Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2035 The Proud Purple Gold King

Chapter 2035 The Proud Purple Gold King

"Yes. As long as the Royal Lord can fulfill these two requirements of mine, I will definitely take Zijin's place in the Imperial Road, and I will achieve the best results and get the most resources in the Imperial Road."

Tang Yi assured.

"With your words, Tang Yi, I'll be relieved."

Zi Wuji said happily.

But at this time, he seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Tang Yi and said, "No, Tang Yi, I will send someone to pick up your brothers, sisters and fiancée tomorrow. Maybe it won't take long to reach the Purple Gold Palace. Suiyan Jue and scissor weapons, Tang Yi, why don't you give them to your brothers, sisters and fiancée yourself? Could it be that... Tang Yi, you want to leave? "


Tang Yi nodded and said, "I may have to leave for a while to do some things."

"How long? The Road to the Empire is on the sixth day of the next month. In other words, the Road to the Empire is less than two months away."

After a pause, Zi Wuji said: "Tang Yi, are those things important? Do they have to be resolved during this period? Can't we wait until the road to the empire is over?"

"Two months? That should be enough. I will arrive at the capital of the Mengyue Empire within two months. When the time comes, the King will send someone to pick me up."

Tang Yi said: "My Lord, please rest assured that I will not delay the Imperial Road. Since I have agreed to the Imperial Road, I will definitely participate in the Imperial Road and help Zijin obtain a large amount of resources."

"Okay then, Tang Yi, please pay attention to your safety and leave early and come back early." Zi Wuji could only compromise. After all, Tang Yi had said so, and he couldn't ask for anything more.

At this time, Shui Tianwu, the Lord of Tianshui King who had been silent until now, finally spoke: "Are you done talking? After talking, is it time to talk about my affairs?"


Zi Wuji suddenly came over and said sarcastically: "I'm done talking, Lao Shui, it's your turn."

Shui Tianwu glanced at Zi Wuji angrily, then turned to Tang Yi, and his expression changed again, becoming extremely kind.

He looked kindly at Tang Yi and said, "Tang Yi, can you please take care of our Tianshui Kingdom on the way to the empire?"

On the side, the Lord of the Zijin King Zi Wuji also spoke up: "Of these treasures, three of them were taken out by Tianshui and the others. Moreover, Tianshui has been on good terms with our Zijin for generations. I hope that Tang Yi can also attract you on the road to the empire." Hit them."

Hearing this, Tang Yi said happily: "This is natural. Since the two royal lords have asked me to do it, I have no reason to refuse. Let the dancers from Tianshui follow me. I will give them a hand. "

"With your words, Tang Yi, I feel relieved. I will tell them when I get back and ask them to find you when the time comes. And they will obey your instructions, Tang Yi."

Shui Tianwu said happily.

Zi Wuji was also happy for Shui Tianwu, with a bright smile on his face.

Tang Yi cupped his hands and said: "If there is nothing wrong with the two royal masters, I will leave first. I will come back when the road to the empire opens."

"You're leaving so soon? Don't you want to stay for two more days? Don't you want to take a tour of the Zijin Capital? I can send someone to take Tang Yi to visit the Zijin Capital." Zi Wuji said in surprise.

Shui Tianwu on the side also said: "Yes, there is no need to be so anxious,"

Tang Yi shook his head and said, "Thank you, Lord, but time is precious and I don't have that much time to wander around."

"It seems that Tang Yi is a very diligent person. Okay, since this is the case, I won't force it, so I wish you immediate success, Tang Yi, and go back early." Zi Wuji said. After all, Tang Yi said so, what else could he say? Is it possible to force Tang Yi to stay?

"Then please ask the Royal Lord to fetch my brothers, sisters and fiancée, and then hand over Suiyan Jue and Shenjian to them." Tang Yi said.

"No problem." Zi Wuji nodded in agreement.

With a flick of his hand, Tang Yi put away the Qing Jue Sword, the Life Gem and the Star Meteor Divine Iron, and then handed over to Zi Wuji and Shui Tianwu again, and left the Zijin Treasure Hall. Looking at Tang Yi's back, Zi Wuji asked Shui Tianwu: "Old Shui, do you think this matter is stable? Can Tang Yi help us Zijin and you Tianshui harvest more resources?"

"What? Don't you have confidence in Tang Yi?" Shui Tianwu asked with a smile.

"Of course not, I just..." Zi Wuji hesitated to speak.

"Are you afraid that Tang Yi made a mistake and didn't go to the Imperial Road?"

Shui Tianwu saw through Zi Wuji at a glance and said: "Don't worry, Tang Yi is not that kind of person. He is the kind of person who keeps his word. Since he agreed to represent your Zijin to participate in the Imperial Road, then he will definitely Participating, you don’t need to worry about this, Lao Zi, I am not good at anything else, but I am still very accurate in judging people, and I have never misjudged people.”

"Do you really think so?" Zi Wuji asked.

"Of course."

Shui Tianwu said.

"Okay, actually I feel the same way. The reason why I ask you is just to confirm what I think in my heart." Zi Wuji said.

"There is no need to worry about this. I have also read Tang Yi's information. He was born in Tianwu County and participated in the County Competition on behalf of Tianwu County. Now he has participated in the battle between the principalities on behalf of Kamikaze County. This shows what a person he is. A man of loyalty. So now that we have agreed to participate in the Imperial Road, I think we will definitely participate."

Shui Tianwu said.

"Okay." Zi Wuji nodded.

At this time, Shui Tianwu said: "Actually, what makes me more curious is how far Tang Yi's strength has reached? I think his strength has reached a level that I can't understand. He is very powerful."

"Are you really curious?" Zi Wuji smiled at this time.

"Of course, aren't you curious? Aren't you curious about how strong the warriors in your kingdom are?" Shui Tianwu asked. He looked at Zi Wuji as if he were a fool.

"Since we are curious, let's just ask." Zi Wuji said with a smile.

"Ask? Who? Ask Tang Yi? Why didn't you ask when he was here just now? And even if you asked, would Tang Yi tell? Who would tell his own details?" Shui Tianwu said.

"Of course I'm not asking Tang Yi."

Zi Wuji said.

"Then who do we ask?"

Shui Tianwu said in confusion.

"Ask the warriors of Kamikaze Principality. You can't ask Tang Yi, you can always ask the warriors of Kamikaze, right? I just said hello, and the leader of Kamikaze, Feng Jiarong, will come over and explain the situation in a moment." Zi Wuji said .

"Have you made arrangements early in the morning?"

Shui Tianwu was surprised.

"Of course." Zi Wuji said proudly.

"Okay, Lao Zi, I didn't expect you to be really capable." Shui Tianwu boasted.

"No, let's not see who it is." Zi Wuji was very proud.

While the two were talking, a figure came to the Zijin Treasure Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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