

Although the punishment of this mission was more serious than the last time, Tang Yi did not take the punishment of the mission seriously at all, because in Tang Yi's mind, this mission would not fail at all.

Therefore, Tang Yi was very happy after receiving the task.

At the same time, he smiled slightly and said to Zi Wuji: "Thank you, Lord, for your compliment. I am willing to represent Zijin in the Imperial Road."

"Really?" Zi Wuji was surprised.


Tang Yi nodded and said: "After all, I am a citizen of Zijin, so I should naturally contribute to Zijin. However, I have two requests."

"Oh? What's the request? Tang Yi, just say it! Don't mention two requests, even ten requests, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it for you." Zi Wuji promised.

"My request is very simple. I still have several brothers and sisters in the Kamikaze Kingdom, as well as a fiancée. I hope that you, the Royal Lord, can take them to the Purple Gold Palace and take good care of them." Tang Yi demanded.

"It's simple. I will send someone to pick them up tomorrow and place them in the palace. They will be taken care of with the highest level of treatment."

Zi Wuji readily agreed, and then said, "There's more."

Tang Yi nodded and continued: "There is one more request. I will only take away three of the five items in front of me. Suiyan Jue and the scissors weapon. I hope you can help me with the ones that were handed over to me. Several brothers and sisters and fiancées.”

Hearing this, Zi Wuji breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Tang Yi, I thought you were going to make a difficult request, but I didn't expect it to be just these two requests. No problem, I know the Suiyan Jue and the scissor weapon. Give it to your brothers, sisters and fiancée as well, it’s all mine.”

(End of this chapter)

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